Buhutu - English



sagisagiVtrbreak them, to
Sagosagogon1Gerygone variety ?2possibly the Large-billed Gerygone or the Yellow-legged Flycatcher
sagu1n1helperHaba ana sagu yo tau~saguhina dudulaina E ginauli.I will make a helper for him, one who will help him properly.2help, as from a helper or comforter.In nuwatohatoha dogana, yo sagu mahudo'ina ena aba laoma YaubadanaHe is a merciful person and the Yaubada [God] who is the place of coming (source) for all help.
sagu2Vtrhelp, tobe'u~sagusagu~komakomani'icomp.der.Vtrrestore gently, toumi safaluma yaluwa yai ami laulau mate bena ami sagu~komakomani'i.Whoever of you are walking/going in the spirit should restore (help) him gently.
sagu-Vtr > VtrpfxRDP
sagu komakomaimai1help us properly (to)2help properlyBe hinaga bena ami sagu komakomaimai, fuya ou'ouli emi aiyawasi yai.So you should also help us properly all the time during your holidays.
saguhiVtr1help someone (to)2assist someone (to)Ya yoga~lau wahadi lisina, iyen, "U laoma, tautaula'i te saguhi be ada imo te suluhi."She called over to her grandson and said, "You come, We are helping our old man so we can pull up this taro."Au laoma be au saguhigu, be ta gana buluhi.You come and you help me, so we will block it off by [finishing] the fence.Na ena ahedi sa heyaya yo sa asiyebo, bena te saguhidi yo te ita~watanidi.But if their legs are bad, or they are sick, then we ought to help them, and look after them.wawahindi tau saguhidi
saguhi komakomaimai1help us carefully (to)2help us properly (to)Na bena ami sikulu ma'uda, na ami fuyoma, bena ami saguhi komakomaimai.But when you finish school, and you come back (home) you ought to help us carefully.
saguhi~fuyoiVreflxhelp oneself (to)Dodoga haisa ya saguhidi, in moho ibege ibona i saguhi~fuyoi!He helped other people but he cannot help himself.haga ibom u saguhi~fuyoim!You yourself please help yourself.
saguhiguVtrhelp me, to
saguimiuVtrhelp you.pl, to
sagwain1cuscusov. synabu'awa 1hamahewaiwaloha 1nauyaselaselasibin2spotted cuscusov. synhamahewa
saha2Vtrwhat, do
sahuVtrwipe, toCompare {sau} "to wipe something" in Suau.
sahu~fapitaliVtrwipe dry, to Yesu ahena ya kaisudi, na kuluna yai ya sahu~fapitalidi. She washed Jesus' feet (legs) and with her hair she wiped them dry.
sa'icrushed (to be)Nanatum sa matamata'asi, na hwayahwayau la'ila'i ya towa, be luma ya ya'i, yo fede, mahudo'idi sa sa'i, be sa pe'iHis children were feasting and a big wind blew and knocked the house down and all of them were crushed and died.Occurs only once in this database as of May 2018
sai11prowho?Na sidohana be wasa te E falibamiu pa'ana umi hiti mulita sai, na pilipilidai te hige u siba,But how then (can) I tell you this information, because your are the last generation, and you do not know this story.antatasina yaifisa2 1fuyana somo 1maihala fisa2oulina fisapa'ana somosidohana1 1siyasomo yai 1somo2 1ov. synsaluma22prowhoever3nanyone4WH-Qwho?5nwho6prowho
sai21NPwhoeverov. synfisa2 1oulina fisasai la'i 1sai la'i 1saluma2saluma22NPwhichever3NPsomeone4proanyoneWawaya sai hige gaimumu hige i lau-wataidi mate gaimumu asa'asaha.Whichever children do not follow advice, that is advice given in vain.Hiti mulita sai na pilipilidai te hige u siba, haba wa fatiԯ S.I.L. dodogadi ai lebedi, ...whoever of our decendants does not know this story, will ask the SIL people.ena sai ini hesana sa tole "Hatafele" o taumoho hesa sa tole in "Bada" mate haba sa miya ai ganahobe ganahewana yai.Whenever anyone gave her the name "hatafele, or when ever they gave a man the name "bada", then they lived inside the kind of traditional house called a "ganahobe."5prowhose6adjhigh
sai3Vingo up (to)A variant spelling of {sae} "to go up" as heard by Patrick Sadileutu and some other speakers.
sai4ndeadfall trapCompare {'walo} a trap made with string.
sai-Vin > VinpfxRDP