Cahto - English


bischloo-yaashtcn ayoung owlBubo virginianus"eaten; climbed trees to catch young in nest; owls shot" (Loeb, p.46) (birds)comp. ofbischloogreat horned owl-yaashtcdiminutive (small&young)Source forms: bistloyeck
biskiikher children3 childrenSource forms: bûs kīk, bûc kīk
√BISHrtin 'understand
√BITrtcatFelidaebindi...mindi...Source forms: bŭ́t..., bŭchbût..., bûtc, bûtsbût...bût..., bûtsbû́tsˑ, bûttsˑbŭtcbutchbittcn abobcatbitchown amountain lion
bittcn abobcat, wild catLynx fasciatusHaakwdangʾ bittc ndooʾ yaaʾnii.At that time there were no bobcats, they say.GT01 1.55Bittc lheeneeʾhaaʾ teelaat yaaʾnii.All the bobcats drowned, they say.GT02b 14.10"bittc diideeʾ banjaaʾ," tcʾin yaaʾnii.)"Let there be bobcats in the north,” he said, they say.)GT07 Meat (mammals) of√BITcat-tcdiminutive suffixbindi-tcimindichSource forms: bŭchbûtc, bûtsbûtc, bûtsbû́tsˑ, bût tsˑbŭtcbutchtoo-bittcn ahouse cat
bittcevar. ofbittcbobcatbobcatSource forms:
bit-tcʾeeʾaashits intestines3 poss.*bit-tcʾeeʾaashintestines (of animal)Source forms: bût tce ᵋacbût tce aj
*bit-tcʾeeʾaashn iaintestinesof an animal; probably the large intestines specificallyBit-tcʾeeʾaash, uutcʾiikʾeeʾ tcʾneelhyiilʾ.She eats up its large and small intestines.GT35 1.7sim.*tcʾiikʾeeʾsmall intestine2.1.8Internal organs1.6.2Parts of an animal3 poss.bit-tcʾeeʾaashits intestinesder. ofbit-tcʾee-(nin)..ʾaash/ʾaandisembowel=iNRwhat is taken out from the bellySource forms: bût tce ᵋacbût tce aj
bit-tcʾee-(nin)..ʾaash/ʾaanvtdisembowel, gut, take out of the bellyBit-tcʾeengʾaang yaaʾnii.She disemboweled it, they say.GT35 organs6.3.4Butcher, slaughterperf. 3+ 3 obj.bit-tcʾeengʾaanshe disembowels itder. of*bitʾbellyn-4n-qualifier<tcʾee-(nin)..____>extending out from√ʾAA1classify 3DOSource forms: bût tceñ ᵋañbût tcen ûñ
bit-tcʾeengʾaanshe disembowels itperf.3+ 3 obj.bit-tcʾee-(nin)..ʾaash/ʾaandisembowelSource forms: bût tceñ ᵋañbût tcen ûñ
bitʾhis/her belly3 poss.*bitʾbellySource forms: bûtʼbûtʼbû́tꜝbûñBut´but...
*bitʾn ia1bellyBitʾ-bang tcʾteelhbalh yaaʾnii.He hung it up for a stomach, they say.GT02a 8.11"Bitʾ-bang, uuteehliiʾ-bang chʾeelhnaaʾ.""You all roast its stomach and liver."GT07 8.5Nohbitʾ ghinchaah-kwang.Your bellies are big."GT15 5.2Chinsitsʾ kwbitʾ naineelhkʾits-kwang yaaʾnii.He (Chipmunk) had a piece of bark stuck in his belly, they say.GT22 1.2sim.*chaanbelly2.1.2Torso2stomachsynbitʾchowstomach2.1.8.2Stomach3entrails, intestinesglossed as "Intestines" by Merriam2.1.8Internal organs3 poss.bitʾhis/her belly3anim. poss.kwbitʾher belly1/2pl. poss.nohbitʾyour (pl) bellies1sg. poss.shbitʾmy bellyloc.1sg. poss.shbitʾ-biiʾin my bellywə't'-bit'-mit'-bi̩ʾł "stomach"bitʾ 'stomach'Source forms: bûtʼ, kɯ bûtʼ, nōʽ bûtʼ-bûtʼ, bûtʼ, c bûtʼic bût, bût bûñ, nō bût, ke bûtsˑ bût, bû́tꜝbûñ, sˑ bûᵋt bīᵋ, sˑ bû́t bīᵋBut´c bûtbut...bit-tcʾee-(nin)..ʾaash/ʾaanvtdisembowelbitʾlaiʾkʾtcn iaonionbitʾtlaiʾtcn aone-leaf onion
bitʾbilhʾaaadventrails and all, all the entrailsreferring to eating something, gobbling down the whole animalChʾsiitcing iintcʾeeʾ- baang bitʾbilhʾaa tcʾghinyaan yaaʾnii.GT11 organsder. of*bitʾbelly-bilhwith it=haaʾjustjust with its stomachSource forms: bûtʼ bûʟ a
bitʾbiiʾ dintcʾaathis stomach hurtsperf.3+ 3 obl.P-bitʾbiiʾ di-(n)..tcʾaatstomach to hurtSource forms: butbi tuncat
bitʾbiiʾchowin its stomachloc.3 poss.bitʾchowstomachbûṯ bī´ tcō
bitʾchown astomachsyn*bitʾ 2stomach2.1.8Internal organs2.1.8.2Stomachloc.3 poss.bitʾbiiʾchowin its stomach1sg. poss.shbitʾchowmy stomachder. of*bitʾbelly-chowaugmentativecf*bitʾdiichowstomach/paunchSource forms: bûṯ bī´ tcōs bût tcō
bitʾchʾilsaasn abeltworn by both men and women (based on Merriam crossing out "worn by men" in his vocabulary form)specyooʾghittlʾoongbead beltwearaad-chʾ-(s)..tlʾoo/tlʾoonʾbelt oneself5.3.3.3Lower Body wearcomp. of*bitʾbellychʾ-3Indefl-l-classifier√SAAS1beltGel-sahs' [SS-M]Source forms: But-cheʼl-sahs, But-chēʼl-sahs
*bitʾdiichown iarumen, paunchthe biggest of the stomachs of a ruminant, as of deer"Bitʾdiichow (bitʾbiiʾchow) olhtcang."You all clean out its paunch (inside its stomach).GT07 organs2.1.8.2Stomach3 poss.bitʾdiichowits rumender. of*bitʾbelly-chowaugmentativecfbitʾchowstomachSource forms: bûtʼ dī tcōbût | dī | tcōBut´-te-cho
bitʾ-ghilyooln aintestinal gas, flattus, bloating"Gas on stomach (butilyol). Infusion of wormwood (cuñtan) drunk; beneficial for colds. For boils, leaves mashed in water, boil poulticed." (Loeb, p.48)rel.tcingtʾaanʾwormwood2.5.2.3Stomach illnessdial. var.bitʾ-yilyoolLM dial.tcomp. of*bitʾbelly..ghilyoolhbe blown=iNRcfP-bitʾ..ghilyoolhhave gas(ghin)..siit/siitʾfartSource forms: butilyol
bitʾlaiʾkʾtcn iaonion, wild onionAllium bolanderi, A. unifoliumgenninyeehtaagh 1edible bulbsim.naaʾaaleeʾonion sp from rootsder. of*bitʾbellylaiʾ1top of P-kʾ2on-tcdiminutive suffixlittle one w/ bellies/bulbs on the topcfbitʾtlaiʾtcone-leaf onionSource forms: bût laiks
bitʾtlaiʾtcn aonion, wild onionAllium unifolium"Many tubers gathered in fields: 'wild potatoes,' minyetau (Ammosia esculenta ?) roasted in ashes; wild onions (butlaits) eaten raw; wild carrots (kucines) cooked or eaten raw; wild parsnips (sauldilbai)." (Loeb, p.47)
glossed as "onions" in (Goddard notebook VII, p.72)
The small bulbs and bases of leaves are used as food, sometimes fried. (Chesnut, 1902, pp.322-3)
genninyeehtaagh 1edible bulbsim.naaʾaaleeʾonion sp from roots
comp. of*bitʾbellylaiʾ1top of P-tcdiminutive suffixlittle one w/ bellies/bulbs on the tipcfbitʾlaiʾkʾtconionSource forms: bût t laiᵋtcbût laitc, bût te laitsbutlaits
bitʾ-yilyoolLM dial.tdial. var. ofbitʾ-ghilyoolgas (intestinal)Source forms: butilyol
√BITC1rtboil/cookperf. √BEETCimpf. √BITC2|weːdʒr 's-A boil, cook by boiling (intr.)'; O-ł-|weːdʒ 's-A boil O, cook O by boiling'bətc/beːtcmehch/meech-bic, -bidj, -bidj, -bic "to dress a skin (zero)" (related?)Source forms: ...lbĭtcchʾ-(s)..lhbitc/beetcvtboil st.
√BITC2Activity Aspectsimpf.√BITC1boil/cook