Browse Bunong – English

ជែកEXPRinterrogatively (persistent questioning)
ជៃSimច្វាញNthatch house with rice storage inside and directly above the fireplace. The thatch roof nearly reaches to the ground so woven bamboo walls are sufficient to keep the elements out. This type of house is usually located in the village6.5.1.2Types of housescomp.ញីសជៃញីសជៃ​រ៝តcomp.Nlong house; long thatch house with multiple family groups each with their own fireplaceជៃងគ៝ន់comp.Nhouse built on top of the ground without digging down to place the corner postsជៃញីសcomp.Nផ្ទះខ្ពស់ជៃនតុកអ្វាញ់comp.Nwatch housesជៃមីរcomp.field houseជៃឞាcomp.millញីសរោងមពោងជៃcomp.from door to door
ជោប1Vhover, fly
ជោប2Vto babysit
ជោម1Nfish tail palm (Caryota mitis or C. urens)
ជោរNរាញាទូនតីល​មពោល​គុន​តា​ឞ្រី ឞ៝ន់​ទើយ​ឆ៝ៈពាង់ឆា,ឞ៝ន់​ជានទាកឞ៝សឆា។
ជោៈVto visit'Nong'.SynDខ៝ល់1ខាល់1ខាល់2ជុ
ជ្រ៝ង់2Vto support from below (house)
ជ្រ៝ង់3Nhouse post
ជ្រាងNk.o. wild fruit
ជ្រាង់ADJsteepDerញជ្រាង់ 1
ជ្រីNbanyan tree, k.o. ficus tree; a variety of tree that begins as an epiphyte growing on another tree which it overtakes and outlivesតើម​ជ្រី***Ficus
ជ្រីសVspit out (of the mouth)ក៝នជ្រីសព្យាង់លោសឞើសមឞូងកូនខ្ជាក់បាយចេញពីមាត់
ជ្រុញNcutting board