lau11Vingo (to)Gwama wa ya dago be ya lau haufata hesa yaiThe boy jumped and went to another platform.Habahim, ya lau Mogiliu Solasolana yai, ya poupouli.then he went to Mogiliu Channel, and was floating there.Yo fede wahadi ana fuya sa dui. Gwama wa ya lau lofuna ya fayoga be ya laoma.And so they sent their grandson for his turn.The boy went to his sister and called her and they she came.ov. synhasae 2hasaema 2laomaleu 1lidi1 1sae 42Vintime going by (to be)Gwama wa ya lau eee--, ya famala doga la'ila'i.The boy went along, until he became a big person (adult)Na ya nuwanuwatuhu ya lau eee--, ena wau'oya aho alimana yai ya fa'afi wa, ya nuwatuhui.But he was thinking and thinking until, he remembered his obsidian knife which he'd tucked in his armband.3Vinactivity (to be involved in)Yo fede, ya lau alahiya ya lau ginauli yeee--, ya ofi, ya peinidi be sa ota.And so, he went and made spears. He was making them until they were finished, then he piled them up and left them.4Vtrgo for (to)falau watanidifalau~fwaufwaudifalau~ponomiufaliba lauwengayo fuyo lau tefagayo lau tefaita'ita lau tefalaulau~waihini'ilaulauimahano lautafo~luhuluhulautau fafalau~fatala doganatau lauguguya' oneself to, tona tabu hidana i lau~paliyenAnd he shouldn't compare himself to his friend.lau~tanitanisi'icomp.der.1weep bitterly, toNu'u E lau~tanitanisi'i pa'ana hige sai loholohona hesa ya sibai haba buka i so'e. . . .I went around crying very hard because there was no one good (enough) who know how to open the book. . . .2cry very hard, tolaulau~bodacomp.cont.go back again (to)Sidohana be ami laulau~boda? Why (how) are you going back (to it) again?Keliso wasana lau~fa'atana bwa'ibwa'ina ha'a ami atahiyedi, lisina yai tabu ta laulau~bodaidi.As for Christ's first teachings which you have already heard, Let us not go back again to them.laulau~bodaidicomp.cont.1go back to them again, to2do them again, toantalasam ese'esegadi fuya ou'ouli sa laulau~bodaidi.and the one and the same sacrifices they do them again all the time.laweder.1make something go, to2make it go, tolau~papalinimunspec. comp. form1hit you on the cheek (to)2hit one's cheek (to)Yena sai ya lau papalinim, papali hesa u felen hinaga.When someone hits you on the cheek, give him the other cheek also.laulau~yo'oiunspec. comp. formsearching for, to beSai ami laulau~yo'oi?Who are you looking for?
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