Buhutu - English



dageloVinlame (to be)na taumoho hesa nima tefa sibana ya dagelo mate, amainiya.But a man whose right hand was lame was there.
dagiVObjIncbackNa pampe'o wa E hiufahi...yo fede, salai wa E lubi-dagi.I knocked the ladder down, and hit the pig on the back.
dagi kiukiuIDIOMlower position, havingInmoho bena doga ena dagi kiukiu, ma'emiu ami falau~esegahimiu. But if another person might have a lower position (Lit. a small back), you should join together with him/her.
dagidagitiliunspec. var.dagitiliVinmaking a grass skirt (to be)
dagiladinbacks (their)Be donki ma natuna gubugubufwauna sa ledima, yo edi leli sa hesedi dagiladi yai And then they brought the donkey with her young colt and they spread their garments on their backs.Compare (taulidi} "their backs."
dagilaguBHtauligu2SUbigagunback (my)
dagitiliunspec. var. ofdagidagitili
dago1Vinjump (to)Yo fede, E dago, E tuba~bwa'ibwa'i, na hidagu muli yai ya laolaoma.So then, I jumped and started swimming first, and my friend came behind me.2Vinleap (to)3Vtrjump over him, tolautafo dagodagodago lidicomp.Vinjump down, toLahuna ena aba ta'ata'ai yai ya dago lidi ume'ehu galina yai, yo fede ya tauyamuhi.From where she was sitting, his wife jumped down into a hole in the stone and then she disappeared.dagodagounspec. comp. formVinjumping (to be)Tabu ai gaimumu na au dagodago. Mate ibege au sibasiba.Don't be "jumping" when we give you advice. If you do that you won't know anything.kaikaidago2unspec. comp. formVinjumping (to be)Fwalufwalu ...mate, fuya ou'ouli ya kaikaidago.Frogs...are always jumping.ov. syndago hiti 1pitopito 1pitopito 3
dago-Vin > VinpfxRDP{dagodago}
dago hasaVin1leap up (to)2jump up (to)"Gasele" sa laulautafo yo sa dago hasa ai hewa. Gazelles run and they jump up high.
dago hasa fuyoVinjump up again (to)
dago hasaiVtrjump over it (to)
dago hiti1leap up (to)ov. synkaikaidago2unspec. comp. form ofdagopitopito 1pitopito 32leap up (to)
dago kaputokona1jump ??2??
dago lauVin1jump across (to)Yo fede taumoho wa ya yoga hasa, iye, “Haba wa dago lau ai somo?”"And so the man called up there and said, To where will you jump?"2jump over (to)3jump on (to)4go by jumping (to)Ya dago lau haufata ofi'ofina yai ya abi lidi alahiya luwaga wa ya abidi.He jumped and went to the last platform, and he reached down and grabbed the tweo spears.Ya hoba lidi tanohi yai na, bena ya dago lau Diyon tamana ai hewana.He crouched down on the ground so that he could jump on top of John's father.
dago~be'u1Vinjump and fall (to)2fall while jumping (to)
dago~bwa'ibwa'iVinjump first (to)Felon ya dago~bwa'ibwa'i, be ya fuyo luma.Felon jumped off first and went to the house.
dago~hasaVin1jump up (to)Na ya dago~hasa mate, haufata wa ya eli lopalopa.But when he jumped up, then the platform fell down.Hwalahwalala ya finahe hasa, Yahuyahuna Tu'ana yai. Ya dago hasa haufata hewana yai. In the morning he climbed up Yahuyahuna Mountain. He jumped up on top of (one of the) platforms.So'u wa ya dago~hasa fote yai, be hidana wananaha ya lobahi.The frog jumped up onto the shore, and joined his true companions.2leap up (to)
dago~itiVinjump up (to)I gegela i lau eee--, edi luma yai. I dago~iti, i sasae. Wagabena yai i alasimo.He ran away and went on to their house. He jumped up and ascended. He hid himself on a shelf.see {dago hiti}.
dago~lidijump down (to)Abu'awa wa ya dago lidi tanohi yai.The tree kangaroo jumped down to the ground.Ibwau mate in mulimulitana. Ya lau eee--, ma alubabadana ya dago lidi waga yai.Rat was last. He went and made a mighty leap and jumped down into the boat.Spelling: {dago lidi} or with thin space marker {dago~lidi}.
dagodagounspec. comp. form ofdago
dagoiVtrjump over him (to)
dagoiguVtrjump over me (to)pronouciation: [dagoigu] or [dago'igu]?