sa'o hiti'iVtrpush something together (to)Yo fede oyagina mate, esega tefa yai, esega tefa yai, esega tefa yai sa sa'o hiti'i, ya ofi.And so, as for his firewood, they pushed one piece on one side, one on another side, and one on the other.
sapalonsparrowAtai'a luwaga, hesa hesana kuwalo na hesa kiukiu hesana sapalo. Sa miyamiya gogo yo sa lofolofo fawefawewe.Here are two birds, one is called a quail, and the other little one is called a sparrow. They are birds that live together and fly in flocks.< ENG, "sparrow"
SapaulinSapauliAi 'e lau tamagu ena luma Sapauli yai.We went to my father's house at Sapauli.Sapauli is a village along the western shore of the bay on the mainland along the Suau Coast which immediately faces Suau Island.
sapidiVtr1cut them (to)2sharpen them (to)In mate buwabuwa ya oidi be ya sapidi, ena alahiya.As for him he would cut those hard kinds of palm called buwabuwa and sharpen them, for his spears.
sapisapigershapingUme'ehu edi aba~sapisapi nu'una yai amainiya dubu ana ume'ehu sa the stone quarry (place for shaping stones) they prepared the stones for the temple/church.
sapusapunkind of tree which has edible bell shaped fruit, sometimes white, pink or red.
sasaeVingo up (to)I gegela i lau ee--, edi luma yai. I dago~iti, i sasae. Wagabena yai i alasimo.He ran away and went on to their house. He jumped up and ascended. He hid himself on a shelf.
SataninSatanSatani wa ya liba lau Yesu lisina, iyen, љena um Yaubada Natuna, U liba be ume'ehu te ti falen fwalawa.эSatan spoke to Jesus and he said, "If you are God's Son'child, then speak so that these stones become bread."ov. synDiyabolo 1Diyabolo 4ona'onaha 1yaluwa heyaheyayanaSatani < ENG Satan
saufahidiVtr1wipe them off, tonuwadi ti amna, yo edi heyaya ya saufahidi!They will be blessed (their hearts will feel good) and their sins he will wipe off.2erase them, to
sauwelantowelna sauwela atipuna yai mate amainiya ahedi ya saudi. And with a towel around his waist (middle), there he wiped their feet.
SawaihanSawaihaSawaiha yai, waga hesana "Ao" amainiya 'e awa, na 'e lau Suau. There was a coastal boat at Sawaiha called the AO, so we boarded it there and went to Suau. {Sawaiha) is pronounced {Sawaia} by the people on the south coast and is sometimes spelled {Savaia}. It is a village on Sawaia Bay (Farm Bay) on the Suau Coast, and is west of Nawabu which is on the same bay.
sawedoVinslip away (to)In moho sa yo'o~fuyoi, bena sa tohai, na ya sawedo be ya lau~afuledi.But they searched for him again so they might catch him, but he slipped away and left them.See also {mwadofi} "slip away quietly" CHECKING: There is only one instance of {sawedo} in our database at this time.
sayasayanA tree that grows near rivers, with red bark which is scaly like grille or sipoma