dubun1church (building)1926 mate, Gelemalaiya yai, dubu; Ipouli yai, dubu; Siasiada yai, dubu, yo Bolowai yai, dubu, sa ginaulidi.In 1926 they built them: at Gelemalaiya, a church; at Ipouli, a church, at Siasiada, a church, and at Bolowai, a church.Fuya ou'ouli dodoga sa laoma dubu be sa lau'u'ula.People always come to the church to pray.ov. synekalesiya 1ekalesiya 2lau'u'ula1 of worship2church (related activities other than worship)Na paisowa ou'oulidi faligigi. (1) Dubu paisowana.but my jobs are five. the first is church work.Fuya esega, Mande maihonana, E laubawa Ho'owala'i yai, yo dubu hinaga wanadi 'e anpateidi.One time on a Monday evening, I was visiting at Ho'owala'i, and we were practicing church songs.3church (as an organized institution, or denomination)Na hola aho lahai te Buhutu yai dubu luwaga moho, sa laulau-tafo o sa paipaisowa,But still at this time there are just two churches, and they are still running, or doing their work."Dubu" may refer to the church building, activities and institution but NOT to the worship activity. Lau u'ula may refer to the activity of "having church," or of praying in other ways.4church5church (people)6templeDubu from MOTU "chief's platform, sacred house"

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