Browse Bunong – English

ទឹងទឺតADJcareless, sloppy
ទឹងមាង់PROto continue through or in spite of the nightគ៝ប់​ហាន់​​មពេញ​ទឹង​មាង់***
ទឹងរឹEXPRvery much (of a characteristic, e.g. strength); very big
ទឹងអែCONJquite amazing (this person)!, (can be used positively or negatively: What a silly one!))
ទឹលVtired of, fed up, bored of, sick of, lose heart
ទឺរយឺរNHoopoe (bird associated with healing)
ទុVgo aside!, give way!ទុ​មៃ​អ្យាៈ!Let us through!
ទុង1Nsack, shoulder bag2Vto carry (on a string over the shoulder)3Vto pull, (a cart with a rope over the shoulder)ទុងចែងcomp.Nsmall bag with shoulder strap