Buhutu - English



ita~fuyo'iguVtrsee me again (to)E faliba~dudulaimiu mate, ibege au ita~fuyo'igu ee–, ana fuya yai, I tell you straight that you will not see me again, until that time.
ita~galewaiIDIOM1look to the sky (to)In moho, hige sai laꞌi i ita~galewai, be somo ana ti felen i an. But he did not have anyone to look to for patronage [lit look-sky him] so that they would give him anything to eat.2look after someone (to)Pa'ana E guliyam na hige au ita~galewaigu, Because I was hungry and you did not look after me (lit: look to the sky for me).{Ita~galewai} seems to be an idiom implying having some one to look up to for patronage, or to take care of ones needs.
ita~hitinVtr1look at with high esteem (to)Na Idipi ganahewana yai Falo ena tau~paisowa la'ila'idi yo dodoga hinaga mate Mose sa ita~hitin.But within Egypt, Pharaoh's important workers and the people also looked on Moses with favor.2look with favour on someone, to3set someone up high, to
ita~hitinimVtr1esteem you highly, toYauwedo, um Yaubada ya ita~hitinim!Greetings, God esteems you highly!2see you.sg high, toLIT: "to see you high" is to "esteem you highly." Note from GB.
ita~komakoma'iVtrwatch carefully (to)Variant pronunciation of {Ita~komakoman}, which see.
ita~komakomanunspec. var.komaniVtr1look carefully (to)Ya ita komakoman. Ya sanalolo, aho Budoinuwalele wa ya bawabawa.She looked carefully. She glanced up, and Budoinuwalele was sitting (there).2watch carefully (to)
ita~laomalook hitherward (to)In hola kwalakwalau yai ya laolaoma na ya itaԩta laoma be Yesu ya itaWhen Jesus was still coming from far away, he was looking hither and he saw Jesus.
ita~lau1Vin1look across (to)2look there (to)Suwana ya laoma. U ita~lau. Ya anhusuigu yo bonugu hinaga.The wild pig came. You look there. He scratched me and here are my sores also.
ita~lau21look across (to)2look over (to)
ita~lidilidiyediVtrlook down on them, tobe haidadi haisa sa ita~lidilidiyedi. and so they look down on some of their companions.
ita~lobahi2Vtr1see with understanding (to)2meet up with someone (to)3understand something (to)bena somo haba E ita~lobahi, pa'ana Sabati E -. [utusi]what might I meet up with, because I [broke] the Sabbath.pa'ana hige somo ti ita~lobahi yo sa lau~pono.because they did not understand [lit: see-find], and they did wrong.Be haba, sa ita (yo'oi, be sa yo'oi) in moho ibege ti ita~lobahi;And they will look and be searching, but just one thing, they will not find it by looking.nuwatuhu lobahi2comp.find out by thinking (to)
ita~lobahi3Vtrrecognize someone (to)In moho hige ti ita~lobahi, in sai.But they didn't recognize who he was.
ita~lobahi~fuyoidi1understand one another (to)2meet up with them againIbege ti ita lobahi fuyo'idi.They weren't able to understand one another.
ita~lobahinagerknowledge Yaubada yo Yesu eda Guyau emi ita~lobahina yaiknowledge of God and Jesus our Lord.
ita~nuwatohatoha'ediVtr1look at them with pity, toYaubada hige i ita~nuwatohatoha'edi. Diboli utu'utu yai ya fakapulolodi.God did not look at them with pity. He caused them to drown in the flood.2look at them with compassion, toCompare {ita~tohatohamai} "look at us with mercy."
ita~nuwatohatoha'enVtrlook at someone with compassion (to)Guyau waihin wa ya ita~nuwatohatoha'enThe Lord looked at the woman with compassion.
ita~sipoVin1spy (to)2inspect (to)ov. syndobi~dadaifatafo~dada 2tafo~dadai 1tafo~dadai 2tau itasipo1comp.spy
ita~sipo~lobahiVtrinspect and find, togonowana galewa yo tano'ubu aniyadi nenedi ami ita~sipo~lobahidi,You are able to inspect and find out what the appearance of the weather will be.
ita~sipoiVtr1spy on something or someone (to)2inspect something (to)3inspect (look over careful to make a judgment or determination)Yo, haga, beti! U anpate, na e ita'ita-sipoi."and please, enough! you try! And I (will be) watching.In moho, u lau be tau antalasam lisina haba in ya ita sipoim;Just one thing, you go to the priest and he will inspect you;4spy on (look over secretly in order to obtain information for making a judgment about something)Nunumai i lau gana. Gana mulinai oyagi ewana yai i finahe, na i ita~sipoi.Numumai went to the garden, and he climbed up into the top of a tree outside the fence and spied on her.
ita~tohatoha'emaiVtr1look mercifully at us.excl (to)U ita~tohatohaꞌemai, Deiwidi Natuna!Look mercifully at us, Son of David!2look at us.excl with mercy (to)Compare {ita~nuwatohatoha'edi} "look at them with pity/compassion."
ita~tuhumaiVtrsee-throw, toMatiu 6:13 deliver us for evil
ita~wata~fuyoi~komakomanVtr1look after oneself carefully, to2self controlled, to benuwa~biga yo ita~wata~komakoman~fuyoi. Laulaudi te, hige laꞌi fafalaugagayona.gentle (soft) hearts, looking after oneself carefully/properly (self controlled). Such ways are never forbidden.