i5smRE1he2she3it{i} is used in Suau as 3sRE (third person singular realis and irrealis subject agreement marker. But in Buhutu {i} is used for 3sIR third person singular Irrealis subject agreement marker only.
iba'iinterjwho knowsIba'i, haba wa'uli wa an, e hige'e?Who knows, will you (get to) eat sago,or not?Two pronunciations, one with and one without a glottal stop {iba'i} and {ibai}.
ibaiinterjwho knows?O, sa lau sa pei mate, ya alele, ibai hige ya siba, doha nawalahi esega. Oh, they went and they tossed him out, and he was floating, Who knows? I don't know, like for one month.Two pronunciations, one with and one without a glottal stop {iba'i} and {ibai}.
ibeCOND1ifAdeli! Wonu ibe agu E an, pa'ana iti sa amna!Oh, if only I might eat my turtles, because they are tasty!2when3then...might4then (conditional, might)pa'ana do'ata nimamai 'e kamfahidi be 'e an'an, ibe ai be'u.because, if we take our hands off so we [can] eat, then we might fall.5might6maybe
ibe higeCOND1if not2might not3unable (might be)Haba ai yauli hobahoba am paisowa; ibe hige siya u fuyo, u lau hewa.What you do is roost on the ground; you wouldn't be able to go there, and go up high.
ibege1CONJif notTabu ai gaimumu na au dagodago. Mate ibege au sibasiba.Don't be "jumping" when we give you advice. If you do that you won't know anything."be ibege u libaliba eee--, ana siga ena liba fasunuma te ya taumahata."so then, you may not talk until finally this promise is revealed.2CONDmight not3CONDif not4CONDwon'ttefana ibege i lofa