Chepang - Nepali - English

ओःʔoʔसर्व.त्‍योprothat (Distal)ओःमयःइ स्‍यालःनानीʔoʔməyʔʔi syalʔnaniThose ones over there lead.
ओउःʔowʔसर्व.त्‍योprothat (Distal)ओउः गोय्‌चोःइ ओउः मोमःचोःकायः लात्‌ती वानःआकान्‌ ʔowʔ goycoʔʔi ʔowʔ momʔcoʔkayʔ latti wanʔʔakanThat boy brought (married) that girl.
ओउःच्‍युक्‌ʔowʔ.cyukक्रि.वि.त्‍यति, त्‍यत्रोadvthat muchओउःच्‍युक्‌ नाःतो बयःची ʔowʔcyuk naʔto bəyʔciGive me that much.
ओउःताङ्‌ʔowʔ.taŋसर्व.त्‍यता, उताprothat sideकःस्‍याःपाय्‌ अेउःताङ्‌ आल्‌आ kəʔsyaʔpay ʔowʔtaŋ ʔalʔaThe deer went in that direction.
ओकोतेङ्‌ʔoko.teŋना.खन्‍तीnstick (hooked)
ओखोय्‍ह्‌ʔo.khoyhना.खोपिल्‍टोnhollow in tree, rock (esp. one capable of collecting water), holding placeन्‍याम्‌लाङ्‌तीः वायाकायः ह ओउः सीङःकोः ओखोय्‍ह्‌हाङः त्‍योखोय्‍ह्‌हाङः दुम्‌ओ तुङ्‌सा दोःनाःnyamlaŋtiʔ wayakayʔ hə ʔowʔ siŋʔkoʔ ʔokhoyhhaŋʔ tyokhoyhhaŋʔ dumʔo tuŋsa doʔnaʔOnly if rain falls will water collect in the tree hollows for drinking.
ओगोल्‍योक्‌ʔo.go.lyokअ. मू.नगर्नलाई फुकाउनेonomdeterred, dissuaded
ओघʔo.ghəना.जीवन, आयुnlifespan, existenceबाङ्‌कोः ओधच्‍युक्‌पाय्‌ स्‍याक्‌तैह्‌इलीbaŋkoʔ ʔoghəcyukpay syaktəyhʔiliOur lifespan is not that of the rocks.
ओङःʔoŋʔना.ठोक्रोnquiver or pendant hung around neck and made of bambooलाः काआक्‌तीकोः ओङः हास्‌ती लात्‌उlaʔ kaʔaktiko ʔoŋʔ hasti latʔuHaving put the arrows in the quiver put it on and carry it.
ओङ्‌साʔoŋ‑अ. क्रि.सुध्रनु, बादल उघ्रनुviease off, improve (cloud, sickness), lighten (sky)
ओङ्‌हसाʔoŋh‑व. क्रि.खुल्‍नु, खोल्‍नुvaopened up, removed (cover), give access to (contents), begin to clear (rain)तेन्‌ न्‍याम्‌ ओङ्‌हती मुनाः मुस्‌ बल क्रव्‌नाः य्‍हुदा वाङ्‌नाःten nyam ʔoŋhti munaʔ mus bələ krəwnaʔ hyuda waŋnaʔToday the sky has begun to clear, the cloud is going - winter is coming.
ओजायःʔo.jayʔअ. मू.चोखो, शुद्धonompure, unmixed, free from evil influenceतीःमा मारुःमा वानःमाःत वेर्‌मा वानःमाःत ओजायःत खाले तीःकोः तीः वाताक्‌नौtiʔma maruʔma wanʔmaʔtə werma wanʔmaʔtə ʔojayʔtə khale tiʔkoʔ tiʔ wataknəwHe brings rain without wind and hail, only pure rain.
ओत्‌सा1ʔot‑स. क्रि.हग्‍नु, बियाउनु, जन्‍माउनुvtvoid, defecate, give birthमोमःचोःचोः ओत्‌आकाचुmomʔcoʔcoʔ ʔotʔakacuThey had a daughter born to them.
ओत्‌सा2ʔot‑स. क्रि.सड्‌नु, कुहुनुvtrot, be rotten, perished (wood, cloth)इ सीङःपाय्‌ ओत्‌ती वाय्‌ओआःʔi siŋʔpay ʔotti wayʔoʔaThis wood has rotted away.
ओथोक्‌सीङःʔo.thok.siŋʔना.मकिएको वा फोस्रो दाउरोnrotten wood or treeकालाय्‍ङ्‌इ सीङः ओथोक्‌ व्‍हात्‌ती ङ्‌हालः जाङ्‌हनौkalayŋʔʔi siŋʔ ʔothok hwatti hŋalʔ jaŋhnəwThe Carpenter-bee bores a hole in soft wood to make its comb.
ओदरःवाःʔo.dərʔ.waʔस. क्रि.एक जातको चराvta lowland bird
ओदाय्‌साʔ‑स. क्रि.अली उठाउनुvtbudge, lift object slightlyओउः सीङः च्‍युन्‌ती योआकान्‌ ती ओदाय्‌सामा दाक्‌उलुʔowʔ siŋʔ cyunti yoʔakan ti ʔodaysama dakʔuluHe tried to lift the tree, but could not move it.
ओधान्‌ʔo.dhanना.ओधानncooking tripod, iron
ओन्‌ʔonना.खरnhatch, thatch grassओन्‌ चप्‌ती थाल्‌सा परनाःʔon cəpti thalsa pərənaʔThe thatching with grass must be started. Imperata arundinacia
ओपाक्‌ʔop.ʔakना.खोस्‍टो, केराको थामको पत्रबाट बनेको ठोक्रोnouter layer or leaf (of corncob, bamboo, banana); container (bamboo), banana-stalk container for holding flying termites (used as bird bait)मीन्‌ कासाकाय:ओपाक्‌ तात्‌ती जाङ्‌हती खाय्‌आकाचु min kasakay ʔopʔak tatti jaŋhti khayʔakacuThey cut and made a container to put termites in.
ओपोःसाʔopoʔ‑स. क्रि.थुन्‍नु (सास)vthold in, hold breathगुच्‍युक्‌ ज्‍याडःतोतेः ओपोःसा खाय्‌तेःनौ?gucyuk jyaŋʔtoteʔ ʔopoʔsa khayteʔnəwʔHow long can you hold your breath?
ओप्‌साʔop‑स. क्रि.भुङ्‌ग्रोमा घुसार्नुvtpush right into midst (hot coals etc.), cook by doing thisम्‍हेःकोः युर्‌ भीत्र गोयः ओप्‌ती फुःसा खे:तो hmeʔkoʔ yur bhitrə goyʔ ʔopti phuʔsa kheʔtoYams should be roasted right in the coals.
ओबाव्‌साʔo.bawस. क्रि.दाउरा खप्‍टनुvtstack firewood
ओमःपायःसाʔomʔ.payʔ‑स. क्रि.संरक्षण गर्नु, छोप्‍नु, ढाक्‍नुvtprotect, cover (as cloud over ground), do with careनाङ्‌कोः चोःलम्‌कायः पेतो हायःती ओमःपायःती गम्‌उnaŋkoʔ coʔləmkayʔ peto hayʔti ʔomʔpayʔti gəmʔuLook after your children well.

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