Buhutu - English



Samaliyan1Samaria, the region in ancient Israel between Galilee and Judea.Samaliya ganahewana yai ya lau, be duhu la'i hesa hesana Saika, Yakobo tanohi natuna Diyosepa ya felefelen mate sadaina yai.He went into Samaria, to a certian town called Sychar, which was near the land which Jacob had given to Joseph.2Samaritan, a person from the region of SamariaSamaliya waihinina hesa ya laoma bena ho'owa ya yahi.A certain Samaritan woman came so that she might draw water.{Samaliya } < ENG Samaria
samanVtr1accuse someone (to)Sa saman, tiyen, . . . They accused him, saying, . . . .2summons, toPa'ana somo be hidam hesa wa saman be tau kawawananaha~gesa sa fakasa?!Why do you summons your companion/brother t court so that unbelievers (can) judge him?< ENG, "summons"
saman~lau~ponoVtraccuse falsely (to)Sa ginauli doha, pa'ana edi fanuha bena Yesu haba sa saman~lau~pono, ni debana yai.They did like tht because their desire was to accuse Jesus falsely on his account.
SamarainSamarai'E mahano Suau, amainiya sa fapesamai, na iti sa lau Samarai.We arrived at Suau and they off-loaded us there and they went on to Samarai.Samarai is an island off the south-east tip of the mainland of Papua New Guinea, and prior to independence it was the district headquarters for the region. To this day, some older highlands people refer to Milne Bay Province as "Samarai."
samgoludiVtrspread to all of them, toDebana yai pe'i dodoga mahudo'idi ya sam~goludi, On that account, death has spread to all peopleSee also {fasamgoludi} "caused to spread to them."
samonene lauVin1sneak up (to)Deiwidi yo hidana, Abisai, sa samonene lau, Saulo ena aba laulau eno.David and his companion Abishai sneaked up to the place where Saul was sleeping.2go quietly (to)3quietly (to move)4move quietly (to)Ya samonene lau, Sisela ena aba eno'eno yaishe snuck (inside) to the place where Sisera was sleeping.
samonenewaVtrsummons someone, toHpaex legomenon. I am not sure of this meaning as of 2019-05-29
samosamoan1large banana varietyov. synasai1 2bihiya 4bwakaka 1golagolamisilukimulumuluwatemba2lsrge plant varietyPlant varieties which are very large and believed to be imported types are often called {samosamoa} in the belief thsat they were imported from the South Sea Islands" such as Samoa. This term has been used for both coconuts and bananas, for example.3coconut variety{Samosamowa} is a coconut variety with large (full-sized) nuts, but with the tree itself having a short trunk.
samosamoneneadvsecretlyna i'ipana ana hewali sa lau samosamonene, be silanina sa angafuhiAnd in the night his disciples came secretly, and then they stole his his body.dodogadi mate sa samosamonene ganahewamiu yai be tiyen, Those people came among you secretly and they said,
samosamonenemaVincoming secretly, to beAna fuya ya samosamonenema,His time is coming secretly
samuiVinwork the soil (to)Baꞌisa, haga i ota bolima esega moho. Haba E samui. Sir, let it remain for one more year. I will work the soil.Hapex legomenon: probably has something to do with working the soil.
samuidiVtr1cultivate them, to na ibege ya gula~yawasidi ye ya samuidi.And I will never prune them nor cultivate them2work the soil, to
sana, anantake over, ones; an allianceIsaiya 7:2
sana~fuyomaVintake over?? (to)Yo ai Diusi aba oigogo lumadi bena sa hasai sa taꞌai be sa sana~fuyoma, And in the Jewish synagogues they would go up and sit down, and take over{??)This word occurs only once as of April 2018, so check its meaning.
sana~hudo'iVtrturn someone away (to)ibe hige ya sana~hudoꞌi yena in sai ya laoma lisigu. I would not turn anyone away who comes to me.
sana~mulimuliyediVtrput them behind (me), to
sana~taluhidiVtr1come forth (to)yo ena liba amnadi mo'ana yai sa sana~taluhidi, mate sa no'o'edi.They were amazed at all the words which came forth from his mouth.2receive them, tobe laufaꞌata ami sana~taluhidiso that you receive the teachings/commands3alight (to)
sanalanstorage place for foodNa witi wa sa abi~lisi, be sa toledi noho yai, be sa lawedi sanala lumana yai.They thresh the wheat and put it in baskets, and then they take it to the storehouse.Taumoho fafagogona ena uma'uma loloho. Sanala la'ila'idi ya ginaulidi, be amainiya ya pei~gogonidi, A rich man had a good garden. He made a big storeroom, and there he piled it together.
sanalauVinreach over (to)
sanaloloVinglance up (to)Ya ita komakoman. Ya sanalolo, aho Budoinuwalele wa ya bawabawa.She looked carefully. She glanced up, and Budoinuwalele was sitting (there).eno sanasanalolounspec. comp. formVinlie down glancing around (to)Sa kalahe ya ofi, tautaumoho ya lau be pou yai ya eno sanasanalolo. And, when they had finished eating it, he was lying down on the veranda glancing around.
sanalolo~hasaunspec. var.hasaVinglance up (to) Yesu ya mahano~lau nuꞌuna yai, ya sanololo~hasa, be Sakiyesi ya falibaJesus arrived at that place and he glanced up and spoke to Zachaeus.
sanasanaloloVinglancing up (to be)See also {eno sanasanalolo} "to glance up while lying down."
SandeinSundaySandei maimailafi yai, mate tau fa'ona wasawasa sa fa'oigogo esega luma gudugududi yai,On Sunday afternoon the disciples were meeting together in a closed house.{Sabati} was unsed formerly, but {Sunday} is now in more common usage.ov. synSabati 4wiki{Sandei} < ENG Sunday
sa'oVtrpush it, to