Buhutu - English



mwakomwakokonannarrow sheath (its)Kena mate mwakomwakokona ya susu hasa, ya tahalasi be la'ana ya taumahata.In regard to the bud sheath, the narrow sheath grows upward, and opens up and the (individual) stems appear.
mwalafoVin1done for (to be)2luck has run out (ones)Hige walolona, na kalele ya atahi. Ya tan, na iyen, "Wo'e, E mwalofo! Nuwana Laiyon!"It wasn't long and he heard a noise in the bush. he cried and said. "Oh, I'm done for. It might be the lion."
mwala'ontree with broad, heart shaped leaves with pointed tips.
mwalemwaleleVtrstirring it up (to be)yena ho'owa ya mwalemwalele. E anpate bena E lau ganahewa, na in moho, doga hesa ha'a ya bwa'i. When the water is stirring up. I attempt that I might go inside it, but just one thing, some other person is already ahead of me (goes first).Compare {fadigabu} "to stir it up." {Mwalemwalele} occurs only once in the current database, August 2021 aiheya'en. See also {famwalele.}
mwalinyesterdayMwali yai, hudo'i ya dala ponoli, be logena be E anlobahi ya amna.Yesterday ? she served it up wrong, and so then we discovered it and it was tasty.not totally verified - at the moment this a hapex legonemon, with no other known instances in any other texts.
mwano1nmudhabahim mwanona ya abi, be taumoho wa, matana yai ya fawawa.Then he took the mud and spread it on the eyes of the man.ov. synafusa 1bonali2SU ofbwanalibwadagowagelegele 1ume'ehu1 1
mwano2Vinmuddy (to be)
mwano-n > npfxRDP{mwanomwanona}
mwanomwanonaadjmuddytanohi bwadagowana (tanohi mwanomwanona) ya abi be ya pei hasaen be ya patumi oyagi hesa hesana “Kolali” oyagina atipuna yai,He took some clay soil (mud soil) and threw it up, and then it stuck to the trunk of certin tree called a "kolali" tree.
mwanonanmud (its)See {mwano} "mud"
*mwanunuVingrumbleThis is the root word for {mwanumwanuna} "grumble" I (Russ) have not seen it occurring by itself as of 2018-07.
mwanu'unu'unearthquakeMa'esega na, mwanu'unu'u la'ila'i nu'u ya fadihodihoAll at once a big earthquake shook the place.Hige walolona, na mwanu'unu'u nu'u ya fadihodiho.Not long afterwards, an earthquake shook the region.
mwataunspec. var.motaBN of*mwata
*mwataBNmwatan1snake2snake-like creatureA small snake like creature is called {mwatamwata}
mwata-n > npfxRDP
mwatamwatanan1snake-like creature, small2microscopic creature3virus Tau sonoga sa anmasi mate bolima 10-15 ai mulidi mate nuwana PNG dodogadi (nuwana 2,800,000 - tu milion eit handele haba HIV mwatamwatana sa abi, boludi haba HIV asiyebona sa abi be sa pe'i.Clever people estimate that after 10 to 15 years maybe 2,800,000 PNG people will have the HIV virus (little snakes), and many will have the HIV sickness and then they will die. {mwatamwata} is used by extension for small microscopic creatures (including viruses) which cause diseases.LIT "little snakes" or snake like creature, that is microscopic creatures. This is a reduplicated form of one of the words for "snake" in the Suau-Cluster languages.
mwatitiVin1narrow (to become)'Waima wa, ya liuliuhwa, be ya liuliuhwa, be ya liuliuhwa, be gadona ya mwatitiThe ant laughed and laughed and laughed and then his neck became narrow.2narrow (to be)Galewa edaꞌeda hafohafona mate ya kiu, yo aba launa mate, ya mwatiti. The doorway to the road to heaven is small, and the place of entrance is narrow.3become narrow (to)
mwaudin1testicles (their)2balls (their)Giliki alinadi yai Yuniki aniyona mate taumoho mwauna luwaga sa nigohidi (doha salai o ꞌwayowa).In the Greek language the meaning of "Eunuch" is a man whose testicles (balls) have been cut, (like a pig's or a dog's).
mwaudi sa faitomofahidiCLcastrate themselves, theyna mwaudi hinaga sa faitomo~fahidi!But that they cut off their own testicles/castrate themselves.Only occurs one in our data thus far, 2019-04-13.
mwauna luwaga sa nigohidiCLcasterate someone Giliki alinadi yai "Yuniki" aniyona mate taumoho mwauna luwaga sa nigohidi (doha salai o ꞌwayowa)In Greek "eunuch" means a man whose testicles have been cut off (as with a pig or a dog).Literally: "they cut off both of his testicles."
mwayanend??See Recipe Book and Atai'a Bukana