Browse Bunong – English

អ៝1Nk.o. trap which kills the victim with an arrow
អ៝2dial. var.អ៝អាចADJpoorអ៝អាចcomp.dial. var. ofអ៝2poor
អ៝កCfច្យាត់1Nitch; scabies; type of skin disease that makes little pus bubbles on the skin; itchy rashSynគ្រាយ្សអ៝ក 22Vto itchSynគ្រាយ្សអ៝ក 1អ៝កគ្រាយ្សcomp.ដំបៅSynឆោតគ្រាយ្ស 1comp. ofគ្រាយ្សឆោត2ឆោតគ្រាយ្ស 2comp. ofគ្រាយ្សឆោត2
អ៝ក់ADVmuchអ៝ក់រ៝ក់comp.very muchអ៝ក់ឤឤunspec. comp. formADJmuch, a lot, many
អ៝ក់ឤឤunspec. comp. form ofអ៝ក់
អ៝ងNhuge waspsting is like a snake bite. 5-6 stings can cause deathអ៝ងញឹងcomp.មេឪម៉ាល់អ៝ងត្រ៝យcomp.ស្រាំងអ៝ងនទ្រ៝ង់comp.Nk.o. big bee
អ៝ង់Nrotten potatoឞូម​អ៝ង់***
អ៝ង់កាNorganization, e.g. Pol Pot regime, NGO
អ៝ង់គ្លេN.propEnglish language
អ៝តVto rub together, ‘ make a fire’
អ៝ត់dial. var.អាត់1Vabstain (for a time), contain appetite or emotion (e.g. one’s anger), control, endure, bear, resistអ៝ត់ឆោងcomp.តមអាហារអ៝ត់នូយ្សcomp.Simទុបនូយ្សph. v. ofទុបនូយ្ស2នូយ្សនហ៝ម់ជ៝ក់patient, slow to anger, forbearance
អ៝ន់1PREPfor (do sth for sbd), for the benefit ofគ៝ប់ឆើមជានអ៝ន់I (will) help (to) make (sth) for (sbd).នាវ​ឞោក​អ៝ន់​ឞូ​គឹត​ល៝រIntroduction (lit., "head_matters given for people to know before")
អ៝ន់2Cfក៝ស2ក្រាបក្រែកខ្វឹខ្វៅគ្រុងគ្លាត់ចែងច្រែបច្វាស1ច្វាស2ឆឹតឆោងជានជីកញឆាត់តឹងតឹងនទោៈcomp. ofតឹងនទោៈទិញទ្រ៝យ្សទ្រុនទ្រើនទ្រើមនទ៝ប់នទុយនទោតនទោៈប្ហុតព្ល៝យព្លឹរាគាន់រាញោនរាទោស2រាព្រ៝ៈរាលូរាឞុលរាអ្យើបរុនទ្រុនunspec. comp. form ofទ្រុនរើនទ្រើនunspec. comp. form ofទ្រើនរោតតោត2លាប់លោសវានវាសឞ្រុលឞ្រែបឞ្រោៈហាន់អ្យើប1Vto give‘give’ with មា is more polite than without. To people of same or lowerstatus it is more likely to be omitted.Simនទឹ2Vput3verbprtIMP
អ៝ន់31preVcause something to happencomp.ជានអ៝ន់ជាន2preVensure or make sure s.t. happens (similar to Causative)3preVmust, should, make sure; modal IMPERATIVE particleមើម​អ៝ន់​គ៝ប់​ជាន​គៃ​មា​គែស​នាវ​រេស​នហ៝រ៝​មេស?What do I need to do to have eternal life?4preVallow, let, permissive5postVfor the purpose of s.t. happening6postVBENEFICIARY, ADDRESSEE?