Cahto - English


*oonangn ia1older brother, elder brother4., sister1.1n iaolder half-brothersibling terms are applied to half-siblings and step-siblings, per Gifford (1922, p.25, 26)1.2n iaolder step-brothersibling terms are applied to half-siblings and step-siblings, per Gifford (1922, p.25, 26)2cousin (woman's older male cross cousin) (older male parallel cousin) poss.noonangyour older brother1sg. poss.shoonangmy elder brotherdial. var.1sg. poss.shoonaangmy older brotherhunəR-ə, unəR-ə [K&L81]-ngwoch-oonang, -oonagha, -anaghik: bō nug ga [NO-G], Sah'-nă-guk 'Elder brother' [SS-M], shó.nŭn̥ [WA-C]Source forms: s͡hó‑nŭṇonuñShaw´-nungcō nanonuñ
oo-naa-(ghin)..tgish/geetcʾvtlook back at OAatkʾee chʾoonaaghitgish yaaʾnii.He looked back behind himself, they say.GT02b 29.6Tcʾneelhʾiinʾ baantooʾ aatkʾee ching chʾoonaaʾtgish yaaʾnii, see nooghaaʾaash yaaʾnii.He looked behind himself at the ocean; and he looked, they say, at the trees and rocks he had been putting down, they say.GT02b 3anim.+ 3indf. obj.chʾoonaaʾtgishhe looks back at st.perf. 3+ indf. obl.chʾoonaaghitgishhe looked back at st.der. ofnaa-3iterative/reversativeoo-n-(nin)..tgish/geetcʾlook at Oʾ-oo-ná=sh-di-ɣish 'I look at him.'Source forms: tcʼō na t gûc, tcʼō na gût gûctcʼō na gût gûc, tcʼō na gûtʽ gûctcō nat ti gûc, tcō na gût gûc
oondilanʾlet us get itopt.1pl.+ 3 obj.oo-n-(ghin)..lango after/getSource forms: ōn dûl lûñón d̥ûl lûᵋⁿ
<oo-n-(ghin)..____>vprefixsetconativemotion or intention at, toward, aiming at9.2.9.1Verb affixes6.1.2.1Try, attempt7.7.2Aim at a target3.3.1.4Intendder. ofoo-CONn-4n-qualifiergh-1gh-conjugationSource forms: oo-n-(ghin)..yoolhvtdope Ooo-n-(nin)..tgish/geetcʾvtlook at O
oo-n-(ghin)..lanvt1go after O, get Otoo ooshlaangʾLet me get water.GNbst1-10 55.1too oolang niingYou (sg.) get water!GNbst1-10 56.1too oonohlangYou (pl.) get water.GNbst1-10 58.1"Kwshiish-bang too oohlang," tcʾin yaaʾnii."Get some water for his ochre," he said, they say.GT02a 9.4"See ohlaang (wohʾaalh) tsʾing ghaasit (kogheesih-bang).""You all get (carry along) some stones to pound up (for pounding up) the bones.GT07 24.1Naaningʾaiʾ kwaangkʾeeʾ oohlang.Go after some fish-weir poles.GT10 1.9"Naaningʾaiʾ biineeʾ oodilang.""Let's go after the stringer.GT10 2.1Chʾkaakʾ-baatsʾeeʾ oohlang.Go after the net bow.GT10 2.2Too oonghiilaan-ee.I went after some water.GT10 20.6"Iintcʾeeʾ ooshlang.""Let me go after the venison.GT10 20.8Doohaaʾ toonai oohlaang.Don't go after fish.GT10 25.2Djeeh oodilang.Let's get pitch-wood.GT10 3.3"Skʾeeʾ oolang, shghiinaaʾ-ei," tcʾin yaaʾnii.Go after some acorn mush, as I'm hungry," he said, they say.GT10 3.4"Nilh tishaaʾ, aal oondilang.""Let me go with you and we'll get firewood.GT10 32.1Chinsitsʾ oodilang lhsai.Let's get some dry bark.GT10 32.5"Seekaatʾ shaa oohlang," tcʾin yaaʾnii."You all get a mortar slab for me," she said, they say.GT10 34.1Tcʾeek toonai yoonghilaang yaaʾnii, chʾoyii yeeh-biiʾ.The wife went to the house next door to get some fish.GT10 6.1"Too ooshlangʾ," tcʾin yaaʾnii."I'll get some water," he said, they say.GT30 3.2Lheeneeʾhaaʾ naahneesh iintcʾeeʾ oonghilang, yaaʾnii.All the people went after deer, they say.GT34 1.2too oolangGo after water! (sg.)S-KLM 285.1synnaa-(?)..ʾaa/ʾaaʾget O6.1.2.1Try, attempt7.4.3Get2bring O7.3.3Take somewhereimpf. 2pl.+ 3anim. obj.kwoonohlanyou (pl.) get him; get him! (pl.)opt. 1pl.+ 3 obj.oodilanlet us get itimpf. 2pl.+ 3 obj.oohlanyou (pl.) get it; get it! (pl.)impf. 2sg.+ 3 obj.oolanyou (sg.) get it; get it! (sg.)impf. 1pl.+ 3 obj.oondilanwe get itopt. 1pl.+ 3 obj.oondilanʾlet us get itimpf. 2pl.+ 3 obj.oonohlanyou (pl.) go after them; go after them! (pl.)perf. 3+ 3 obj.oonghilanhe brought itperf. 3obv.+ 3 obj.oonghiilan1they went after itperf. 1sg.+ 3 obj.oonghiilan2I brought itopt. 1sg.+ 3 obj.ooshlanI go after itopt. 1sg.+ 3 obj.ooshlanʾlet me getperf. 3anim.+ 3 obj.tcʾoonghilaanhe got itperf. 3+ 3 obj.dist.yoonghilanshe went after themder. of<oo-n-(ghin)..____>at/aiming/conative√LAAN/LAANʾfetch/go afterʾ-oo=ni-l-laŋ 'You get it.'; ʾ-oo=ní-ɣí-i-laʾn=iŋ 'I did get it.'; ʾ-oo=ní-sh-laŋʾ 'I'll get it.'Source forms: ōc ląñ, ōc ląn, ō ląñ, ōn dûl ląñ, ō di ląñ, ō dil ląñ, ō dûl ląñ, ōʽ ląn, ōʽ ląñ, ō nōʽ ląñ, ō nōʽ la mûñ, kwō nōʽ ląn, ōn dûl ląñ, ōn dûl ląn tē le, ōn gī la ne, ōñ gûl lañ, ōn gī ląñ, yōñ gę lañ, ōc ląñᵋō ląñ, ōʽ ląñ, ōn gī la ne, tcʼōn ge lan, ōc ląñᵋōc ląñ, ōc ląn, ōc luñ/lañ, ō dûl lûñ, ō de ląñ, ō dil lûñ, ō lûñ, ō a lañ, ō nō lûñ, tcûñ ûl lañ, ōñ ī lûñ, oñ gī la ne, yōñ gẹ lañ, ōc lañ, ōc lûñ, ōn dûl lûñṓ lûñ, ón d̥ûl lûᵋn, ōc lûñchʾ-oo-n-(ghin)..laan/laanʾvtgo after st.
oo-n-(ghin)..yiivithink XYoonii yaaʾnii."Who lay down?" she thought, they say.GT30 2.23.2Thinkperf. 3obv.+ 3 obj.yooniis/he thought itimpf. 3obv.+ 3 obj.yooyii2s/he thinksder. of<oo-n-(ghin)..____>at/aiming/conative√YII1speakO-o:=(w)-ne:/ne' "think about O"kʾai-yaa=y-óo-nii 'They thought [a little while ago].'Source forms: yō nīyō yī
oo-n-(ghin)..yoolhvtdope O, drug O, poison OUudaaʾ tcʾoonyoolh yaaʾnii.He doped its mouth, they say.GT04 NB1 alternate 7.3rel.NoochʾiʾaangWar Dancetoolchʾoobaaghpoisonchʾoobaagh-NaahneeshIndian poison5.2.5Narcotic2.5.3Injureperf. 3anim.+ 3 obj.tcʾoonyoolhhe doped itder. of<oo-n-(ghin)..____>at/aiming/conative√YOOLH1blowch'ixo:niłyo:l "making bad medicine, witchcraft, poison [literally, he blows at him]"tsōn yoʟ
oonishtgeeʾlet me look at itopt.1sg.+ 3 obj.oo-n-(nin)..tgish/geetcʾlook at OSource forms: ō nûc t geᵋ jaᵋ
oo-n-(nin)..lhaatvtshoot O, shoot at O4.8.3.7Weapon, shoot6.4.1Huntimpf. 2pl.+ 3 obj.oonohlhaatyou (pl.) shoot themder. ofoo-CONn-4n-qualifiern-3n-conjugation prefix√LHAAT1shootSource forms: ō nōʽ ʟa bûñō nōʽ ʟa bûñ
oo-n-(nin)..tgish/geetcʾvt1look at O, see OAatkʾee tcʾooghitgish yaaʾnii.He looks along behind himself, they say.GT02b 34.11See oontghish."Look at the rock."GT02b 4.5Oontgish dee-kʾaa.Look right here.GT02b 49.6"Naahindaash, skii oontgish-bang.""Go back, you must look at the baby.GT08 8.2"Nhooshtgeeʾ."Let me look at you."GT10 72.4tcʾoonintgheetcʾ-eeHe saw you.Lo02 2.1synn-(ghin)..lhʾiin/ʾiinʾlook at Ooo..lhgish/geetcʾlook at O2.3.1.1Look2watch O"Taahdinshooʾkwosh, kwooshtgeeʾ-jaaʾ Chʾsiitcing."For some odd reason I'd better watch Coyote."GT10 6.7"Jaaʾ kwooshtgeeʾ-jaaʾ Chʾsiitcing, kʾaiʾtbilh tishgheeʾ.""Well! I'd better watch Coyote, let me carry along a burden basket."GT10 Oused figuratively as in English for visitingShghandaanii shchʾooʾotgeeʾ-jaaʾ.My son-in-law should come to see me.GT10 50.54watch for O, look out for ODoo-kwooshtgish-ee.I am not looking for him.GT10 2pl.+ 3pl. obj.kashʾoohtgeeʾyou (pl.) look at them; look at them! (pl.)impf. 2sg.+ 3anim. obj.kwoontgishyou (sg.) look at him; look! (sg.)opt. 1sg.+ 3anim. obj.kwooshtgeeʾ2let me look at himopt. 1sg.+ 3anim. obj.kwooshtgeeʾ1let me look at himimpf. 1sg.+ 3anim. obj.kwooshtgishI look at himopt. 1sg.+ 2pl. obj.nhooshtgeeʾlet me look at you (pl.)opt. 1pl.+ 3 obj.oodigeeʾlet us lookopt. 1pl.+ 3 obj.oodittgeeʾlet us look at itimpf. 2pl.+ 3 obj.oohtgishyou (pl) look at it; look at! (pl)opt. 1sg.+ 3 obj.oonishtgeeʾlet me look at itimpf. 2sg.+ 3 obj.oonteegishyou (sg.) look at it; look! (sg.)impf. 2sg.+ 3 obj.oontgishyou (sg.) look at it; look at it! (sg.)opt. 1sg.+ 3 obj.ooshtgeeʾlet me ook at itopt. 3+ 1sg. obj.+ indf. obl.shchʾooʾotgeeʾlet him see meimpf. 2pl.+ 1sg. obj.shoohtigishyou (pl) look at me; look at me!perf. 3anim.+ 3anim. obj.tcʾkwoontgeetcʾthey watched himprog. 3+ indf. obl.tcʾooghitgishhe looked around at st.perf. 3anim.+ 2sg. obj.tcʾoonintgheetcʾhe saw youperf. 3anim.+ 3 obj.tcʾoontgeetcʾhe looked at themperf. 3obv.+ 3 obj.yoontgiitcʾshe looked at itder. of<oo-n-(ghin)..____>at/aiming/conativeGISH/GEETCʾ/GEEʾlook/seeʾ-oo-ná=sh-di-ɣish 'I look at him.'Source forms: dō kwōc t gûc ce, ōn t gûc, ōn t gûc bûñ, kwōn t gûc, tcʼō gût gûc, ōʿ t guc, cōʽ tûg gûc, tcʼ kwōn t gets, yōn t gīts, ōc t geᵋ, ōc t geᵋ jaᵋ, ō nûc t geᵋ jaᵋ, kwûc t geᵋ, kwûc t geᵋ jaᵋ, kwōc t geᵋ, kwōc t geᵋ djaᵋ, n hōc t geᵋ, s tcō ō t geᵋ jaᵋ, ō dûg geᵋ, kûc ōʽ t geᵋ, ō dût t geᵋōn t guc, ōʿ t guc, tcʼōn t getsᵋ, tcʼōn tʽ getsᵋ, ōc t geᵋ jaᵋ, n hōc t geᵋdō kōc tẹ gûc ce, ōn tī gûc, ōn te gûc, tcō gût gûc, kwōc tûg ge dja, kō̂c tûg gē tca, ûñ hōc tûg ge, is tcō ō te gẹ tca, ō dût te ge+ṓn tʿe ɡûc, ón tʿe ɡûcconan tietceʊntˣɪʃʔʌ́nTishantishinterjlook at it!oo-naa-(ghin)..tgish/geetcʾvtlook back at O
oonohlanyou (pl.) go after them; go after them! (pl.)impf.2pl.+ 3 obj.oo-n-(ghin)..lango after/getSource forms: ō nōʽ ląñ, ō nōʽ la mûñō nō lûñ
oonohlhaatyou (pl.) shoot themimpf.2pl.+ 3 obj.oo-n-(nin)..lhaatshootSource forms: ō nōʽ ʟa bûñō nōʽ ʟa bûñ
oonteegishyou (sg.) look at it; look! (sg.)impf.2sg.+ 3 obj.oo-n-(nin)..tgish/geetcʾlook at OSource forms: ōn t gûc, ōn t gûc bûñṓn tʿe ɡûc, ón tʿe ɡûc
oontgishyou (sg.) look at it; look at it! (sg.)impf.2sg.+ 3 obj.oo-n-(nin)..tgish/geetcʾlook at OSource forms: ōn t gucōn t gucʊntˣɪʃʔʌ́nTish
oonghilanhe brought itperf.3+ 3 obj.oo-n-(ghin)..lango after/getSource forms: ōñ gûl lañōñ ī lûñ
oonghiilan1they went after itperf.3obv.+ 3 obj.oo-n-(ghin)..lango after/getSource forms: ōn gī ląñōñ ī lûñ, oñ gī la ne
oonghiilan2I brought itperf.1sg.+ 3 obj.oo-n-(ghin)..lango after/getSource forms: ōn gī la neōn gī la neoñ gī la ne
oo-s..litvi1be burnedTsʾisnooʾ oolit yaaʾnii.The mountain is burned over, they say.GT25 10.4Shoong oolit-kwaan yaaʾnii.It had been well burned over, they say.GT25 10.6imperfective5.5.4Burn2burn upOoslit yaaʾnii.He burned up, they say.GT14 5.3perfective5.5.4Burnimpf. 3oolitit is burnedperf. ooslithe burned upder. ofoo-CONs-s-conjugation/model-l-classifier√LHIT1burnSource forms: ō lût, ō lût kwąn, ōs lûtō lût, ō lût kwûn, ōs slītolit...Lai Olittcn aBurnt Penis (boy's name)
oo-(s)..lhitvtcremate O2.6.6.5Buryder. ofoo-CONs-s-conjugation/modelh-1lh-classifier√LITburnSource forms: tcotłŭtcokʟutchʾoolhitn aundertaker
ooshtsʾaanI heard itperf.1sg.+ 3 obj.oo-(0)..tsʾis/tsʾaanhear XSource forms: ōc tsañōc tsañōc tsañ
oo..tjiitsvtpull O in two, dismember O7.3.2.8Pullimpf. 3anim.+ 3anim. obj.tcʾkwotjiitsthey pulled him in twoder. ofoo-CONd-2d-classifier√JIITSpull/towdji~ts?? (Nav. dzí~í~z, pull,tow)Source forms: tcʼ kwût djīts