Chepang - Nepali - English Dictionary
उʔuसर्व.त्यहींproDemonstrative (Contrastive); that nearby (in contrast to this nearby)
उःʔuʔसर्व.त्यो (देखिन्दैन)prothat (distant, out of sight)उःताङ् आल्अʔuʔ.taŋ ʔalʔəGo away over there.
उनम्ह्ʔu.nəmhक्रि.वि.केही समय अगाडि, अघिल्लो दिनadva certain time before, a previous dayउनम्ह्कोः स्याङ्ह च्योक्आक्तीको आल्आʔunəmhkoʔ syaŋh cyokʔaktiko ʔalʔaAfter getting up on the next day after that, he went.
उनोकोʔसर्व.पारि, ऊ त्यहाँकोproover thereउनोको सीङःताङ् आल्अʔunoko siŋʔtaŋ ʔalʔəGo to that tree over there.
उन्चुलावःसाʔʔ‑स. क्रि.फसाउनु, बोर्नुvtsuggest wrongdoing, temptलौ ओउः चीस् कुःती जेःचु त दाय्ह्ती उन्चुलावःआकान्ləw ʔowʔ cis kuʔti jeʔcu tə dayhti ʔunculawʔʔakan`Let’s steal that thing.’ he said, tempting.
उन्तनःसाʔun.tənʔ‑स. क्रि.उधिन्नु (दाह्रेले)vtroot, dig up earth (pig, porcupine,rat, (with tusk), push way intoओउः सय्क्इलेः साः उन्तनःती रेक् पोक्आʔowʔ səykʔileʔ saʔ ʔuntənʔti rek pokʔaDigging up the earth with its teeth the bamboo rat entered the ground.
उन्धुलुःबन्ʔun.dhu.luʔ.bənना.झुसेझारna kind of grass, short, easily burntBulbostylis barbata
उपुः-ʔupuʔ‑क्रि.pfxछोप्नु (हातमा)क्रि.hold within (hands, mouth etc.)दोह् हायःतीतेः ङाकायः उपुतेःनाङ्जdoh hayʔtiteʔ ŋakayʔ ʔuputeʔnaŋjəWhy are you clasping (my hand)?
उप्आङ्1ʔup.ʔaŋना.निराहारnfast, hibernation
उप्आङ्2ʔup.ʔaŋना.पातालको ठाउँnplace (cos.), in underworld,place where creatures (snails, worms,etc.) go in the dry season, storage placesउप्आङ्कोः खेला नीप्आङ्कोः खेलाʔupʔaŋkoʔ khela nipʔaŋkoʔ khelaThe levels of ʔupʔaŋ, nipʔaŋ.
उप्आङ् काःसाʔup.ʔaŋ kaʔ‑अ. क्रि.उपवास बस्नुvifast, abstain from foodबुधा सीआ बुधीमा ओउःकोः उप्आङ् काःती मुआ सीआbudha siʔa budhima ʔowʔkoʔ ʔupʔaŋ kaʔti muti siʔaThe husband having died, the wife, keeping fast for him, also died.
उप्साʔup‑व. क्रि.हातले मुख छोप्नु, बन्द गर्नुvaclosed (opening), cover mouth (esp with hand)पेमालो सय्ङ्ओ त झ्यान्ते उप्सा खेःतोpemalo səyŋʔo tə jhyante ʔupsa kheʔtoBecause of a bad smell it is necessary to cover the mouth.
उभीʔu.bhiना.गोदामnstoreplace, safe, hidden place
उमःसाʔumʔ‑स. क्रि.साँघुर्याउनु, थुन्नुvtclose in, be pressed together (as petals in bud), enclose, shut in, entrap (inside)थ्याप् त ओउः मेःसाग उमःतीताङः खाय्आथैthyap tə ʔowʔ meʔsagə ʔumʔtitaŋʔ khayʔathəySnap! the bamboo shut him inside.
उमुक्वाःʔu.muk.waʔना.बट्टाई चराna bird, Quail (Button Quail?)
उमुक्वाःबन्ʔu.muk.waʔ.bənना.एक जातको झारna weed (often frequented by birds)
उम्ʔumना.फुल (कुखुरा आदिको), अण्डाneggयाज्योः तीःहाङः नाःओ वाःकोः उम्yajyoʔ tiʔhaŋʔ naʔʔo waʔkoʔ ʔumA water-bird's egg.
उम्क्लीःʔum.kliʔना.पीपnpusआङ्हाङः नाःतो उम्क्लीः स्याव्आʔaŋhaŋʔ naʔto ʔumkliʔ syawʔaMuch pus came from the body.
उम्पारःगुʔum.parʔ.guना.एक जातको पिँडालोna kind of taro
उम्पुरःसायःʔum.purʔ.sayʔना.एक जातको पिरो हुने फलna fruit, piquant, of medium-sized tree
उम्साʔum‑1अ. क्रि.पाक्नु (घाउ), पचपचाउनुvifester (wound)ओउः लीस् उम्नाःʔowʔ lis ʔumnaʔThat boil has pus.2स. क्रि.फुल पार्नुvtlay eggवाःइ त्योह्र्हाङः उम् उम्नौwaʔʔi tyorhhaŋʔ ʔum ʔumnəwBirds lay eggs in a nest.
उम्हुसाʔumhu‑स. क्रि.मुख बन्द गरेर खानु, मुखमा राख्नुvteat with mouth closed, keep in mouthउम्हुती जेःउʔumhuti jeʔʔuEat with your mouth shut!
उम्ह्साʔumh‑स. क्रि.गुम्स्याउनु, छिप्प्याउनुvtkeep in container (esp. leaf basket), artificially ripen (bananas etc.)यल्सायः चोक्आक्तीको धुङ्हाङः उम्ह्नाःyəlsayʔ cokʔaktiko dhuŋhaŋʔ ʔumhnaʔThe Chyuri fruit after ripening are put in a leaf basket.