Buhutu - English



wa1smREyou.sgU bui~hitini, haba em oyagi wa yufi.You turn it over and then you [can] blow your fire.Iyebom, "Ibe gonowana, hinaga, egu fuya wa felegu, ..."He said, "If possible you might also give me a turn, ..."na bena radio maisadi ema leta eai wa uli be wa falibamai.But you might write the cost of the radios in your letter, and tell us about it.
wa2OI1OI2theAbela wa ya taumoho la'ila'i na wasabu wa otana moho.As for Abel, he is an adult, and the fear still remains.Na Giveson Eleni mate, Family Botukana wa [femili motukana] sa bamp, ...As for Gibson Eleni, they had a crash with the "Family Motorcar."ov. synaho 1hudo'i 4mate 2mate 2u 23now
wa-1npfxRDP{wawahin}wawahin nahinahicomp.NPmarried women Wawahin nahinahi, laulauna gonogonowana hinaga bena lalahumiu ami fa'atitiyedi, Married women, in the same way of doing, you should also respect/honor your husbands.
wa-2npfxPLwawahindi tau saguhidider.NPmidwivesHabahim, Idipi edi Kin, Puwa yo Sifala, iti Hebelu wawahinidi tau sagusaguhidi, ya falibadi, iyenThen the King of Egypt spoke to the midwives (LIT: ones who help the women) Puwa [Puah] and Sifala [Shiphrah] and said,
-wav > vsfxthitherDirectionals: use of the suffix {-ma} indicites hither, or toward orientation of speaker. Use of the suffix {-wa} indicates thither, or away from the orientaiton of the speaker.
wa'alinsugarcaneYau E lau, wa'ali luwaga E pwaidi, tinagu ana be yau agu, na 'e an wa'ali.I went and broke off two sugarcane stalks, one for my mother nd one for me, and we were eating sugarcane."U lau agu wa'ali u golu, . . .You go chop my sugarcane, . . .Natuna wa, tinana lebena yai wa'ali ya an'eta-lau, iye, "Tinagu, wa'ali agu u pwai!"The child begged her mother for sugarcane and said, "Mother break my sugarcane."Nohina mate: wa'ali, walabu, asai, kanuwa, imo, kapoi, nalei, yo an'an ou'ouli ya nohi, edi gabu ganahewana yai.In its lair it stores sugar cane, pitpit, sweet potatoes, taro, various kinds of yams, and many kinds of food, there in the middle of their garden.Sugarcane, Saccharum officinarum, is indigenous to Papua New Guinea: indeed Melanesian plants seem to have provided the basic stock for a large part of the world's commercial sugar plantations. (May, Kaikai Aniani, 1984:82)ov. synsugaSaccharum officinarum; Plant family: Poaceae. from plants5. also {an wa'ali} "to eat sugarcane."
wa'ali li'ediNP1sugarcane shoots2shoots of sugarcaneNa eda li'e te, ada wa'ali li'edi, te lau, te umahidi, na wa waiyo'o.Now we would go and plant our seed, our sugarcane shoots, but you would refuse to do it.
wa'amon1cornZea mays L.; Plant family: Poaceae5. from seeds2maizeHwaifu, ma'ima'i, yo wa'amo sa an'anidi.They eat hwaifu nuts, coconut and corn.Gabu an'andi, bwaha yo wa'amo ya andi.He ate up the garden food, the pumpkins and the corn.Ae, u saguhigu be egu wa'amo te anhole."Please, help me so that we (can) harvest our corn.
waboiVtr1crowd them out, tobe sa in~gogo, inmoho sa waboidi.so they sprout up together but they crowd them out.2choke them out, toThis word only occurs twice in the database as of 2021-10-24.
Wadaheyan1Cockatoo speciesCacatua galerita9.7.1.3Clan names1.6.1.2Bird2White CockatooFemales and males are called Wahaheya. They are a bit big. They are white, and on their crest they are yellow. Their beaks are black. They eat Hwaifu, coconuts and corn. They nest in holes in trees. Their eggs are white and speckled/spotted.Cacatua galerita9.7.1.3Clan names1.6.1.2Bird3Sulphur-crested CockatooCacatua galerita9.7.1.3Clan names1.6.1.2BirdAn alternative name for this species is {Kehoi}.
Wadaheya Natunan1cockatoo species, small1.6.1.2Bird2a smaller cockatoo species which looks like the Sulfur-crested Cockatoo, Wadaheya1.6.1.2Bird
waduben1tree speciesov. synkakanoli 1kakanoli 1kakanoli 2wadube 21.5.1Tree2abortion medicine, a tree from which a medicine is made to abort a baby; tree is like a budobudo tree.ov. synkakanoli 1wadube 11.5.1Tree2.5.7.5Traditional medicine2.6.3.3Miscarriage
wadube~daudauVindeserted, to beWord seems to only occur once in the data as of 2024-08-19
wa'eov. synbodawanibodawanibwaha ininawai'a
waenn1wine2wineMelekisideki fwalawa yo waen ya abidi, be ya lau Abelaham ya felen.Melchizedek got bread and wine and went and gave them to Abraham.
wagan1a conveyance used for travelling by waterov. syndafuwaga 32boat3shipFuya ma'esega, tinagu be yau ema waga 'e wosen, na 'e lau gabu.One time my mother and I paddled our canoe and went to the garden."Waga" usually means a dugout canoe with an outrigger, however a river canoe (as in the text cited) it could be just a dugout without an outrigger--called "gebo" by Tawala people.ov. synwaga 14canoes5boatswaga tau paisowaunspec. comp. formcomp.der.NPcrew of a shipWaga hesa-hesa tau ulindi yo tau adau yo waga tau paisowa sa obiyo manamana'a yai,The steersmen of every ship, and the passengers and the crew stand off at a distance
waga puwapuwan1canoe with two hulls2two-hulled canoeWaga puwapuwa mate, in maihala ena aba bulu yai ya laomaAs for the two-hulled canoe, it came from the place where the sun sinks down, i.e. the west].3catamaran-type canoe
waga tau paisowaunspec. comp. form ofcomp. ofder. ofwagatau5paisowa1waga
waga yaiPP1in the canoe2by canoe3in a canoe
wagabenanshelfI gegela i lau ee--, edi luma yai. I dago-iti, i sasae. Wagabena yai i alasimo.He ran away and went on to their house. He jumped up and ascended. He hid himself on a shelf.
wagamaincanoe (our.excl)
waganancanoes (ones)
Waga'u'enplanked sailing canoeYo fede, waga luwaga ya tadidi. Hesa "Ilo," na hesa "Waga'u'e." And then he carved two canoes, one was a double hulled canoe called "Ilo" and the other was a planked sailing canoe called "Waga'u'e."This is the coastal Suau name for this type of canoe.
WagawaganWagawaga villageNa ite Sabati te hinaga, ena ea siuhwalo haba ӥ lau Wagawaga, ӥ lau'u'ula. Mate, ema antaumana wasana.And on this Sunday also, if it is dry weather, we will go to Wagawaga for church. that is the news about our church visitation.A village on the south shore of Milne Bay.
wagawagabenanan1stretcherbe gwama pe'ipe'ina wagawagabenana yai ya abilau.and then he reached out and touched the stretcher of the boy. 2carryng platformSomeone has interpeted this as a "coffin" but in the Luke 7 story it should be a stretcher or a carrying platform. See {wagabena} "shelf."