Buhutu - English



heti2Vtrhusk it (to){heti} is use as a verb for husking coconuts.
heti, ma'ima'i yaCLhusk a coconut (to)
hetihetiunspec. var.heti1nhusking stakeThe stake or peg for husking coconuts is called {hetiheti}. A good permanent stake is often made of a very hard palm wood called {puyuwa} "black palm." coconuts5.2.1.2Steps in food preparation
heuheulaadvquicklySuau uses {heula} and {heuheula} and these forms are often substituted for Buhutu {feula} and {feufeula}.
hewa1n1above2on top of3top ofHaba ai yauli hobahoba am paisowa; ibe hige siya u fuyo, u lau hewa.What you do is roost on the ground; you wouldn't be able to go there, and go up high.4top
hewa21Vtrput up to the top (to)ov. synbono 2bono 2fa'obiyo 2hewa2 22Vtrerect (to)Edi pape'odi mate oyagi esega sa hewa, na haba sa oi pedopedoi, be edi aba bwa'i.For their ladder they set up one log, and then they cut steps, which became the places to put their feet.ov. synbono 2hewa2 13nhigh up
hewa-n > npfxRDP{hewahewali}
Hewa Wananaha NatunaNPSon of the Highest One
hewa yaiPP1on topantgabulana 22up high3highHige em adidili gonowana, yo um hige doga bena hewa yai lofolofona.Your strength is not great enough, and you are not a person who might be able to fly up high.
hewadintheir tops
hewadi yaiPPin their tops
hewahewa yaiPPabove
hewahewalin1young men2boys3disciplesYesu ana hewahewali safuhudohudo'i luwaga ya yogaidi.Jesus called his twelve disciples.In ma'ana hewahewali sa an'angogo, sa an'an~yaweyawesa. ‎He ate together with his disciples, having the "supper" together.{Hewahewali} lit: "his young men." Compare {tau famuli watanidi} "followers.ov. synana hewahewalitau famuli watan 1tau paisowa 1{Hewahewali} is the plural form of {hewali} and is sometimes used to refer to Jesus' or John's disciples.
hewahewalinanyoung manhood, his
hewali1n1youth2boy3teenager (male)Oni hewalim doha Nunumai, aba ya awa'abi'em."If you were a young man like Nunumai then I would obey you!4young man5servant6disciplesBy extension, "ones young men, who work for him" becomes an alternative expression for "disciples."7hewali (agu)Ana hewali ya falibadi, sa bahetuhu 'e--, Ape Tuatua kwalidi ite. Leileiyafa edi ape.He talked to his boys and they carried the things to Tuatua Canoe Slip down there, Leileiyafa's Canoe slip.Yau E fasinabomiu be agu hewaliI select you as my boys/disciples.{Agu hewali} are "my workers" / young men who work for myself as an elder.ov. synbwaibwai 18young men9teenage boysTau wosewose iti ni hewali yo tatau lala'i afa'afa. The paddlers there are teen age boys and adult men only.
hewali2Vin1become a young man (to) Ya yosi be ya ita watan ya lau ee--, ya la'ila'i be ya hewali. She gave birth to him and then she looked after him, keeping on until -- he got big and then became a young man (youth). man (to become)Abelaham natuna Isako ya hewali, Na habahim, Yaubada Abelaham ya lau'ita.Abraham's son became a youth, and then God tested Abraham. usage as a noun.
hewalinanyouth (his)Inflected form of {hewali}.
hewamainabove us.excl
hewanan1top of something2up high3high up4in the top of somethingNa waihin wa, ya wana, hwalai'iwe hewana yai,But as for the woman, she sang up in the top of the tree.Ai tanohi ya anban na ai oyagi hewadi ya eno.It feeds on the ground and sleeps in the tops of trees.5up high (in the air, above the ground)Haba ya lofo, be ai hewana ya ta'ita'i'ili, na ya maimainene.Then it flies and circles around up high, and keeps watching.6on the surface, that is the outward appearanceUmi mate ginauli hewana moho ami ita'itai. As for you, you are only seeing things on the surface (on the top).7on the top (of a surface or object, in contrast to underneath)Ya baheidi be ena dafu hewana yai ya toledi, na ya au fapatudi.He carried them on his shoulder and put them on his raft, and he fastened them together by tying them.Habahim, adi imo wa sa iloloi lawen edi luma. Ba'isa pupupuna hewa yai ya ta'ai.Then they carried their taro to their house. The big man who broke wind sat on top.8on top of somethingantganahewa 6ganamulimulina 2sadainaubuna
heyinterjheyfrom "Who" StoryTerm is borrowed from English.
heya-1Vin > adjpfxRDP{heyaheyaya}
heya-2Vin > gerpfxRDP
Heyaheyan1Flowerpecker variety2Papuan Flowerpecker3Papuan Flowerpecker, and/or MistletoebirdThe Heyaheya (Flowerpecker) is not large. Its feathers are red, and it has two long tailfeathers like the Fifitili (Kingfisher varieties). It's beak is yellow. They live in valleys out in the bush. They eat the fruit of trees. The eggs are small and white. it does not have any stories about it.
heyaheyason1parable2parablesHeyaheyason ya fapaisowadi ena lau fa'ata yai, be ginauli boludi ya fatalahadi.He used parables in his teaching, and he instructed them in many things.Yo fede, Yesu ya yogaidima lisina, be heyaheyason yai ya falibadi,And so Yesu called them hither to him and he spoke to them in parable talk,