adj. | adjective |
adv. | adverb |
anim. | animate |
ant. | antonym |
app. | apparel |
atyp. | atypical |
Ba | Barrett, 1908 |
Bau | Baumhoff, 1958 |
BIS. | ? bisective (activity aspect) |
BO | Bill Ray or Other dialect |
BR | Bill Ray consultant |
cal. | calendar |
caus. | causative |
cf. | confer/compare |
Ch | Chesnut, 1902 |
cl. | classificatory root |
clf. | classifier/classified |
conj. | conjunction |
comp. | compound |
CONC | conclusive (activity aspect) |
CONS | consecutive (activity aspect) |
CONT | continuative (motion aspect) |
conv. | conversive theme |
contr. | contraction |
cnst. | construction |
Cu | Curtis, 1924 |
cust. | customary |
CUST | ? Customary base |
CY | Coast Yuki |
def. | definite/relativized |
dem. | demonstrative |
der. | derivative |
desc. | descriptive theme |
dial. | dialect |
dim. | dimensional theme |
dist. | distributive |
D-R | directive-repetitive (activity aspect) |
Dr | Driver, 1939 | DUR | durative (activity aspect) |
dur. | durative theme |
Eng. | English |
Es | Essene, 1942 |
EsN | Essene, 1935 (fieldnotes) |
esp. | especially |
euph. | euphemism |
ev. | event |
ext | extension theme |
fig. | figurative |
fr. | "free" |
fut. | future |
infl. | inflection |
GE | Goddard, 1912 (Elements...) |
gen. | general/generic |
Gi | Gifford, 1922 |
Gl | Golla, 1996 p.c. |
GlCh | Golla - C. Smith |
GM | Gil & Martina consultants |
GN | Goddard, fieldnotes (1902, 1906) |
GR | Gil Ray consultant |
GT | Goddard, 1909 (Kato Texts) |
harv. | harvesting verb |
HN | Huchnom |
id. | idiom |
impf. | imperfective |
inc. | incorporated |
indf. | indefinite |
infl. | inflection/inflected |
interj. | interjection |
interrog. | interrogative |
intprefix | interrogative prefix |
irreg. | irregular/-ly |
JPH | Harrington, papers (1942) |
Kr | Kroeber, 1928 |
LA | Lassik |
Li | Li, 1930 |
lit. | literal/-ly |
LK | Kittel "Lassik" |
LM | Lucy & Martina main consultants |
lmot | limited motion theme |
Lo | Loeb, 1932 |
loc. | locative |
LR | Lucy Ray consultant/dialect |
LS | Settenbiden Lassik |
mat. | material |
Me | Merriam, papers |
MOM | momentaneous (motion aspect) |
mot | motion theme |
n | noun |
n a | alienable noun |
neg. | negative |
NEU | Neuter (state aspect) |
n ia | inalienable noun |
NO | Nongatl |
nprefix | noun prefix |
nsuffix | noun suffix |
num. | number |
obj. | object |
obl. | oblique object |
obv. | "obviative" |
onom. | onomatopoeia/-etic |
ONOM | onomatopoetic (activity aspect) |
opt. | optative |
OPT | Optative base |
PAth | Proto-Athabaskan |
PCalAth | Proto-California Athabaskan |
PERA | perambulative (motion aspect) |
perf. | perfective |
PERS | persistive (motion aspect) |
ph. v. | phrasal verb |
pl. | plural |
PN | Northern Pomo |
PO | Pomo |
pos. | position theme |
poss. | possessive |
postp. | postposition |
pot. | potential |
prim. | primary |
pro. | pronoun/proform |
prog. | progressive |
PROG | progressive (activity aspect) |
proh. | prohibitive |
pt. | part |
recp. | reciprocal |
refl. | reflexive |
reg. | regalia |
rel. | related |
REP. | repetitive (activity aspect) |
REV. | reversative (modern aspect0 |
RR | Rose Ray consultant |
Sa | Goddard & Sapir, 1907-1908 |
s.b. | somebody |
sem. | semantic |
SEML | semelfactive (activity aspect) |
ser. | seriative theme |
sg. | singular |
sim. | similar |
SN | Sinkyone - Northern |
snd. | sound |
sndsrc. | sound source |
sp. | specied, spelling |
Sp. | Spanish |
spec. | specific |
SS | Sinkyone - Southern |
s.t. | something |
stat. | stative theme |
subj. | subject |
Syn. | synonym |
TRTL | transitional (state aspect) |
v | verb |
var. | variant |
vd | descriptive verb |
vi | intransitive verb |
vp | passive verb, verb prefix |
vp1cl | vp 1 (classifier/valency)=Y&M IX |
vp2sb | vp 2 (subject) =Y&M VIII |
vp3mo | vp 3 (mode) =Y&M VII |
vp4co | vp 4 (conjugation) =Y&M VII |
vp5ti | vp 5 (ti- 'off, along') =Y&M VI? |
vp6ta | vp 6 (thematic/adverbial) =Y&M VIa/b/c |
vp7ds | vp 7 (deictic subject) =Y&M V |
vp8ob | vp 8 (object) =Y&M IV |
vp9dp | vp 9 (yaa- distributive/plural) =Y&M III |
vp10it | vp 10 (naa- iterative) =Y&M II |
vp11at | vp 11 (adverbial/thematic) =Y&M Ib/c/d |
vp12ip | vp 12 (incorporated postp.) =Y&M Ia |
vp13po | vp 13 (object of inc. postp.) =Y&M 0 |
vs | stative verb |
vt | transitive verb |
WA | Wailaki |
WE | Wailaki - Eel River |
wear. | wearing verb |
wh. | whole |
WNB | Wailaki - North Bands (inc. Kekawaka) |
WNF | Wailaki - North Fork |
WP | Wailaki - Pitch |
YU | Yuki |
Note: In the English definitions most references to she, her, hers or he, him, his etc. should be taken to refer to any gender.