Buhutu - English



ba-1npfxPL2adj > adjpfxRDP{babadana}
ba'aVtradd??Muli yai falawa masimasina ai ma'i masina u ba'a.Afterwards add to flour batter to the coconut cream.
ba'aya1Vin1bad (to be)2evil (to be)3sinful (to be){ba'aya} is a Suau word used for sin or evil in the Suau New Testament. It is ften used as a substitute word for "sin" in Buhutu instead of {heyaya}.
ba'aya2n1sin2badness3evil{ba'aya} is the SUAU term equivalent to {heyaya} and is usually used with a specialized theological meaning when used by Buhutu speakers.ov. synba'aya3lau~heyaya2nuwa heyaya
ba'aya3EUPHpeniseuphemism for intimate body part, probably introduced by mission teachings.ov. synba'aya2 3ena ba'ayakutinalau~heyaya2mwagiananuwa heyaya
babadan1uncles2big men3men4eldersAfa-tamagu yo egu babada mahudo'imiuAll of you, my fathers and my uncles"O, afatamagu yo egu babada mahudo'imiu, bobon ada oyagi esega te, te oi.Oh, my fathers and my uncles, all of you. Tomorrow we chop this one tree here.Mabada, babada sun sa ginaulidi.Long ago, our elders made houses called "Sun."Lumadi mate, babada edi aba oi'oiliba yo edi mata'asi ainiya sa oilibaedi.As for these houses, they were where the "big men" held their disucussions, and they discussed their feasts there.
babadadintheir big men, their eldersNa Mowabi babadadi sa fuyo Balaki lisinaAdn the elders of Moab returned to Barak
babagancrotonWaihin aho ena fafa'ilala babaga wa hige i mwahiu, be ya nuwadubu,Now the woman's "sign" the croton leaves, did not wiggle, and she felt dowhhearted.Babaga is planted as an ornamental shrub, and is especially used to mark grave sites along with another ornamental plant called litiliti. Crotons have variably shaped leaves and come in varying colors.Codiaeum variegatum
Babaga HisuNPCroton PointWawahin mahudo'idi sa awa sa lefa sa leuma mate, Babaga Hisu mate, sa leu.All of the women boarded (the raft) and came paddling down. they went around Croton Point.Babaga Hisu or "Croton Point," a location on the west side of Mullins Harbour.
baba'isan1big men2leaders
babakanbanana varietybanana tree with big leaves used for cookingov. synasai2
baba'odinon top of?Waihin matamata heyayana tautaumaya gesana ho'owa ai baba'odi ya ta'ata'aiThe shameless harlot [LIT woman with bad eyes] is sitting on the waters. Just a single occurrence of this word as of 2019-08-02. I do not know exactly what it means. RC.
babawaVin1staying (to be)2sitting (to be)Waihin ye, au babawa, ma monem.Woman, you stay home with your husband.
BabelanBabelBabela Lumana Hewana Lofalofa.The Tower of Babel [lit: tall house of Babel].
BabilonnBabylonNa Deiwidi ena fuya yai ya lau ee–, sa tohaidi sa lawedi Babiloniya yai, hitidi safuhudohudoꞌi fati hinaga, And from David's time until they were captured and taken to Babylon, was also fourteen generations.< ENG, Babylon < Greek Babulon.
badaadjbigIn Western Suau {bada} is the preferred term for "big," but in Eastern Suau and in Buhutu {la'i} or {la'ila'i} is most often used for "big."
-badan > nsfxbig
bada, edanuncle (our.excl)Go to {bada, egu}
bada, egun1uncle (my)4.1.9Kinship2uncle (our.incl)Eda bada ma'emiu au lau au wakoya.You go crabbing with our uncle.4.1.9Kinship3mother's brother4.1.9Kinship4father's sister's husband.Yau yo egu bada 'e lidi Tamonau.I and my uncle went down to Tamonau.Egu bada hesa hesana mate Losema.One of my uncle's (mother's brothers) was named Losema.Diyakobo ya lau, be ena bada Labeni ena ya paisowa.Jacob went and worked for his mother's brother (uncle) Laban.ov. synegu bada4.1.9Kinshipsee also {ena bada},
bada, egu n1uncleones maternal uncle4.1.9Kinship2maternal uncleEm bada Hemulo mate in ena luma hudo'i ma lahuna yo afa nanatuna. Your Uncle Hemulo has a separate house with his wife and his children.Ones maternal uncle4.1.9Kinship3big man4leaderNa babada ya lau, ya oiliba salai. Ya lau Wale.Now the big man went to hold a palaver about pigs. He went to Ware.ena sai ini hesana sa tole "Hatafele" o taumoho hesa sa tole in "Bada" mate haba sa miya ai ganahobe ganahewana yai.Whenever anyone gave her the name "hatafele," or when ever they gave a man the name "bada", then they lived inside the kind of traditional house called a "ganahobe."Hesadi: Bada - taumoho, Hatafele - waihini.Their names: Bada is the man, and Hatafele is the woman.ov. synguyau 1hatafele 1taubada2SU oftaubada1