ल:लयःləʔ.ləyʔसर्व.आआफ्नोproReflexive (Distributive); each themselvesवाः वीनः जम्बाय् ल:लयःकायः तीः व्हह्र्पानी waʔ winʔ jəmbay ləʔləyʔkayʔ tiʔ hwərhpani Let the birds, the bats, each dig for water for themselves.
लकन्दाlə.kən.daवि.नाङ्गो (बच्चो, भुत्ला नभएको कुखुरा)adjnaked thing (esp. child, hen without feathers)ओउः क्रुङ्गुजुङ्त सोह् लकन्दाताङःआ च्युङःआ ʔowʔ kruŋgujuŋtə soh ləkəndataŋʔʔa cyuŋʔʔaHe squatted small and naked.
लकःसाləkəʔ‑स. क्रि.दल्नु, घोट्नु, पिस्नुvtrub down or grind (with stone - esp. drum cylinder)ओउः मान्ताइ छे: लक:ती दान्ह्आकान्ʔowʔ mantaʔi cheʔ ləkəʔti danhʔakan That person ground salt.
लखlə.khəना.भ्रुणnembryoओउः मोम:चो:को: तुक्हाङ: लख चो: मुना: ʔowʔ momʔcoʔkoʔ tukhaŋʔ ləkhə coʔ munaʔ The woman is carrying an embryo.
लङअःसाləŋəʔ‑अ. क्रि.बेजोडले झुल्नु (हुरीले ठूला रूखहरू)visway much (trees, in wind)ओउः सीङ:काय: चो:इ लङअःताक्नौʔowʔ siŋʔkayʔ coʔʔi ləŋəʔtaknəw The child sways the tree.
लङसाləŋə‑अ. क्रि.हल्लिनु, झुल्नुvisway, rock (small trees, in wind), move back and forthमारु:इ ती: लङताक्नौ maruʔʔi tiʔ ləŋətaknəw The wind disturbs the water.
लङ्कराləŋ.kə.raना.डाँठnmain stalk of plantओउः मात्को: लङ्करा क्लय्ह्आ त खे:या सीना: ʔowʔ matkoʔ ləŋkəra kləyhʔa tə kheʔya sinaʔ If the stalk is broken the leaves die.
लङ्गरःसाləŋ.gərʔ‑अ. क्रि.खुट्टामुनि (बेलनाकार बस्नु) गुडिनुviroll under foot (cylindrical object)वाह्ओ बेलाहाङ: इ बाङ् लङ्गर:तीते: तोन्चा: wahʔo belahaŋʔ ʔi baŋ ləŋgərʔtiteʔ toncaʔ Don’t fall on this rolling stone.
लङ्ह(हायः)साləŋh.(hayʔ)‑अ. क्रि.हल्लिनु, झुल्नुvishake, move back and forth (tree in wind, water)मारु: वाङ्ती सीङ: लङ्हायःताक्नौ maruʔ waŋti siŋʔkayʔ ləŋhayʔtaknəw The wind comes and sways the trees.
लङ्हगर्साləŋh.gər‑अ. क्रि.खुट्टामुनि (ढुङ्गा, गोलो बस्नु) गुडिनुviroll under foot (round object), rock under foot (stone)
लङ्हसाləŋhə‑क्रि.अघिपछि झुल्नु (हावामा रूख हल्ले झैँ)vmove back and forth somewhat (as tree in wind), be waves (water)ओउः सीङःकायः तीःइ लङ्हताक्नौʔowʔ siŋʔkayʔ tiʔʔi ləŋhətaknəw The water is making the tree move back and forth.
लतर्lə.tərस. क्रि.सितिमितिvtfree, easily, without effort
लनःसाlənʔ‑स. क्रि.चढाउनु, उचाल्नुvtcarry up, take up, raise or build upतान्ताङ्मा यात् राताङः गोयः म्होक्ती गम्लाङ् लनःनौ tantaŋma yat rataŋʔ goyʔ hmokti gəmlaŋ lənʔnəw She takes a tray of yams up to tip into the loft.
लन्ह्साlənh‑क्रि.चढ्नु, उक्लनुvclimb, ascendङा लयःकोः ग्लन्ह् लन्ह्नाङःŋa ləyʔkoʔ glənh lənhnaŋʔ I will climb my own birdlime tree.
लपःसाləpəʔ‑1क्रि.घिस्रनु,जताततै हुनु; लिप्टिनुvbe all over (preventing movement), mill around, press in around; crawl, cling, throw (oneself) on top of, stick all overताङ्हओ ङाः तोस्ती लपःती कालःती वानःआकानी taŋhʔo ŋaʔ tosti ləpəʔti kalʔti wanʔʔakaniThrowing the huge fish down and clinging to it, they brought it with much labour.2स. क्रि.घस्नु, मिलाउनु, गोल्याउनुvtrub mud on, smoothenओउ: सीङ:काय: सा:इ लप:उʔowʔ siŋʔkayʔ saʔʔi ləpəʔʔu Rub earth on that wood (to preserve it).
लम्बरःसाləm.bərʔ‑अ. क्रि.लटपटिनु, पल्टाउनुviflopping flipping over (poisoned fish, etc.)ओउः नीङ्इ एसीङःती ङाः लाम्लाम्तग लम्बरःती वाह्नाः ʔowʔ niŋʔi ʔesiŋʔti ŋaʔ lamlamtəgə ləmbərʔti wahnaʔ Distressed by the poison the fish were flopping about.
लम्साləm‑व. क्रि.उत्साहपूर्वक, तीब्रसँग गर्नुvado heartily, intensively (eating, killing etc.); do or get rid of on large scaleक्लुय्ती जेःलाम् लम्ती जेःउkluyti jeʔlam ləmti jeʔʔu Don't pick at (your food), eat heartily!
लम्ह्साləmh‑स. क्रि.धकेल्नु (भारी बोक्दा मद्दतको भावले)vtpush (to get moving, eg. help up with load)इ ली:ओ भारी ङाकाय: लम्ह्ती बय:ची ʔi liʔʔo bhari ŋakayʔ ləmhti bəyʔci Give me a lift with this heavy load.
लयःləyʔसर्व.आफैँ, स्वयंमproReflexive, own, selfङाइ लयःकोः चोःद्याङ्कोः रुप् योआक्चाङः ŋaʔi ləyʔkoʔ coʔdyaŋkoʔ rup yoʔakcaŋʔI will see my own daughter's likeness.
लयः हləyʔ həक्रि.वि.आफ्नै पारा; आफ्नै सुरadvof own accordनाम्ह्ती हताङः जेःताङःथालnamhti hətaŋʔ jeʔtaŋʔthaləIt only sniffed and did not eat him (it is said).