Buhutu - English



IlaidiyanElijahIlaidiya yaluwana yo ena gigibwali yai haba ya bwaꞌi Guyau nuwanuwana yai,In the spirit of Elijah and in his power, he will go first, befores the Lord.
ilaman1axeMwakakelo Tanotano wa, tamana wa, ilama ya bahei, Tau Kaikai gadona ya ibo.Mwakakelo Tanotano, his father, took his axe and cut Tau Kaikaitau's throat.Ilama haꞌa ya nonoha bena oyagi ma lamdi ya oi~fabui~suludiHe has already prepared the axe so that he might cut away the tree with its roots.{Ilama} were formerly made of polished obsidian, but now of steel.6.7.1Cutting tool2hatchet3tomahawk
ilama wagaNPridgepole
ilasahaVtrclear the garden (to)
ile'ilen1traditional bottle2bamboo container3bamboosLahaina yai dodoga haba sa le'i mate edi boiyatu yo ile'ile ma'ena tubitubi haba sa oidi. At that time the people who will dance will be striking their drums and bamboos along with their rattles(??).Is this bamboo xylophones or bamboo panpipes?
ilenancontainer; bottletraditionally, an ile was made from a section bamboo.
ilimon1erima tree species (probably)Octomeles sumatrana (probably)2tree with oval pointed leaves
Ilondouble-hulled canoeYo fede, waga luwaga ya tadidi. Hesa "Ilo," na hesa "Waga'u'e." And then he carved two canoes. One was called "ilo" a double-hulled canoe,and the other was called "waga'u'e, a planked sailing canoe.This is the coastal Suau name for this type of canoe
iloloVtrcarry on pole, to
iloloiVtr1carry on a carrying pole (to)ov. synbahei 1bahei 3geukapu1laba 12carry on shoulders (to)I.e., 'to carry between two or more people.'
iloloi lawenVtr1carry something between them (to)2carry something on poles (to)Habahim, adi imo wa sa iloloi lawen edi luma. Ba'isa pupupuna hewa yai ya ta'ai.Then they carried their taro to their house. The big man who broke wind sat on top.
iloloi~fakalamahanoyamaVtrbring out carrying on a carrying poles (to) na dodoga waihin kaikaihwabuna natuna esega dumaduma silanna sa iloloi~fakalamahanoyama. and the people were carrying out the body of the only child of the widow woman on carrying poles.
ImaitinanThursdayday of the week in calendar cycle.; there are several old weekly cycles; this one has: Aho 'Monday', Bobon 'Tuesday', Asubena 'Wednesday', Imaitina 'Thursday', Menona 'Friday', Obohina 'Saturday' and Laulauhina 'Sunday.'
ImanuwelanEmmanuelhaba natuna taumoho ya yosi, na haba hesana sa tole, <<Imanuwela.>>she will give birth to a child and she will callhis name "Emmanuel."< Eng, "Emmanuel"
imi'imisiVinlooking back (to be) na nuwana ya imi'imisi mate, Yaubada ena Aba~Tanuwaga Nu'una ibege i lau~lobahi!and he is looking back, then he will never find God's Kingdom (place of ruling)!Hapex legomenon as of 2022-12-30.
imontaroFuya hesa, sa fuyo mate, adi imo hesa ya anaho.One time when they went back [to the garden], one of their taro was ripe.Nohina mate: wa'ali, walabu, asai, kanuwa, imo, kapoi, nalei, yo an'an ou'ouli ya nohi, edi gabu ganahewana yai.In its lair it stores sugar cane, pitpit, sweet potatoes, taro, various kinds of yams, and many kinds of food, there in the middle of their garden.Colocasia esculenta (L.) Schott; Plant family: Araceae5. from roots5. from vegetables5. from leavesCompare {aufa} "taro shoots."imo kaipounaunspec. comp. formNP1giant taro varietyImo Kaipouna: Igola dodogadi adi imo. Imona mate imo la'ila'i. Nenena ya uli'uli, sa gabu panena ena adidili; te an mate ya amna.The taro called Kaipouna is a taro of the Igola people. It is a very big taro. It s appearance: it has marking, and when the roast it its odor is strong. We eat it and it is tasty/sweet.2taro, giant variety of
imo-n > npfxRDPSee {imo'imona} 'their taro.'{imo'imodi}
imo kaipounaunspec. comp. form ofimo
imo'imodintaro (their)
imo'imona yaiPPbecause of; on the basis ofgadosisi imo'imona yai, yau Paulo E tautau~la'i yo aho'ite Keliso Yesu ena pilisin.on the basis of love, I Paul, an old man am no a prisoner of Christ Jesus.
'in1nsprout2Vinsprout, to