Buhutu - English



fafananemptyLuma fafana te, gogoina E tausi'ololoI am tired of living in an empty house.Yau E loholoho na ganahewana yai in fafana, mate ibona ya bwala~fuyoi. I am good, but inside he is empty, then he is deceiving himself.mohafu - fafanafull - emptyA clipped form, compare {afa'afana} "empty."
fafanahi1ger1weddingFafanahi ganahewana yai na taumana ami sibai bena ibege ti kalahe?During the marriage, but you know that the guests, mightn't they eat?2marriage
fafanahi2Vtr1getting married (to be)Dodoga sa kalakalahe, sa nomnom yo sa fafanahi ya laoma be–, Nowa ya awa~hiti waga laꞌilaꞌi yai. People were eating and drinking and having weddings until--, Noah went aboard the big boat.2weddings (to be having)
fafanahi ba'unaNPwedding celebrationWawahin faligigi sonosonogadi fafakelesindi ma’edi sa lau fafanahi ba'una yai.The five clever women, having kerosene, went to the wedding celebration.SPELLING: with or without glottal stop? {bauna} or {ba'una}
fafanahi lelinaunspec. var.leliNP1wedding garmentBaꞌisa ya lau, be ana taumana wa ya itadi, hudoꞌi mate fafanahi lelina hige i liꞌo. The big man (king) went and saw his guests, and one of them was not wearing a wedding garment.2clothes for a wedding
fafanahi mataꞌasinaNPmarriage feastGonogonowana doha fayofayo tau abidi sowasowalidi edi baꞌisa ya lau fafanahi mataꞌasina yai, na sa bagi~watan. In the same manner as with ready-to-go servants, their big man goes to the wedding feast, and they wait for him.
fafanuwaVindesiring (to be)
fafanuwa hitinidaVtrwelcoming us.incl (to be)
fafanuwa hitinigugerremembrance of me
fafanuwa~hiti'iVtr1celebrate (to)Fwalawa Fafayisti~Gesana Mata'asina bena ami fafanuwa~hiti'i, pa'ana lahaina ami boga Idipi yai E foya~fahidi.You should celebrate the feast of flour without yeast, because on that day I lead your family out of Egypt.2commemorate (to)Eda mata pa'ana bena eda Guyau Yesu Keliso ena pe'i yo ena obiyo~fuyo te fafanuwa~hiti'i. ‎Our purpose is to commemorate (celebrate) the Lord Jesus Christ in his death and resurrection.
fafanuwa~hitinidiVtrbring them to mind, remember themYena emi ai luma ami ta'ata'ai, yo eda'eda yai ami laulau, e ami laulau~eno, yo yena ami eno~obiyo, mate bena ami fafanuwa~hitinidiWhen you are sitting in your houses, and walking on the road, or when you are going ot sleep (lying down) and rising up from sleep, you should bring these things to mind (remember them).
fafa'oigogo1Vtrbringing a meeting together (to be)2meeting together
fafa'oigogo esega1meeting together as one2coming together, to be
fafa'onaVin1moving about (to be)Na hinaga fafa'ona luma ya heyaya. It's also bad to be house -hopping is bad. (i;.e, mooching off of other people)2mooching off someone else, to go around
fafa'otaVin1caused it to delay (to)O, nahalidi yai hige ya an feufeulai, na E fafa'ota. Oh, would that I had eaten him quickly before, but I was caused to wait.2caused to wait (to be)
fafapaisowanancausing of work (ones)
fafapeiVtrmaking a pile (to be)
fafapei~amo'amoIDIOMtagging along behind (to be)na Pita ibona muli yai ya fafapei~amo'amo.But Peter was tagging along behind them (IDIOM: throwing/piling honey) by himself.IDIOM: "throwing/piling honey" means somethng like "tagging along behind"
fafapili~gesana1set free from entanglement, to bePa'ana doga sai in fayofayo tau abina na fuyana yai Guyau ya yogai mate in Guyau ena doga fafapili~gesana. Because whoever is a slave and when The Lord calls him/her he or she is the Lord's person and he or she is set free (unentangled)tanohi sa une mate, ya fafapili~gesanaland which is sold is unencmbered. 2unencumbered, to be
fafasaenapartimportant Abi nonoha maihalana te fuya fafasaenaThis preparation time is an important timeGinauli fafasaena hesa Isalaela dodogadi lebedi yai, mate wawaya.An important thing for the people of Israel is children
fafasaidipartimportant, their
fafasiunager1rising (its means of)in hige fwalawa fafasiuna i libalibaen. Fedebom Falesiya yo Sadusi edi lau~faꞌata ya libalibaen. He was not talking about what makes flour rise (yeast), but what he was really talking about was the teaching of the Phrarisees and Sadducees.2yeast
fafasolaVtrmaking the passageway (to be)Habahim hato sa fafasola eee--, ya ofi komakomai.then they do the thatch in the 'saddle' area, finishing it carefully.
fafatabudipartsacredGinauli fafatabudi tabu ꞌwayowa u feledi.Don't give things which are sacred to dogs.
Fafatagugun1Brushturkey species, possibily Telegalla speciesThis is possibly Talegalla jobiensis, Red-legged Brushturkey, or talegalla fuscirostris,Yellow-legged BrushturkeyTalegalla jobiensis; talegalla fuscirostris1.6.1.2Bird2Scrubfowl species ov. syngomayada2 1Kwalauto 1Welou 1Welou 3