Chepang - Nepali - English Dictionary


म्होतोङःक्याक्‌साhmo.toŋʔ klyakअ. क्रि.घमण्डःपूर्वक बोल्नु, वाहियात कुरा गर्नुvitalk hot air, shoot one's mouth offनाङ्‌ म्होताङः क्या क्‌ताःअल नोःलाम्‌ naŋ hmotoŋʔ klyaktaʔʔələ noʔlamDon’t talk rubbish, stop talking.
म्‍हक्‌hməkना.नराम्रो बास्‍नाnsmell, unpleasantम्‍हक्‌ सय्‍ङ्‌ओ नाम्‍ह्‌आक्‌तीको मान्‍ताकाय: जे:गार्‌ताक्‌उलुhmək səyŋʔo namhʔaktiko mantakayʔ jeʔgartakʔuluAfter smelling an unpleasant smell people do not feel like eating.
म्‍हतय्‍क्‌hmə.təykअ. मू.भुसुक्‍कonomdeep, sound (sleep)दोङ्‌ ल्‍याम्‌हाङः म्‍हतय्‍क्‌ त एनःताङःआdoŋ lyamhaŋʔ hmətəyk tə ʔenʔtaŋʔʔaHe fell fast asleep right in the trail.
म्‍हत्‌साhmət‑व. क्रि.निथ्रुक्‍क हुनु, चुहिनुvabe soaking wet, seeping, moistपेओ ती: वाआक्‌तीको सा:काय: म्‍हत्‌नौpeʔo tiʔ waʔaktiko sakayʔ hmətnəwAfter good rain has fallen, it wets the soil.
म्‍हनःयसाhmənʔ.yə‑स. क्रि.हल्‍लाउनु (बाँस,आदि)vtcause to sway (bamboo, etc.)हव्‌लम्‌इ रुय्‍ङ्‌काय: म्‍हनःयती ह्रुनुनानीhəwləmʔi ruyŋkayʔ hmənʔyəti hrununaniChildren cause the bamboos to sway.
म्‍हनःसाhmənʔ‑व. क्रि.फेद झिनो माथी बढ्‌नु (बाँस, आदि )vabe thin, weak at base, thicker at top (bamboo)इ रुय्‍ङ्‌ म्‍हनःआक्‌तीको म्‍हानःती लन्‍ह्‌ओʔi ruyŋ hmənʔʔaktiko hmanʔti lənhʔoThis bamboo, while thin at the base, thickens towards the top.
म्‍हप्‌साhməp‑स. क्रि.भूत लाग्‍नुvtattack, take advantage (of sick person by evil spirit - making him worse, unable to speak)म्‍हप्‌लान्‌इ एकान्‌ मुतो जीक्‌ओ मान्‍ताकायः न्‍हाङ्‌तो जीक्‌ताक्‌ती म्‍हप्‌नाःथै hməplanʔi ʔekan muto jikʔo mantakayʔ hnaŋto jiktakti hməpnaʔthəyThe evil spirit takes advantage of a sick person by himself and make him more ill.
म्‍हयःसाhməyʔ‑अ. क्रि.मेटाउनु, ओइलाउनु, हट्‌नु (दुःखद स्‍मृती)viwipe out, erase, fade, lose (sad memory with passing time)दीन्‌इ म्‍हयःती इकायःपाय्‌ आलःनाःयैdinʔi hməyʔti ʔikayʔpay ʔalʔnaʔthəy The (passing of) days will take away the sad memory of this one.
म्‍हय्‌hməy(ə)‑व. क्रि.राम्रो बास्‍ना आउनु, स्‍वाद आउनुvahave smell, taste, good, lingering, (of nuts, oil etc.)क्रुत्‌ लेम्‍ह्‌सतो आन म्‍हयतोkrut lemhsəto ʔanə hməyətoHe licked his hand and there was a pleasant taste.
म्‍हय्‍क्‌साhməyk‑स. क्रि.टुनामुना गर्नु, जादु गर्नुvtput under spell (esp. put to sleep by spell)ओउः लान्‌इ मान्‍ताकायः म्‍हय्‍क्‌नौ एनःबुस्‌इ आलःताक्‌नौ ʔowʔ lanʔi mantakayʔ hməyknəw ʔenʔbusʔi ʔalʔtaknəw The spirit puts the people to sleep - causing sleepiness to overcome (lit. take away) them.
म्‍हय्‍ङ्‌साhməyŋ‑व. क्रि.महकिनुvahave smell, pleasantly sweet (flower, tobacco etc.)ओउ: रो आन म्‍हय्‍ङ्‌तो सय्‍ङ्‌ना: ʔowʔ ro ʔanə hməyŋto səyŋnaʔ That flower has a sweet smell.
म्‍हरःसाhmərʔ‑व. क्रि.चर्कनु, मर्कनुvafractured, be nearly broken (stick, stem, limb etc.)ङाको: फेर्‌ धेङ्‌पा: त म्‍हर्‌ती स्‍याम्‌ङोतो म्‍हर्‌ती क्‍लय्‍ह्‌ती वाय्‌आ ŋakoʔ pher dheŋpaʔ tə hmərti syamŋoto hmərʔti kləyhti wayʔa I thought to straighten my net-rod, but it fractured and broke.
म्‍हर्‌hmərना.बास्‍ना (बारीमा उत्‍पादकत्‍व हुँदाको)nsmell associated with fertility of fieldम्‍हर्‌ ना:ओ राङ्‌हाङ: मकय्‌ आन रेन्‍ह्‌तो त्‍युस्‌ती लन्‍ह्‌ना:hmər naʔʔo raŋhaŋʔ məkəy ʔanə renhto tyusti lənhnaʔ In a field that has a fertile smell corn grows quickly and strongly.
म्‍हर्‌धाङ्‌साhmər.dhaŋ‑क्रि.मन लाग्‍नु (दिसा, पिसाब गर्न)vfeel urge (to urinate, defecate)
म्‍हर्‌साhmər‑अ. क्रि.सोच्‍नु, घोरिनु, लख्‍नुvithink, think about; (with Negative) not likeओउः रो ङाइ रोम्‌नाःताङः त म्‍हर्‌ती ओउः मान्‍ता म्‍हर्‌आʔowʔ ro ŋaʔi romnaŋʔ tə hmərti ʔowʔ manta hmərʔa "I will get that flower." he thought.
म्‍हस्‌hməsना.गन्‍ध (डढेको खानाको)nsmell, of bad (burnt food, pawpaw etc.)य्‍हुम्‌ती खाङ्‌ओ आम्‍ह्‌ म्‍हस्‌ सय्‍ङ्‌ना:hyumti khaŋʔo ʔamh hməs səyŋnaʔ Burnt food has a bad smell.
म्‍हस्‌साhməs‑व. क्रि.डढ्‌नु (भात)vabe burnt, smell burnt (grain food)ओउ: आम्‍ह्‌ म्‍हस्‌आ ʔowʔ ʔamh hməsʔaThat food is burnt.
म्‍हाङःhmaŋʔअ. मू.ड्याम्‍मonomstriking a blow with heavy stick (to temple, side of head - of large animal) as when killing pig)प्‍याक्‌कायः म्‍हाङ्‌ त थोःती सात्‌सा खेःतोpyakkayʔ hmaŋʔ tə thoʔti satsa kheʔto Pigs are to be killed with a blow to the head.
म्‍हाङ्‌hmaŋना.मुर्दा, लासncorpseओउः सीओ मान्‍ताकोः म्‍हाङ्‌ लात्‌नीतोʔowʔ siʔo mantakoʔ hmaŋ latnito They carried the dead person's body.
म्‍हाङ्‌रुःhmaŋ.ruʔना.माछा मार्ने बिष (भर्खर राखेको)nfish poison - fresh, potentएनःरुकाय: म्‍हाङ्‌रुइ म्‍हाङ्‌ताक्‌नौʔenʔruʔkayʔ hmaŋruʔʔi hmaŋʔtaknəw Fresh poison stirs up the old.म्‍हाङ्‌रुःइ एनःरुःकायः रव: म्‍हाङ्‌नाःथैhmaŋruʔʔi ʔenʔruʔkayʔ rəwʔ hmaŋnaʔthəyThe fresh poison revives the old.
म्‍हाङ्‌लाह्‌hmaŋ.lahना.अर्धचन्‍द्र (मृत्‍युको चिन्‍ह)ncrescent moon (esp. when like upright bowl) - omen of deathम्‍हाङ्‌लाह्‌ दाङ्‌आ त खे:या मान्‍ता सीना: ते जवनानीhmaŋlah daŋʔa tə kheʔya manta sinaʔ tə jəwənani When a bowl-like moon appears a person will die, they say.
म्‍हाङ्‌साhmaŋ‑स. क्रि.ब्‍युँझाउनु, जगाउनु, उठाउनुvtwaken, arouse someone (from sleep)एनःती मुओ चोःखेकायः म्‍हाङ्‌आलाङःʔenʔti muʔo coʔkhekayʔ hmaŋʔalaŋʔI woke the sleeping child.
म्‍हात्‌साhmat‑अ. क्रि.अल्‍पनु, बिलाउनु, लोप हुनुvi(almost) disappear, become nearly extinctबीया चोया रेती गम्‌ल त खे:या म्‍हात्‌ती द्योक्‌ना:biya coya reti gəmlə tə kheʔya hmatti dyoknaʔ If seeds are not kept (supplies) run out.
म्‍हानःसाhmanʔ‑व. क्रि.टुप्‍पोतिर दह्रो, मोटो हुनुvabe thick, stiff at topइ रुय्‍ङ्‌ म्‍हनःआक्‌तीको म्‍हानःती लन्‍ह्‌ओ ʔi ruyŋ hmənʔʔaktiko hmanʔti lənhʔoThis bamboo, while thin at the base, thickens towards the top.
म्‍हान्‍ह्‌साhmanh‑व. क्रि.पहिल्‍यै प्रयोग गरिएको, नयाँ नहुनुvabe partly used, no longer newइ नाय्‌ म्‍हान्‍ह्‌आ ʔi nay hmanhʔa These clothes are not new.

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