Browse Bunong – English

អា1dial. var.ហា2dial. var. ofអ្យាcomp.អាមើម
អា2CONJRELATIVIZER; that, which??អាមីរ***
អា3dial. var.ហា31PREPto, towards (direction word); nonspecific, indefiniteលិចឆៃអាជៃ​រី[I] did not see [it/them] at that house.2PREPat (specifies location or movement toward a location)3SPECIFIER, limits the range of possible reference of dimensions of time, space, referencecomp.អាអេងអេង1អាកើយcomp.ADVin the future, laterអាត្រោមcomp.insideSynតាត្រោមcomp. ofតាអាទ៝ង់comp.down/over thereអានទើសcomp.a momentអានារcomp.light, daytimeអាអោយនើសcomp.earlier this morning
អា4REALISSimអែអាល៝រcomp.sp. var.អា​ល៝រSimអេល៝រADVbefore (refering to an event that has already taken place), in the past
អាង1Vshine, be brightអាង​ប្រីងcomp.ភ្លឺ​ព្រាងៗអាងរាសវាសcomp.bright light, illuminated clearlyអាងរាសអាងរាយcomp.full daylightអាងឞ្រីcomp.dawn
អាងឹរEXPR1(think, think, see)2(aim, measure by looking)
អាចមាCONJdue to the fact; as a result of X; because of X then Y; only because
អាច់SynDអែក1Nfeces, shit, manure, excrementSimអែក2Vto defecate3CONJdue to the fact, only becauseអាច់រាហ្វៃcomp.freckle, mole
អាច់កាNplant, k.o.
អាច់អោលNhorned beetleកុងកុតអាច់អោលcomp.Nទូនតី​កុងកុតឆាក់ពាង់ក្រាក់​ ពាង់វៃគុរេសតាអាច់ឆុរ មោលាសអាច់ឞូនុយ្ស