Cahto - English


Itsaiʾtcn aLittle Hawk (man's name)name of the young man kidnapped by a Chintaah-Naastbaats', reported in Curtis:
"Ŭtsaít͡s, a young man known to my father, was the last in a line of hunters who were driving deer toward some snares. As he passed a tree, a chŭntanástepat͡s leaped upon him, threw him over her shoulder into a very large basket, and carried him off. She kept striking the edge of the basket with a heavy stick, so that he dared not attempt to escape lest the club crush his skull. up the mountain-side she went. He noticed that when she came to a nearly prostrate tree or log, she would never walk around it, but always crept under it. So he awaited his chance, and when she passed under a certain leaning live-oak of which he knew, he threw his arms about it and drew himself out of the basket. She went on. Ŭtsaít͡s then came back as rapidly as he could, and reaching a double-trunked oak he climbed into it with the intention of crossing to the other bole if she pursued him. Soon she came running back, looking here and there, but she could not see him. She began to repeat the movements she had made in passing there before, saying, 'Here I stepped this way, here I stepped so, here I stopped.' And all the time she made grotesque motions with the purpose of making him laugh if he were thereabouts, and so betray his hiding-place. At last, however, she went on, and the young man ran to the village. At first the people would not believe his story, but when he led them up the hill and showed them the tree in which he had concealed himself, and his bow and arrows thrown aside, then they believed." (Curtis, pp.13-14)
rel.Chintaah-NaastbaatsʾMan Eater ogress9.7.1.1Personal names
Source forms: Ŭtsaits
itsaiʾyaashtcdial. var. ofchʾisaiʾyaashtcsmall hawk
*IIʾpostpin P8.5.1.4Inside9.2.4Prepositions, postpositionse-ʔi-ʔe-ʔ-iʾ, b-iʾ 'in it'Source forms: -bīᵋ=biiʾnsuffixin it in P=biiʾnsuffixin it in Pbiiʾ-vinside itbiiʾ-vinside itP-iiʾ-(ghin)..litcviurinate in PP-iiʾ-nee-(s)..lʾiin/ʾiinʾvtlook at O in PP-iiʾ-s..ʾaanvslie in P (solid O)P-iiʾ-(s)..taanvslie in P (of stick-like O)*iiʾtaahpostpin among PP-iiʾ-ti-(s)..ʾiin/ʾiinʾvtlook in P
*iiʾtaahpostpin among P, among P9.2.4Prepositions, postpositions8. of*IIʾin P*taahamong PSource forms: bī taʽ, ...bīᵋ taʽbiʼta...biiʾtaahadvin amongstbiiʾtaahadvin amongst-biiʾtaahnsuffixin among it