SalanSarahYo fede, Sala Hagala ya nuwa ela'ela'en, be ya ita watan faheyaya.And so Sarah was jealous of Hagar, and she looked after her badly, treated her badly.Sala kalahe ya abi nonohai, be Abelaham ya felen, be ya lau ya feledi, edi gwa'u ganamulina yai.Sarah got the food ready, and then she gave ir to Abraham, and he went and gave it to them outside the tent.
sala fahiVtrdig it up (to)Amainiya, logena, sa yo'oyo'oi ee--, siyada wa sa sala fahi.Well, with that, they kept on searching, until they dug up the bones.Spelling may als be as one word {salafahi}.
sala gomayadaVObjIncdig for bushfowl eggs (to)Spelling may be with or without the [~] this space marker.
sala~gogonVtr1dig together (to)2mix together by digging (to)In moho ya la'i wananaha pa'ana tanohi yo wenu ya sala gogon be ya pei eee--, doha tu'a.Just one thing, it was very big, because it [the Scrubfowl] dug up together soil and rubbish, and then piled it up until it was like a mountain.
sala~gomayadaVObjIncdig for bushfowl eggs (to)Na mulina yai, mate E lau tana'ai bena E sala gomayada.And afterwards, I went to the bush so that I might dig for bushfowl eggs.Spelling may be with or without the [~] this space marker.
salafulansulfuryo yogeyogedi doha mulamula ala'alatina hesa hesana salafula.and yellow like one "medicine" for burning called sulfur.<ENG "sulfur"
salai baiwadiNPherd of pigsSalai baiwadi mate sa suwasuwali tuꞌa papalina yai.The herd of pigs were feeding on the side of a mountain (side of a hill).
salai edi aba fafa'andiNPpig-feeding areaGuigui yai mate, haufata sa ginaulidi, be wawahin haba salai edi aba fafa'andi.In the back they make their platforms, so the women will have a place to feed the pigs.
Salemn1Salem2SalemHesana mate Melekisideki. In Salem edi Ba'isa, aniyona mate 'Nuwa Esega.'His name was Melchizedek. He was the leader/king of Salem, and its name means 'Peace.'
saluma1WH-Qwho?Hei, hola au laoma be doga hudo'i au ita. Saluma hidadi?"Hey. You just come and see this different-looking fellow. Whose companion is he?tau asi'asiyebo yo salumadi yaluwa heyaheyayadi lisidi yai, mahudo'idi dodoga sa ledima Yesu lebena.people brought all of the sick people and whoever had evil spirits to Jesus.
salumadi1WH-Q1who2whoeverNa Nowa moho, yo salumadi waga ganahewana yai mate, iti tau mwahuli.But it was only Noah and the ones who were inside the boat who were the ones who lived.
salusalunjewelry; adornmentna waiwaihin ana salusalu ya liꞌodi. and the woman puts her jewelry around herself.Occuring once as of 2023-06-10, & probably means adornment or jewelry.