ubunaunderneathNa gwama wa ya luhu lau gwayali wa, ubuna yai. Na ya atahi watan.But the boy went under the mat, and he followed (his actions) by listening.Yena "duikers" heyaheyaya sa lobahidi mate, sa hoba lidi ai bagili ubudi.When a "Duikers" antelope encounters danger, it crouches down under the tall grass.Tanohi ubuna yai, ho'owa sa kalakalamahano hasaema, be tano'ubu mahudo'ina mate, bolowada sa famohafu.From underneath the ground the waters were arriving and coming up, and so the whole world was filled by the flood.antganahewa 6ganahewana 1ganamuliganamulinahewana 8mulina 1mulina 2sadaina
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