Browse Vernacular - English



ita'ita~lauVinlooking (to be)Waihin wa, ya ita'ita-lau, ya ita, na nuwa-boyana:The woman looked at it. She looked and thought:
ita'ita~watanVtrwatching after (to be)
ita'ita~watanidiVtrwatching over them (to be)
ita'ita~ʼasi'asiVinlook around (to)Mose ya ita'ita~ʼasi'asi, be hige sai la'i i ita,Moses looked all around, andhe didn't see anyone,
ita'itadigerappearance (their)Inindi mate sa bigabiga na ita'itadi mate sa yogeyoge.The coconut sprouts are soft and their appearance is yellow.Attested forms: 1p(excl): itaitamai; 3s ita'itana; 3p: ita'itadi.
ita'itaiVtrbe looking after her
ita'itaidiVtrlooking at them, to be
ita'italauVinlook across, to
ita'itamanappearance, our.exclIta'itama doha hige ema somoOur.excl appearance is like we don't have anything/LIT don't have what.Spelling: is this {ita'itama} or {ita'itamai}?
ita'itamaiger1looks (ours.excl)Ita'itamai sa loholoho wananaha. ‎Our appearance is very nice.2appearance (our.excl)
ita'itanagerappearance, its
itamaiVtrsee us.excl, to
itawaVtrlook at it (to)???
itawatanlook after something (to)
itaꞌita~hasaVinbe looking up (to be)Ya itaꞌita~hasa galewa na ya lauꞌuꞌulaidi.He looked up into the sky and he prayed for them.
ite11DEMthisov. synitete 1kwalau aumate 9ne 1ni 22DEMthese; these (close to speaker)Ite wawaya te edi luma, e hige'e? Sa laoma be eda luma sa famohafudi te?Do these guys have houses or not? They come and fill our houses here?3DEMthis (immediately referred to)Ite ginauli fati te, iti dodoga mahudo'idi sa anfa'ofidi.As for these four creatures, they they ate up all of the people.4DEMlike this (comparative)Mate egu fawasabu dedena doha ite.With that, the story of my being afraid was like this.5advhereMagesubu, yau am taumoho logegu, ite. Um somo yai?Eagle, I am your enemy, right here. Where are you?6DEMthey say7DEMthis one8DEMhere
ite2QIthey say
ite - teDEMtheseIte ginauli fati te, iti dodoga mahudo'idi sa anfa'ofidi.As for these four creatures, they they ate up all of the people.Na ite Sabati te hinaga, ena ea siuhwalo haba ӥ lau Wagawaga, ӥ lau-ԵԵla.But this Sunday, if it the weather is dry, we will go to Wagawaga for church.
itebomBBti go1BNti wane1DAti go1SUti ene1QI1they say2say, they3they saidYo fede, waihin wa ya gayo ya fuyo eee--, gelegele yai. Sa yoga fuyo lisina, Itebom,And so the woman [waded] back across, until she reached the beach. And they called back to her, and said,Sa fati'o, "Ma!" itebom, "Oyagi sa talaimiu e hige?" Ayawa, "Hige'e."They questioned us and said, Here now! Did the trees hit you or not." We said, "They didn't."ov. synediba 2unspec. var. ofe2itewamitiyen 3tiyen 14said, they
ItebomQIthey say
itenQI1they say2say (they)tatau sa falibadi iten, "Nuwana haba moni 60,000.00 ӥ felemiu."they spoke tyo the people and they said, "They may give you 60,000 (Kina)."
iteteadv1hereov. synau3 2ite1 1itete 5kwalau auneee--te1 1te2te2te2te22this3immediately referred to topic)4this or these (nearby object)Tinagu, Magesubu wa libalibaen wa, itete?My mother, is this the Eagle you were talking about?Lahai esega iye, "Itete nuwana hige afahaidagu, pa'ana hige mabedi."One day she said, "Perhaps these are not my companions, becaus ethey don't have wings."5this or these (immediately referred to topic)Nanatugu egu gaimumu itete bena ami ata'atahi komakomani.My children, you should listen carefully to this, my advice.antkwalau au-mate 2ne'i 2ov. synitete 1te2
itewamQIthey sayov. synediba 2unspec. var. ofe2itebom 3itiyen 3tiyen 1See also {itiwam} "they say."
iti1protheyIte ginauli fati te, iti dodoga mahudo'idi sa anfa'ofidi.As for these four creatures, they they ate up all of the people.Adeli! Wonu ibe agu E an, pa'ana iti sa amna!Oh, if I might eat my turtle, because they are tasty!ov. synin1 2unspec. var. offede inum 1umi 1yau1 1yau1 62prothemov. synumi 1yau1 13persthey4persthem