घङ्साghəŋ‑अ. क्रि.घोप्टो पर्ने गरि लड्नुvifall on face, bump faceखुम्तग घङ्ती तोन्आ khumtəgə ghəŋti tonʔa He fell down on his face.
घपनःghə.pənʔना.ढकनी (हाँडीको)nlid of earthen cooking potओउः ग्वाह्कायः घपनःइ बोमःउ ʔowʔ gwahkayʔ ghəpənʔʔi bomʔʔuPut the lid on that pot.
घमःसाghəmʔ‑अ. क्रि.धुम्मिनुvicover sun (cloud), overcast, put in shadeमुस्इ न्याम् घमःआकान्musʔi nyam ghəmʔakan The sun has gone behind cloud.
घमाय्साghə.may‑क्रि.उदास मान्नु, दुःखी हुनु (बालबच्चाको अभावमा)vbe despondent, sad (esp. because of lack of child)ओउःकोः चोः सीती झ्यान्ते ल्हुङ् घमाय्तो मुनाःʔowʔkoʔ coʔ siti jhyante hluŋ ghəmayto munaʔBecause her child died she is despondent.
घयःराङ्मयःghəyʔ.raŋ.məyʔना.पश्चिमेलीnwestern peopleहेव्जाःकोः आपा पाम्बुङ्मयः आमा घयःराङ्मयः hewjaʔkoʔ ʔapakhe pambuŋməyʔ ʔamakhe ghəyʔraŋməyʔ Hewja?'s father was from Pambung, his mother's people were from the West.
घयःसाghəyʔ‑अ. क्रि.अस्ताउनु, डाँडाको छाया आउनु (सूर्य, चन्द्र)viput in shadow, go behind, descend behind hill (sun, moon)न्याम् घयःती ध्याप् घय्क्आकान् nyam ghəyʔti dhyap ghəykʔakanWith the sun has gone the slope is in shadow.
घय्क्साghəyk‑स. क्रि.छायाँ पार्न लाग्नुvtgrow (shadow), begin to cast shadow onन्याम् घयःती ध्याप्कायः घय्क्आकान्nyam ghəyʔti dhyapkayʔ ghəykʔakan The sun goes down leaving the hillside in shadow.
घय्लाghəy.laना.बादल (पानी पार्ने)nrain carrier, rain-bearing storm-cloudमुस्इ तीःकोः घय्ला लात्ती लनःती मुनाःmusʔi tiʔkoʔ ghəyla latti lənʔti munaʔ There is a storm-cloud rising with rain.
घय्साghəy‑व. क्रि.कम हुनु (टाढाबाट आएको कम्जोर आवाज), रिमरिम हुनुvaease (rain), be faint with distance (high sound)देङी तीः बल घय्आ deŋʔi tiʔ bələ ghəyʔa Now the rain has eased somewhat.
घव्ससाghəw.sə‑स. क्रि.कन्याउनु, रगड्नुvtscratch, rub back against (much)स्याःलम् सीङःहाङः आन घव्सनाःइसीsyaʔləm siŋʔhaŋʔ ʔanə ghəwsənaʔʔisi Cattle rub their backs a lot on trees.
घव्साghəw‑व. क्रि.पित्तले स्वाद हुनेvabe brassy-tastingघव्ओ आम्ह् जेःसा स्याव्ल हास्ताक्नौghəwʔo ʔamh jeʔsa syawlə hastaknəw Brassy-tasting food should not be eaten, it will cause vomiting.
घःसाghəʔ‑अ. क्रि.डकार्नुvibelchतुक् कोस्आक्तीको मान्ता घःनाःtuk kosʔaktiko manta ghəʔnaʔWhen a person is full they belch.
घस्साghəs‑स. क्रि.दरखर्याउनु, ठोक्किनुvtgraze, strike, rub against when passing (esp. overhanging rock)घस्तेःचाःस ghəsteʔcaʔsəDon't bump yourself.
घाक्ghakना.जिउको कापnfork, junction, crutch of body
घाक्र्याक्ghak.ryakअ. मू.खुटटा फारेर लड्नुonomfalling with legs astride, do "splits"घाक्र्याक् त घाती तोन्आ ghakryak tə ghati tonʔaHe fell, legs astride.
घाक्साghak‑व. क्रि.टाँग आदि फारेर कुनै बस्तुमाथि बस्नु, काप भएको लट्ठिले टेवा दिनुvabe astride, straddle, step over; prop,hold with forked stickयुक्इपाय् ग्लय्कायःमाताङः तोस्ती घाक्तीमाताङः मुनाःyukʔipay gləykayʔmataŋʔ tosti ghaktimataŋʔ munaʔ The Macaque monkey throws down the Langur and sits astride him.काङ्सीङःइ घाक्आक्तीकोः आम्ह् ङाय्क्नानी kaŋsiŋʔʔi ghakʔaktiko ʔamh ŋayknani Holding (the pot) with a forked stick the food is stirred.
घागीgha.giना.भन्ज्याङnpass, sharply defined saddle in ridge
घाङ्ghaŋना.प्वाल, छेदnholeभुओ तुम् घाङ्हाङः पोक्नाः bhuʔo tum ghaŋhaŋʔ poknaʔThe swarming bees enter a hole.
घाङ्साghaŋ‑व. क्रि.प्वाल पर्नुvahave holes (cloth etc.), come into holesओउः आय् नाय् घाङ्ती वाय्आʔowʔ ʔay nay ghaŋti wayʔa Those old clothes are in holes.
घाङ्हghaŋhना.ठूलो पाहाnbullfrog, very large, yellow and grey, mud-living, edibleघाङ्हकोः दोम्इ मान्ताकोः क्रुत् क्लय्ह्ताङःताक्नौ ghaŋhkoʔ dom mantakoʔ krut kləyhtaŋhtaknəw A bullfrog’s kick breaks a person’s arm (they say).