Buhutu - English



lulu~fuyoꞌidiVrecipfight with one another (to)Yo boga esega sa lulu~fuyo'idi mate, haba sa faꞌita~modailinidi. And if one family fights with one another, then they will become divided.
lululuVinfighting (to be)
lulutiunspec. var. oflulutina
lulutinaunspec. var.lulutincoconut fibre (its)See also {lulutina}.
lulutina, ma'ima'iNPcoconut fibre{Ma'ima'i lulutina}is the strong brown fibre mesh which forms around the base of new coconut leaves; it is used for straining other matter from liquids. It is also used for starting fires. coconuts1.5.5Parts of a plant
lumaBNmagaiSUyanua4n1houseMulina yai waihin wa ya mahanoma luma wa afa'afana.Afterwards the woman arrived at the empty house.... yauma wa ya towa, fuya mate 1956 yai, Ipouli yai. Gouda ena luma ya lau lopai.... the windstorm blew, the time was 1956, at Ipouli. It broke down Gouda's house. {Luma} house, a structure customarily but not always built on posts, with a thatch roof and sago walls). An alternative structure and building materials). (other than dwelling place)6village7dwelling place (other than a house)Ena luma mate ume'ehu la'ila'i atipuna yai.His house was inside a big rock.8hamlet
LumanHouseUsed as part of a place name as in {Luma Duhu}.By metonomy, {Luma} "house" is sometimes used to stand for a whole hamlet or village.
luma dodogadiNP1villagers2household members
Luma Duhuunspec. var.duhuNPLuma Duhu{Luma Duhu} is the name of a village on the east side of Mullins Harbour.
luma gwa'u heyayanaNPsexually immoralLuma gwa'u heyayana dodogadi tabu au fa'oi'esegahimiu.Don't be getting together with sexually immoral people (LIT bad garden house people).
luma hewa lofalofaNP1tower2high, tall building3tall, high buildingSa fanuha bena duhu la'i hesa, ma'ana luma hewa lofalofa hesa sa ginauli, ya hasai galewa.they wanted to make a big town with a tall high building [tower] that would go up to the sky.
luma kamakamamumuNPjail, house of darkenssov. syndeli lumana 1deli lumana 2
Luma La'ila'iNP1big townov. synHanuabadaLuma La'ila'i 5Mosipi2Port Moresby3big house4Luma La'ila'i - Big House, a hamlet just west of Ipouli Creek at Sagarai.5Luma La'ila'i - The Big Town, Port Moresby.Boliman 1984 yai, yau ma lahugu yo natumai waiwaihinina kiukiu ma'emai 'e ani-todau, 'e lidi luma la'ila'i.In 1984, my wife and I and our small daughter set off (??) and went to the big town (Port Moresby).ov. synHanuabadaLuma La'ila'i 1Mosipi
luma paisowadiNPhouseworkBe in ya lau be ena luma paisowadi haisa ya ginaulidi.So she went and did her other housework.
luma suntraditional houseov. synganahobe 1ganahobe 2luma tupitupi
luma tamotamogiginaNP1broken down house2dilapidated old house3house which has been abandonedU lau, u lau emi luma au--, kamkam edi luma tamotamogigina.You go! Go to your house off there! the chickens' old broken down house.
luma tanuwagana edi biliNP1homeowners' roomov. synaba laulau-bawabili2 2luma tanuwagana edi bili 3taumana edi bili 12master bedroom3bedroom where homeowners' sleepbe luma tanuwagana edi bili yo taumana edi bili.one room for the owners of the house and the other for thir visitors.ov. synaba laulau-bawabili2 2luma tanuwagana edi bili 1taumana edi bili 1
luma tupitupipointed peak of a roofov. synganahobe 1ganahobe 2luma sun
luma~gwaꞌu gadolelehinaNPlust for committing adulteryTabu luma~gwaꞌu gadolelehina lisim yai Don't have a desire for extra-maital sex (LIT. house-shelter lust) {Luma~gwaꞌu gadolelehina} EUPH. "lust for house-shelter"
lumadinhouses (their)
lumaluma gwa'ugerimmoral sexual acts, doing of Alina afa'afadi, nuwasaesae libalibadi yo lumaluma gwa'u laulauna gadosisina ya abidi be heyaya sa ginauli.They do evil with empty voices and proud words and loving the ways of sexual immorality [EUPH: from house-garden shelter].EUPHEMISM & IDIOM: {lumaluma gwa'u} is LITERALLY (house + garden shelter) but means "to have illicit sexual relations."
luni1An alternative name is {Amayuwa}.