Buhutu - English



sasmRE1theyWaihin ma natuna sa lau gabu.A woman went to the garden with her child.ov. syntiti2thedodoga sa no'ono'o'edi
sa dudulai sa lauCLgo straight,. tobe sa dudulai sa lau Saimon yo Endulu edi luma. And then they went straight to the house of Saimon and Endulu.
sa'ana n1forks of a tree, forked branches2fork of a river, branches of a riverHo'owa wa gwaluna yai ya faisa'ai, sa'ana oulina fati.At its source the river divided into forks, there were four forks (or branches).Sa'a bwa'ibwa'ina mate hesana Pison.The first branch (of the irver) was called Pison.POc *sanga, "fork in a tree, forked stick or post,crotch."
sabahoVtr1rub it (to)Mwano, matagu yai ya sabaho. He rubbed mud on my eyes.in mate logenana ma'i panepanena ya fagoi Yesu ahena yai na kuluna yai ya sabaho.She is for sure the one who poured fragrant perfume on Jesus' feet and rubbed it on his head.2rub them (to)Taumoho hesana Yesu, mwano ya falamo, be matagu ya sabahodi,A man named Jesus mixed up mud and rubbed (it on) my eyes.ma'i panepanena ya fagoi Yesu ahena yai na kuluna yai ya sabaho.perfume [LIT: coconut having smell] she poured it on Jesus' feet and rubbed it on his head.3rub them away (to)Dodoga mahudo'idi matasuludi matadi yai haba ya sabahodi,He will rub away the tears from all the people's eyes.
Sabatin1Sunday (as first day of the week)Na yau tamagu yo tatau ou'ouli Sabati yai, 'e bebedula bena suwana 'e yo'o, be hige hesa ai tohai.Now on a Sunday my father and all the men went pig netting so they might find a wild pig, but they did not catch anything.Sabati hwalahwalala mate hola begana egu E lau-'u'ula.It was on a Sunday morning, and i just did a bit of my prayers. day (as a holy day)bena somo haba E ita lobahi, pa'ana Sabati E -. [utusi]what might I meet up with, because I [broke] the Sabbath. Sabbath day (last day of the week)na Sabati hudo'i yai Yesu ya lau aba oi'oigogo lumana yai be ya fatubu ya lau fa'ata.and on a certain Sabbath day he went to the meeting house (=synagogue) and then he began to teach. synSandeiwiki8.4.1.1Calendar{Sabati} was used loosely by former LMS groups for "Sunday." The Catholics have been using {Sande} for Sunday, and {Sabati} for the Jewish concept of "Sabbath."<ENG "sabbath"
Sabati laugagayonaunspec. var.laugagayo1NPsabbath law (its)hige Yaubada lisina yai i laoma, pa'ana Sabati laugagayona hige i lau~watan. he does not come from God, because he does not follow the Sabbath law.
SabetanSabetaWaikiki in mate Bolasa, Kakaiwa, Sabeta, Bagunana, Julie, Tinono yo Betuela ya ita watandi be ya abi fala'idiWaikiki looked after Bolasa, Kakaiwa, Sabeta, Bagunana, Julie, Tinono and Betuela, and raised them until they were big (adapted them?)A woman's name, and an alternative spelling for "Sabbath.".9.7.1Name of a personalternative spelling is {Sabati}.<ENG "Sabbath"
sabi1red pigmentantafuli1 2ba'ola 3sabi 2saiya'o2tree species with red pigment in fruitNa edi aba uli'uli mate ba'ola, sabi, afuli: sa fa'asidi be sa 'ulidi.But their drawing things were ba'ola, sabi-fruit, and lime, with which they made designs."Sabi" is the fruit of a tree the juices of which are red.; A specimen of this tree grows where Patrick Delemaiya Semosemo lived in 1985, just east of the Ipouli river ans south of the main two-track road.antba'ola 1sabi 1saiya'oov. synafuli2 1*WS sabi or sabe: "red"antala~sabisabi
sabolo1nshovelEna sabolo ya lawelawen haba witi ya abi~lisi.He is bringing his shovel to thresh the wheat.See also {sipeidi} "spade, shovel"< ENG, "shovel."
sabolo2Vtrshovel it, to
sabolo hitinVtrshovel it up, toHwayahwayau fuyana yai, taumoho wa ena sabolo ya abi, yo witi ya sabolo hitin, be ya oiluhi, be nudadi ya fayofohidi.When it is windy, the man will take his shovel and shovel the wheat up (in the air) so that the husks(??) will be released (??)<ENG "shovel."
sadaES ofbedaSU ofbeda
sadainanbesideHige tau la'i sadaina yai, pa'ana bofa ya adidili wananaha.There was no one next to him, because the stench was very strong.Ana kalahe mate halua. Ai ho'owa sadaidi ya gogogo.It's food is fish @@@, They congregate beside the water.u fagogoma begana, na ibe ya gogoma, oyagi sadaina yai u tole,cool it a bit, but if it is cold, put it beside the fire,antganahewa 6ganahewana 1ganamulinahewana 8mulina 1mulina 2ubuna
sadamainbeside us.excl
sadasadainaadjnearbyYesu wasana ya tadada Diudeya mahudoꞌina yai yo sadasadaina nuꞌudi yai.The news about Jesus spread throughout all of Judea and through the neighboring regions.
SadusinSadduceesna Sadusi dodogadi mate, iti edi nuwatuhu mate: fuyana dodoga sa pe'i, haba ibege ti mwahuli~boda/obiyo~fuyo.Now the Sadducee people's belief is that: when people die, they will not rise again from the dead. <ENG, "sadducee"
saeVin1 go up (to)2go east (to)3go in an upward direction (to)Ya lau, ya lau, ya lofo, ya sae ya sae, ya sae yeee--, Ya hanahanau bena Nawalahi ya abi'ina, ...He went and went, he flew, he went up and up and up until-- he drew near so that he might touch the moon, ...4go in an eastward direction (to)ov. synhasae 2hasaema 2laomalau1 1leu 1lidi1 1Alternative spelling {sai} from Patrick Sadieutu.sae~pwaiunspec. comp. formVtrgo beyond (to)Tau lau~fayofayo dogana, ibege gonowana tanuwagana i sae~pwai. The one who is a slave, cannot go beyond his master/owner
sae-Vin > npfxRDP{saesae}