Chepang - Nepali - English Dictionary

आकाच्‍युलःʔakacyulʔना.काखीnarmpitआकाच्‍युलःहाङः पस्‌ सय्‍ङ्‌नाःʔakacyulʔhaŋʔ pəs səyŋnaʔThe armpit has a sharp smell.
आक्‌ʔakना.एक जातको भ्‍यागुतोna frog (WD)
आक्‌नम्‌ʔak.nəmक्रि.वि.पाँच दिनअगाडिadvfive days ago
आक्‌सय्‌ʔak.səyक्रि.वि.पाँच दिनअगाडिadvfive days ago
आक्‌साʔak‑स. क्रि.चर्काएर फुटाउनुvtstrike to split, cleave (rock)ओउः बाङ्‌ तक्‌इ थोःती आक्‌ती वाक्‌ताक्‌सा खेःतो ʔowʔ baŋ təkʔi thoʔti ʔakti waktaksa kheʔtoThat rock must be struck with a hoe to split it.
आखरःʔa.khərʔना.परम्‍परा, बोली, उक्‍ति, उखानको बचनnold sayings, traditions, speechओउः सीङःकायः आखरः रत्‌ती छ्‍यानःती तोसा खेःतो ʔowʔ siŋʔkayʔ ʔakhərʔ rətti chyanʔti tosa kheʔtoRecalling the traditions, the tree must be spoken to.
आखीमःʔa.khimʔना.शक्ति, प्रभाव, आत्‍माnvitality, strength, influence (of person); spiritआक्‌हीमः नाःओ मान्‍ता आन तुतो स्‍याक्‌नाः ʔakhimʔ naʔʔo manta ʔanə tuto syaknaʔ A person with vitality lives long.
आगरःपाʔa.gərʔ.paना.देवताnan ancestor god
आङःचाक्‌ʔaŋʔ.cakअ. क्रि.ठूलो (अङ्‌ग)vilarge (physically)
आङःसाʔaŋʔ‑अ. क्रि.उज्‍यालो पार्नु, उज्‍यालिनुvibegin to shine, become brighter, appear (sun, moon)लौ न्‍याम्‌ आङःआləw nyam ʔaŋʔʔaThe sun is beginning to shine
आङ्‌ʔaŋना.अङ्‌ग, जीउ, शरीरnbody, trunk (of person,animal)
आङ्‌गʔaŋ.gəना.अनुहार, चाख, स्‍वादnappearance, perception, sensation, tasteव्‍लेक्‌ आङ्‌ग च्‍यवःआकान्‌blek ʔaŋgə cyəwʔʔakanHe saw what appeared to be a flat (object).
आङ्‌गन्‌ʔaŋ.gənना.आँगनnyard, courtyardआपा आमाकोः पीन्‌देमा कीम्‌ आङ्‌गन्‌मा इलोताङःआ मुनाःʔapa ʔamakoʔ pindema kim ʔaŋgənma ʔilotaŋʔʔa munaʔThe parent's verandah and yard were like this.
आङ्‌साʔaŋ‑स. क्रि.सेकाउनु, तताउनुvtwarm somethingलौ ङात्‌ आङ्‌आक्‌उləw ŋat ʔaŋʔakʔuFirst warm the gum
आङ्‌हसाʔaŋh‑स. क्रि.रापिनु, पोल्‍नु, डढाउन लाग्‍नुvtheat up (with radiant heat), scorchम्‍हेःइ आङ्‌हओहाङः आङ्‌हताक्‌साकायः गम्‌उhmeʔʔi ʔaŋhʔohaŋʔ ʔaŋhtaksakayʔ gəmʔuPut it to heat by the fire.
आचीयाङ्‌ʔŋना.झिँगाna grey blowfly
आःचुनीʔaʔ.cu.niना.चमेरोnbat, with spread out nose
आजीʔa.jiना.साथीnfriend (esp. in SW)
आःताःʔaʔ.taʔक्रि.वि.पहिलेadvantecedent; first having doneङाकायः आःताः मन्‍ह्‌ची ङाइ लनःनेःनाङ्‌ ŋakayʔ ʔaʔtaʔ mənhci ŋaʔi lənʔneʔnaŋFirst chant and I will lift you up.
आत्‌ʔatसङ्‍.एकnumone (W)
आनʔa.nəवि.धेरै,ज्‍यादै, प्रशस्‍तadjmuch, manyहोम्‌गोयः ओःहाङः आन मुनाःhomgoyʔ ʔoʔhaŋʔ ʔanə munaʔThere yams are plentiful.