Buhutu - English



guna~fesasaVinsit or recline, toAna hewali hesa ya fanufanuha mate Yesu sadaina yai ya guna~fesasa.His disciple whom Jesus loved was sitting (reclining?) beside Jesus.Only occurs once in the data as of 2018-08-23, Likely means "to sit beside someone." (Possibly) to recline
guna~fesasa~fuyoVinlean over again, toYa guna~fesasa~fuyo Yesu lisina, na ya fati'oiHe leaned over again to Jesus and questioned him,Only occurs once in the data, probably means something like "to lean over again."
guna~fesasa~lauVinleaning over on, to beIn logenana fuyana anyaweyawesa yai ya guna~fesasa~lau Yesu lisina yaiHe was certainly the one who at the time of the [last] supper was leaning over onto Jesus.The individual words which are part of this compound do not occur in enough other places to be sorted out thoroughly at this time. Sept 2018.
gun'abiyemVreflxwipe themselves (to)To wipe oneself after defecating.
gunanaluVingrowl (to) Laiyon wa gwama ya ita, yo fede, ya gunanalu, “Egu tana'ai yai te, somo wa abi'abin?”The lion saw the boy and then he growled, "what are you doing here on my land?"ibege 'wayowa la'i i gunanalu.There might not even be a dog that would growl.{Gunanalu} "to growl," said of a dog or other animal.
gunnanrump (his)Tau wananaha wa kokome bwa'ibwa'ina gunna yai ya bwa'i mate mahudo'idi ya bwa'i fasagigidi. As for the real person, he stepped on the rump of the first kokome, and then he stepped on all of them, shoving them down.
gunuwalan1virgin forestEna aba miya mate tu'a yo gunuwala.Where it lives is in the deep forest.ov. syngadowanagonnagonnatu'a 42old growth forest
GurneynGurneyGurney is the main airstrip for Alotau named after a World War II defense force leader.<ENG "Gurney"
guwalincane varietyHige gonowana kuhou or wain u losi ai guwaliIt is not possible to pick figs or grapes from a cane bush.
guyalintree species{Guyali}is a tree species with broad somewhat heart-shaped leaves, that looks like "kamkwabu," but with itchy leaves.
guyaun1chiefov. synbada, egu 4ba'isa 10guyau 4hatafele 1taubada1 4taubada2SU oftaubada1taubada2SU oftaubada1taubada2SU oftaubada1taubada2SU oftaubada12big man3leader4Lordov. synguyau 1taubada2SU oftaubada1Kiriwina {guiau} "hereditary chief"
Guyaun1Lordov. synKeliso 1Yesu2Chief3SirSaimon Petelo ya liba bui, чuyau, tabu ahegu ibodi u kaisudi, na nimagu yo kulugu hinaga u kaisudi!эSimon Peter answered, "Lord, don't wash my legs only, but wash my arms and my head also!"4lordGuyau ena Fuya Laoma Lahainacomp.der.NPDay of the Lord's Return Bena haidamiu nuwadi ami liba~fa'adidilidi pa'ana Guyau ena Fuya laoma Lahaina ya hanahanauma. you should strengthen the minds of your companions (encourage them) because the Lord's day of Return is coming approaching.
Guyau ena LahaiNPLord's DayGuyau ena Lahai fuyana yai, Yaluwa Tabuna ya luhufigu, na muligu yai alina hesa la'ila'i E atahi, doha bwagigi.On the Lord's Day, the Holy Spirit entered into me, and behind me I heard a big voice, like a trumpet (conch shell).{Guyau ena Lahai} "The Lord's Day" sometimes means "Sunday" but at other times means something like "the day of his returning."
guyau waihininaNP1female chief2queenCompare {hatafele} "traditional female leader."
GuyubinGuyubiBetuela Lauyome mate in Guyubi dogana.Betuela Lauyome is a person from Guyubi.I am not certain of the exact location of this village/hamlet. Possibly in Siasiada Ward. Russ, 20189.7.2Name of a place
guyuwanoctopusBuluhagalagala, Kalitabu, Guyuwa, yo Magesubu sa wasabuwedi be sa lau afuleda.Buluhagalagala, Giant Clam, Octopus, and Eagle frightened them, and so they abandoned us.Ena gwayali, mate tinana oyagi yai ya ladi, be ya yome nonohai. Gwayalina mate, Guyuwa ana gwayali.As for his traditional mat, his mother heated it in the fire, then she prepared it by sewing. His mat now, it was Octopus's mat.
Guyuwan1Guyuwa - OctopusGuyuwa wa nimana hesa ya fakepa, na masina [kapitana] ya fapisala. Guyuwa the Octopus, extended one arm, and squirted out his inkly liquid.Guyuwa - the Octopus, is the third adversary in the tale of Buluhagalagala.2GuyuwaSee also {guyuwa} "octopus" where the word is NOT necessarily used as the anme of a character in a story.
Gwa'aunbird species (unidentified)