1.3. Water

Didi Kiukiu Ho'owanaNPSmall Flowing CreekFuya hesa mate E hasai be Didi Kiukiu Ho'owana E lau E tigatiga. One day I went up so that I could go walkabout at Didi Kiukiu (Small Flowing) creek. A very small stream on the east side of Ipouli.
gabogabon1seaGabogabo mate ya bagodu palapa.The sea had really big waves.Sa tuba sa lau gabogabo atipuna yai. They swam and they went to the middle of the sea.ov. synalita 2ho'owa, lake2ocean3saltwaterBolima 1982 ganahewana yai, egu fuya bwa'ibwa'ina E lau E ansiwasiwa gabogabo yai.In 1982 it was my first time to go bathing in the sea.Na haidagu haisa sa topu be edi ka'e yo gabogabo ginaulidi haisa sa abidi.But some of my companions went underwater and got pearl shells and other things from the sea., lake1.3.6Water quality
hinofan1ditch1.3Water6.2.1Growing crops2drainSee also {dulein} "drain"
hisun1nose2.1Body2.1.1.3Nose2.1.1Head2snout1.6.2.1Parts of a bird1.6.2Parts of an animal3point (of land)Wawahin mahudo'idi sa awa sa lefa sa leuma mate, ma, hani'i--, Babaga Hisu mate, sa leu.All of the women boarded [their raft] and came paddling down until they came to Babaga Point, and then they went on down to the west., shorehisugu: "my nose"
ho'owan1waterNa um u lau ho'owa ada u yahi.But you go and dip up our water.ov. synalita 2alita 2alita 2gabogabo 1ho'owa 41.3Water2drinking water3river1.3.1.3River4streamegu pidu yo galasi E abidi, na E lau, be egu galasi hola ho'owa yai E kaisu.I took my goggles and my fishing spear, and I went, and then I just washed my goggles in the water.Fresh water, as compared to saltwater.ov. synho'owa 11.3Water1.3.1Bodies of water5creek6streams
ho'owa po'opo'ona la'ila'inaNPlake, large round waterNa ho'owa po'opo'ona la'ila'ina ganahewana yai mate hesana "Galili Gabogabona.'And inside that place was a large round water named "The Sea of Galilee."1.3Water1.3.1Bodies of waterCompare {ho'owa bwaibwai'u'una la'ila'ina} Also "big round water" or lake but with a different wpord for "round."
ho'owana bwaibwai'u'una la'ila'inaNP1lakeYesu ya aulaha~boda, be ya lau Galili Ho'owana bwaibwai'u'una la'ila'ina yai.Jesus set off again, and then he went to Lake Galilee (lit: Galilee large round water.).1.3Water1.3.1Bodies of water2round water (large)1.3Water1.3.1Bodies of waterLiterally "large round water"
ho'owa yaiPP1to the water1.3Water2in the water3in the stream
ho'owanan1water (its)1.3Water2river (its)
pulu1npoolov. synbom, bombombwalubwalu 2ipuna 1oulaoula1.3.1Bodies of water