Buhutu - English



katinoguneggs (my)Katinogu haba sa ota begana doha nawalahi luwaga habahim sa oi'oigolu.My eggs remain there for a bit, like two months, and then they crack open.
katinonan1egg (its)2eggs (of bird)Katinona la'ila'i na ida'idahena. Ya katino haba luwaga mohoIts eggs are large and green. It will lay two eggs.3eggs (of snake)Weso wa ya fuyoma katinona ya yo'o asahaidi.The snake came back and searched in vain for her eggs.
katu~wawahitanbig ones??Haba egu aba~peipei~gogo lumadi E lopafahidi, na katu~wawahita E ginaulidi.I will break down my storage buildings and make big ones. (??)This term is only used once as of 2021-07-29. I am not sure of the meaning.
katuwawahitanstorage buildingsHaba egu aba peipei~gogo lumadi E lopa~fahidi, na katuwawahita E ginaulidi.I will break down my store rooms and make (other) storage buildings.Hapex legomenon: no other occurrences of this word. July 2017
kau~tomoVtrbetray someone (to)
kaukauliVinfishing with line & hook (to be)'E kaukauli 'e--, ama fisa 'e soludi, yo fede, a'ai.We kept on fishing until we had pulled in a few fish to eat, then that was enough.
kauli11nfishing2nfishing line3nfishing line and hooks (used without a pole)Na ema kauli 'e abifahidi. Ema kauli 'e fabandi ya ofi, na 'e fatubu 'e kauli.And we took our fishlines out, and after we had baited our lines (hooks), we began to fish.Galasi yo kauli yo naha yo oi-'awalo mate E sibaidi.I understand diving and line fishing and snaring and X.4gerfishing
kauli2Vinfish with lines and hooks (to)Na ema kauli 'e abi~fahidi. Ema kauli 'e fabandi ya ofi, na 'e fatubu 'e kauli.And we took our fishlines out, and after we had baited our lines (hooks), we began to fish.Yau hidagu hesa, ini mate lafumaiha (= lau fumwaiha) yai ya sibasiba-wananaha. Ya salai toha, ya galasi, ya kauli, ya fa'oyowa, ya naha, ya sui, ya oiyalati.As for my brother he really understand hunting and fishing: he catches pigs, he dives with goggles, he fishes with hook and line, he hunts with dogs, he sets snares, he puts out bait, and he X's.ov. syngalasi3 1lafu mwaiha 1lau~fumwaiha1 4oiyalatitohai 5unspec. var. oftoha~gwafugwafui
kaumankauma palm
kaumaiVtrprepare the kauma, to
kaumananancursekaumanana ya laowa hewam yai.A curse goes upon of you
kaumanana'ediVtrcurse them (to)Aho te, u laoma be dodoga te u kaumanana'edi pa'ana sa adidili~wananahaCome now and curse these people because they are very strong.Isalaela ibege ti kaumanana'edi yo ibege ayahan ti gwalidi yo kalawan ti kalawanidi.Israel cannot be cursed by anyone) and male sorcerers cannot "spear" them nor can female sorcerers can do sorcery on them..
kaumanana'enVtrcurse something (to)na Nawalahi ya liba fasunuma, doha ya kaumanana'en, . . . And the moon made a promise, like he cursed him, . . .Debam yai tanohi E kaumanana'en.On your account I curse the ground.
kaumananaiVtrcurse something or someone (to)Yesu kuhou ya kaumananai, iyen, щbege sai ulum ana i an!эJesus cursed the fig tree, and he said, "There might not be anyone who eats your fruit!"Spelled in earlier BXH texts as {kawamanana'en}; see also {kaumananaim} 'curse you.'
kaumananaim1Vtrcurse you.sg (to)2curse me.sgIbe ginauli mahudo'idi Yoba lisina yai wa abi fahidi, haba ya kaumananaimIf you take away everything from Job, then he will curse you.Yena Yoba, tauna wa fakamkamna, mate haba ya kaumananaim!If you cause Job's body to have pain, then he will curse you!
kautankind of tree from which one can obtain fresh water.ov. synwalaniti 1walaniti 1walaniti 2
kauti1Vinhang down (to)2Vinsuspended (to be)Fuya ma'esega, Salai ya laulau be Malibon oyagi lagana yai ya ita ya kaukauti.One time, Pig went walking, and he saw Flying Fox hanging on a branch.Ya lau fakauti mabena yai, mo'ana ya tupaidi, na ya laoma waihin ena luma pouna yai ya kauti.She hung [the food] on her wings; she carried it in her mouth, and she came to the woman's veranda and hung [there].3Vtrhang up, toankauti
kauti penapena2nbat species
kautipenapenankind of batov. synbadidiudiumalibon 1malibon
kautomoVinbetrayer, to beAimuli haba ya kautomo Yesu ana. Aftrwards he would be Jesus' betrayer{Kautomo} occurs only once in the database as of 2021-06-10.
kawapreV1call (to)2declare (to)3say that someone is x (to)kawa~ba'isa'encomp.Vtrcall him master, toDoha Sala, ya awa'abi Abelaham lisina yai be ya kawa~ba'isa'en. Like Sala [Sarah], she obeyed Abelaham [Abraham] and she called him master/big man.kawa~hamohamo'afiyencomp.cont.der.Vtrcall someone barren (to)Elisabeta haba natuna ya yosi ena tinatinala'i yai. In moho dodoga sa kawa~hamohamo'afiyen mate aho ite ena nawalahi faligigi-esega. Elizabeth will give birth to a child in her old age. Though people have called her barren, and now she is in her sixth month., infertile