Buhutu - English



aba sikesikeleNP1scalesTau awaina mate aba sikesikele ya abi'abin nimana yai.As for the rider, he held some scales (thing for weighing) in his hand.2thing for weighing
aba sumanaNomz1place where one covers s.th.2something used to cover s.th.Guyuwa ana gwayali; haba ainiya ena aba sumana.The mat for Octopus; there, then his place of covering.Yo Yesu matana aba sumana hinaga ya ita, nounouna, na ya ota'ota hudo'i.And he also saw the cloth with which Jesus' head was wrapped, rolled up, and it rested in a separate place.3thing for wrapping
aba susu laugerplace of forming and growing
aba talutalu1landing place2airstrip3place where planes landE lau pelein edi aba talutalu yai, be egu ticket E famaisa.I went to the place where the planes land to buy my ticket.
aba tegategan1cake making place 2ovenNa haba sa gabudi edi aba tegatega yai.And they will bake/roast them in their oven [cake making place]See also ENG "oven."
aba tigatigaNP1where one goes walkabout2walkabout locationTau Kopikopi wa, ya laoma ena aba tigatiga yai ya mahanoma,Tau Kopikopi came to the place where he was going walkabout, and he arrived.
aba tohager1catching placeYa ofi mate sa fapaisowa edi bebedula be suwana edi aba antohawhen it is finished they use it as their pig net, so that it becomes their place to catch wild pigs2place for catching
aba toledin1place for putting things2designated location for putting things
aba tolenaunspec. comp. form ofaba1toleaba1
aba tubu nu'udinplace where a community began
aba tutu fapatuNP1place where one is fastened by nailing2cross3crossFulugam u abi, be ai aba tutu fapatum ni, u tulu be'um!Use your strength and come down off from that place where they nailed you.ov. synkolosi1sataulo
aba tutu~fapatunaNP1thing for crucifyingSailin dogana hesa sa lobahi, hesana Saimon. Sa bayahoi, be Yesu ena aba tutu~fapatuna ya bahei.They found a man from Cyrene named Simon and forced him to carry Jesus' cross (lit: thing for fastening by pounding).2crossLIT: "instrument or thing for fastening by pounding" which has come to mean "cross." See also{aba tutu fapatu}.
aba ulidin1writing place2place where one writes3desk
aba uli'uliNP1painting instruments2writing instruments3written manuscript (a)4something that is written upon5place of writing6scroll (in scripture references)Na edi aba uli'uli mate: ba'ola, sabi, afuli. Sa fa'asidi be sa ulidi.And their things for painting were:black pigment, red pigment,and lime [white]. They mix them, and paint them.Yesu aba uli'uli wa ya nou fuyoi, na ya fele lawen aba oigogo tau paisowadi lisidi yai,Jesus rolled the scroll back up, and he gave it to the workman at the synagogue (meeting place).
aba uliꞌuliNPwriting device; something to write upon
aba yahiyahinaPP1water containerIsalaela dodogadi adi ho'owa mate mahina aba yahiyahina yai sa au na sa fadalolo lidiyen ulu ya lofa ya lidi lisina yai, be adi ho'owa sa oi.The people of Israel tied their water bucket on a rope and lowered it a long way down to hit the water.2bucket (for dipping water)3thing for dipping water
aba yedelidin1place for dipping (water)2dipper3instrument for dipping water
aba~aunaNPthing for tyingIn moho, aba~auna haba ya dalu~motudiBut he would break the things for tying him.
Aba~BaꞌisaNP1place of rulingHabahim ya duidi sa lau be Yaubada ena Aba~Baꞌisa sa wasawasaꞌen yo tau~asiyebo sa faloholohodi. \Then he sent them to go and tell the report about God's place of ruling [Kingdom] and to heal sick people2kingdom of God
aba~buluhinaNPplace of blocking offbena mwahuli oyagina eda'edana aba~buluhina.It might be the way of blocking off the way to the tree of life.
aba~bwa'i~gesiNPexcuseLisina yai hige edi aba bwa'i~gesi hesa bena Yaubada hige ti sibai. For this reason, there is no excuse/ place of stepping(?) why they might not know God.Compare {aba~bwa'i} "place for stepping."
aba~dailinaNPplace of separating, place of divisionHo'owa aba~dailina i taumahata, be ho'owa i daili~luwagai.The place of dividing the water appeared, and so he divided the water in two parts.
Aba~Fadebasae Gwa'unaNPTabernacle, Place of Worhip Sheltersa lau Aba~Fadebasae Gwa'una luhuluhu launa yaiThey went to the entrance of the Tabernacle (place of Worship Shelter)