Buhutu - English



lau funuhidiVtrkilling them, to be
lau gabuGIncgo to garden (to)Fuya ma'esega, tinagu be yau ema waga 'e wose'en, na 'e lau gabu.one time my mother and I paddled our canoe and went to the garden.
lau gabuidiVtrharvest them (to)Somo um hige u tole mate wa abi, yo tau uma hudo'i na, um wa lau~gabuidi.What you have not put, is what you get, and the one who plants is someone else, but you are the one who harvests them.6.2.5HarvestBut compare {lau gabu} "go to the garden" which registers "goal incorporation."
lau gayoVingo across (to)In ya lau gayo ya lidi bena haidadi edi waga ya awa mate, sa duiduiyen.She waded across and went down so that she might board to her companions' canoe, and they forced her away.
lau ginauli1Vtrmaking them,to be2Vindoing it
lau ginauliVtrmaking it (to be)
lau ginauli fuyoVtrmake something again (to)Aho te 'e anpate bena ema aba miya fafalihu 'e lau ginauli fuyo.Nowadays we try to build the places wherr we live all over again.
lau heyaya palapaVinbecome very bad, to
lau hitinidiVtrtake them up, to
lau husaVtrload something (to)Taiyede, malatomtom begana, tatau ilama sa lau husa ya ofi.Then, when it was just becoming morning, the men finished loaded their axes.
lau ibo'ibo'idiVtrcutting them (to be)Nimana wa mahudo'idi ya lau ibo'ibo'idi, be sa ofi yo --, sa otawa na habahim gadona ya ibo hinaga.He kept cutting off all of his arms (tentacles) until he'd gotten all of them,and then he left off and also cut his throat.
lau kidin1x-designs2x-patternsUli'uli ni hesana lau-kidi.The designs there are called "lau-kidi" or x-shaped patterns.
lau ko'eko'eiVtrdefecate in something (to)
lau luwaluwagaVin1pairs (to walk in)2walk in pairs (to)edi lau mate haba sa lau luwaluwaga, ibege doga iyabona i lau modigafu.when they walked they would walk in pairs so that a person by himself would not be alone.
lau mahanoVinarrive, to
lau nuwa sahafu ate'ate'ediVtrinvolved in, to beHeyaheyaya hige i ate'ate'edi. He didn't get involed in doing bad.hapex legomenon, (doing, being involved in?)
lau pupunaVinbreaking wind (to be)
lau sufiVtrpeeling it (to be)Adi imo ya lau sufi be ya an famaihaladi.She peeled their taro and then she was drying it in the sun.
lau taudumaVingo out by oneself (to)yo hinaga i'ipa fuyadi hige gonowagu ya lau tauduma,And also, at night time I cannot go by myself (be alone).Meaning check: "be alone by myself" or "go out by oneself."
lau tefa1Vingo to other side (to)Tamagu uwe ya peiyama. Tinagu ya abi, na habahim sa felima eee--, 'e lau tefa.My mother grabbed the uwe cane and then they kept on pulling us, until we got to the other side.{Lau tefa} is used for crossing a river or other body of water, sometimes by canoe or boat, sometimes by fording it. Compare {dohe}.2GIncgo to other side, to
lau ulidiVtrdoing their designs (to be)In moho ita'itadi sa lau~wananaha, pa'ana sa fawisiyadi yo sa lau~ulidi. They look like they can really go, because they have decorated them, and made designs on them.
lau wataidiVtrfollow after them (to)Bena fuya hesa sa lau gabu, taumoho esega, wa lau wataidi. ‎Next time they go to the garden, one of you men, you should should follow after them.{Lau wataidi} is a Suau pronunciation. Compare Buhutu {lau watanidi} or {lau watandi}.
lau watanVtr1follow after it2follow after her, to3follow after, to