Buhutu - English



a2smIRINa hesana ige a siba.But I don't know her name.
a31ok2alrightA, lofudi wa ya falibadi.Alright then, she told her brothers.
a41place where "x" takes placeAbu'awa ena a be'u, ho'owa ti'oti'o uluna yai,the place where the tree Kangaroo fell, at the source of ti'oti'o steam2EPCAn alternative way of say {an} "place where "x" takes place. See also {aba}.
a-1n > npfxone's edible possession2n > npfxintimate possessionagu ulu-tubumy ancestorsAgu pilipilidai ya falibagu.I told you my story.Bobon, ada oyagi te, te oi.Tomorrow we will cut this tree.3pfxedible possession, intended for eatingAdi an'an sa abidi,They got their food.Ta lau ta paisowa ada gana yai.Let's go work in our garden.
a be'uNPplace where one fell down.Abu'awa ena a be'u, Ho'owa Ti'oti'o uluna yai,the place where the tree Kangaroo fell, at the source of Ti'oti'o Stream
a--1pfxer2pfxuhA--, e--, natumiu mate ni, gwama 'au--, 'oyagi ya bwai'in be halana ya tantan.Uh, er, your child over there, that boy, she borrowed the fire, and he's crying because of her.
a'a1Vinclean (to be)Mahudo'imiu ha'a ami a'a. In moho doga esega, hige'e. All of you are clean, but one person is not.
a'a2Vinclean, to be
a'aiMODALenoughA'ai, te fuyo.Enough, we're going.Yo fede, a'aina, 'e fuyo luma.And so, enough of it, we went back to the house.ov. syngonowagu 13gonowanagonowana
a'ainanenough of it
a'awanaunspec. var. ofa'awana ya lau
a'awana ya lauunspec. var.a'awanaCLtime passedA'awana ya lau, habahim, doga hesa Pita ya ita, be iyen, "Um hudo'i itete!"A space of time passed, then another person saw Peter and he said, "You're here are another one."
aba1Nomz1place whereYa fafamakano habahim, ya kanene be ya lau Hinau Masali ena aba laulau bu'a afusana. He was quite and then he crawled and went to the ash pit where Hinau Masali did her cooking.2place for3place where something takes placena E lau luma aba lepa be "tau kobakoba" [doctors] sa famwahuligu,...but I went to the house for sickness and then the healers or doctors made me well,...4instrument used for doing something5place of6means of7places of8thing forSometimes the variant forms {an} or {a} are used.Proto Suauic: kabaginauli aba gabugabu fawelodimaihala ena aba bulu1moni aba abinaNuwatohatoha Aba Ta'ainanuwatuhu aba fadudulainanuwatuhu loholohona aba fadudulainaaba an'anyawasiunspec. comp. formcomp.der.NP1resting placeHige gonowana haba au laoma egu aba an'anyawasi yai.It will not be possible for you to come to my place of rest.2place of restaba angabucomp.ger1roasting placena ya gayo fuyo tefa, be edi aba angabu yai amainiya ya ta'ata'ai.and he crossed back over to the other side, and then he was sitting at the place of their roasting (of their food).2cooking placeaba fa'alu~betibeticomp.der.NPplace of stumblingume'ehuna mate dodoga edi aba fa'alu~betibeti yo ume'ehuna ya ginaulidi be sa be'u.Its stone is a place where people stumble, and its stone (was) made for them to fall down.Inmoho Keliso sa tutu~fapatu ai 'e guguya'en mate, Diusi edi aba fa'alu~betibetiBut Christ they crucified (fasten by nailing) which we preach, is their place of stumbling for the Jews.aba fofofahicomp.der.id.NP1means of being rescuedGuyau in ibona ite aba fofofahi te ya libaen~bwa'iyen,The Lord himself spoke first about this means of being rescued. (i.e., way of being saved)2salvation, means ofEma aba fofofahi mate ema Yaubada lisina yai.Our means of being rescued (saved) is from God.aba ita'itacomp.cont.der.NP1vantage pointLogena, debana yai tau itana dodoga boludi sa fa'obiyo~fata'i'ilida, yo sa maimaineneida aba ita'ita yai.Since for sure, therefore, a crowd of people who are looking are standing around us, and are watching from their vantage point (place of seeing),2place of seeingaba aulahamaunspec. comp. formNP1place of origin, his2starting off place, hisIgola: Nu'u hesana. Ulutubu mate ena aba aulahama.Igola: the name of a place. It was my ancestor's starting off place.aba fanuha~hitiniguunspec. comp. formgerremembering me (means of)Au abi doha ite ya famala emi aba fafanuwa~hitinigu."You take it, like this it becomes your means of remembrance (celebration).aba fataumahatanaunspec. comp. formNPplace of being revealedTamagu ena loholoho aba fataumahatana mate ulumiu sa ouliWhere my Father's goodness is revealed is (when) your fruit is plentiful.aba hawahawa nuꞌunaunspec. comp. formunspec. var.nu'unaNPgrassy field haba 99 wa lau~afuledi sa anꞌanban ai aba hawahawa nuꞌunaYou will leave 99 of them grazing in a grassy field/place.aba puipuisulima, ho'owa ediunspec. comp. formNP1springs of water, their sources kipwala la'ila'i. . . . ya be'uma hewadi yai yo ho'owa edi aba puipuisulima hewadi yai–.A big star fell on top of them, and on top of the places where water springs up.2places where water springs upaba tolenaunspec. comp. formgerplace where something has been putBa'isa, yena um wa lawen, em aba tolena u falibagu haba E lau E abi.Sir, if you have taken him (his body) tell me where you put him and I will go and get him.
aba2BLabo1BBmaka1DAma'a1SUabo1abo2MODAL1willAgu pilipilidai aba E libalibaei.I will tell my story.Oni hewalim doha Nunumai, aba ya awa'abi'em."If you were a young man like Nunumai then I would obey you!Aba ai feti E eno.I will sleep up on the shelf2then*haba
AbaNomzplace for
aba ~abi'abi~lisi lumanaNPthereshing place
aba abi~gwa'uNP1place where one puts up a shelterov. synaba abi~gwa'u 2aba pei gwa'u aba pei gwa'u 1aba pei gwa'u 32place where one erects a temporary shelter or houseov. synaba abi~gwa'u 1aba pei gwa'u 1
aba abinaNomzplace of making it
aba abiꞌabilisi titimonaNP1instument for threshingEna aba abiꞌabilisi titimona mate nimana yai haba witi ya abilisi, be ꞌwapina ya pei~hudoꞌiyen. He will thresh the wheat with his instrument for threshing, and then toss the hulls (skins) elsewhere.2threshing fork
aba ai fetiNP1storage shelf2shelf"Aba ai feti E eno.""I (will) sleep on the shelf."