Search results for "haᵐbɨr"

haᵐbɨr nm. skin peau (5 groups, 13 languages) A
*h is retained only in Moloko, but the presence of an initial vowel in the other Mofu group languages, along with Proto-Hurza and Vulum, supports its presence. No Proto-Central Chadic words begin with a vowel. The *ᵐb is found in all reflexes, except for Vulum where it has become /m/. *r has become *l as a result of a regular change in all the languages of the North major group, and also in Cuvok from a separate regular change. /r/ in Moloko is also the result of regular change.

1Proto-Mafa *ᵐbar skin peau 1.1) Cuvok (Gravina) ᵐbal skin (of man) peau (d'homme) 1.1.1) Cuvok (Gravina) ᵐbal skin (animal) (v) peau (d'animal) 1.1.2) Cuvok (Gravina) ᵐbal hide (of animal) peau (d'animal)

2Proto-Hurza *aᵐbar skin peau 2.1) Mbuko (Gravina) aᵐbar animal skin peau d'un animal 2.2) Vame (Kinnaird) àᵐbàr skin ; hide peau

3Proto-Mofu *haᵐbɨl skin peau 3.1) Ouldeme (Kinnaird) āᵐbə̀l skin, part of body peau, partie du corps 3.2) Muyang (Smith) ɑᵐbəl skin ; leather peau; cuir 3.3) Mada (Nkoumou) aᵐbal peau, cuir 3.3.1) Mada (Nkoumou) aᵐbal peau 3.4) Moloko (Friesen) haᵐbar skin peau 3.5) Gemzek (Sabatai) aᵐbəl hide (of animal); skin (animal) (v) peau (d'animal) 3.6) Merey (Gravina) ᵐbal hide (of animal) peau (d'animal) 3.7) Dugwor (Jubumna) aᵐbal hide (of animal); skin (of man) peau (d'animal); peau (d'homme) 3.8) Mofu-Gudur (Hollingsworth) áᵐbal peau (humaine ou animale)

4Proto-Higi *ᵐbɨl skin peau 4.1) Bana (Lienhard) ᵐbə́l sac en peau

5Proto-Musgum *amɨr skin peau 5.1) Vulum (Tourneux) amɨr peau
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