lugu1nleafHaibe'u mate, Oyagi laga afa'afadi, hige lugudi.Autumn is when trees just have bare branches, not (their) leaves.Lumana mate, hatona wa'uli luguna sa gula, be kaimo sa tili, be sa kifi'i ya ofi.As for the house, for the thatch they stripped off the sago leaves, and split the pandanus root so they could finish making the batten strips.1.5Plant2dummyleavesoyagi luguna.leaves of a tree.lugu edi fuyaseasons for the leaves. to the possessed form {luguna] which is normally used. On the Suau side, however {lugu} or {agu lugu} may also mean the mustard dipped in lime and taken with betelnut
Sabatin1Sunday (as first day of the week)Na yau tamagu yo tatau ou'ouli Sabati yai, 'e bebedula bena suwana 'e yo'o, be hige hesa ai tohai.Now on a Sunday my father and all the men went pig netting so they might find a wild pig, but they did not catch anything.Sabati hwalahwalala mate hola begana egu E lau-'u'ula.It was on a Sunday morning, and i just did a bit of my prayers. day (as a holy day)bena somo haba E ita lobahi, pa'ana Sabati E -. [utusi]what might I meet up with, because I [broke] the Sabbath. Sabbath day (last day of the week)na Sabati hudo'i yai Yesu ya lau aba oi'oigogo lumana yai be ya fatubu ya lau fa'ata.and on a certain Sabbath day he went to the meeting house (=synagogue) and then he began to teach. synSandeiwiki8.4.1.1Calendar{Sabati} was used loosely by former LMS groups for "Sunday." The Catholics have been using {Sande} for Sunday, and {Sabati} for the Jewish concept of "Sabbath."<ENG "sabbath"