Sabati1Sunday (as first day of the week)Na yau tamagu yo tatau ou'ouli Sabati yai, 'e bebedula bena suwana 'e yo'o, be hige hesa ai tohai.Now on a Sunday my father and all the men went pig netting so they might find a wild pig, but they did not catch anything.Sabati hwalahwalala mate hola begana egu E lau-'u'ula.It was on a Sunday morning, and i just did a bit of my prayers. day (as a holy day)bena somo haba E ita lobahi, pa'ana Sabati E -. [utusi]what might I meet up with, because I [broke] the Sabbath. Sabbath day (last day of the week)na Sabati hudo'i yai Yesu ya lau aba oi'oigogo lumana yai be ya fatubu ya lau fa'ata.and on a certain Sabbath day he went to the meeting house (=synagogue) and then he began to teach. synSandeiwiki8.4.1.1Calendar{Sabati} was used loosely by former LMS groups for "Sunday." The Catholics have been using {Sande} for Sunday, and {Sabati} for the Jewish concept of "Sabbath."<ENG "sabbath"
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