pa'a nononohanaNPprepared foundationPa'a nononohana Keliso Yesu mate, Yaubada ha'a ya obiyo,As for the prepared foundation, Christ Jesus, God has already erected him (stood him up).
pa'adinbase (their)Gomna, mate tapa'au ini fwaufwau pa'adi yai mate gomna.In regard to the palm heart: at the base of crown's new shoots is the palm heart. See also {pa'ana} its base.
pa'ana1n1basis (its)Diyobi haihaidana edi nuwatuhu bena Diyobi ena kamkamna pa'ana, mate ginauli heyaheyayadi ya ginaulidi debadi yai The thinking of Job's companion was that the basis of his suffering was on account of the bad things he had done.2reason for (its)3base (its)
pa'ana2CONJbecauseHige ai laowa Gelemalaiya, pa'ana bolowada ya wewe.We didn't go to Gelemalaia because the flood came up.Na haisa mate sa gela, be sa lau oyagi galina yai, pa'ana ye sigu hige benai dagugugu yai, be sa lau.But as for the others, they fled and went inside a hole in a log, because I did not swim quietly in regard to [making] noise, so they fled away.
Padiu Tu'anaNPa mountain eastward around the bay from Modeiwa Village.Na esega moho mate Magesubu, hola otawa eda Padiu Tu'ana yai.But one more is Magesubu the Eagle, who still remains on our Padiu Mountain.
pa'e'ewaliVinturn around, toYa pa'e'ewali mate doga hesa ya mwaimwaito mulina yai. She turned around and there was a man standing behind her.Compare {bui} and {timuli~bui}. {Pa'e'e'wali} occurs only once in the current data base as of 2018-09-21.
Pailati1Pilate2Pontus PilatePailati ya liba lau Tau Antalasam Ba'iba'isadi yo dodoga peidi lisidi yai.Pilate spoke to the chief prieests and to all of the poeple.{Pailati} < Eng Pilate
painaVin1make public (to)Asubena hudo'i, abo tinana tamana sa oiliba, na sa paina, sa liba-famahata, itiwam, . . .On another day then, her mother and father discussed it, and they @@@, they revealed it [to the people], and they said, . . .Probably means "to make something public" RC 2017-112rebuke, toSaluma hahaisa sa heyaya bena sa paina~famahatadi be haba hahaisa sa ꞌwasabu. Whoever are evil they should rebuke publically so that others may be asfraid.We erase the word {paina}, but it similar to "rebuke," but {paina} means, when strange things are happening in the night, like bats (diu'diu ya 'gwane'gwane) flying around the house and making lots of noise, or frogs making noises, any other thing like birds, and older people are speaking/taking or screaming at them in the night, thinking that evil spirits are around the their house or their yard. GB.
paipaisowaVin1working (to be)Do'ata mate haba ami wawewawewe, ibege au paipaisowa.If like that you will be spreading out, if you do not keep working.2doing (to be)
paipaisowa gaibu1working for nothing (to be)2work with no resultstabu emi sikulu au peipeinidi, bena ai moni 'e peipei gaibuidi, yo bena 'e paipaisowa gaibu.don't throw away your schooling, so that we would be throwing away money, or be working in vain.