Chepang - Nepali - English

ना.वा, पनि, समेतnAlternative; or (Inclusive), as wellओउः मान्‍ता न तीःहाङःआ ज्‍युप्‌आ न तीःइ आलःआथैʔowʔ manta nə tiʔhaŋʔʔa jyupʔa nə tiʔʔi ʔalʔʔathəy That man may have drowned, he may have been carried away by the water.
नङ्‌साnəŋ‑स. क्रि.घाँटीमा अड्‌किनु, निल्‍न गार्‍हो हुनुvtstick in throat or flesh, swallow with difficultly (causing pain)चाक्‌ओ गोयःइ नङ्‌आताङः cakʔo goyʔʔi nəŋʔataŋʔ Hard yam stuck in my throat.
नथnə.thəना.नत्‍थnan ornament, nosering, 4-7cm diam., silver
नय्‍ङ्‌ह्‌nəyŋhना.थाकलna plant, ground palm, c. 1 m. high, thorny stalk, edible, hard-skinned root sc. Cycas pectinataनय्‍ङ्‌ह भीत्रकोः गोयः तारःती जेःनानी nəyŋh bhitrəkoʔ goyʔ tarʔti jeʔnani The root in centre of the palm is cut out and eaten.
नरक्‌साnə.rək‑अ. क्रि.पेट साह्रो भएको महसुस गर्नुvibe choked with emotion, have "lump" in chest (after eating much sweet potato)र्‍याःओ मान्‍ता नोःसा खायःनीली हाव्‌नै नरक्‌तो मुनाःryaʔʔo manta noʔsa khaynili nərəkto munaʔA crying person cannot speak, they are choked with emotion.
नरायःसाnə.rayʔ‑स. क्रि.अशुद्व, दुषित पार्नु, बिमार पैदा गर्नु, कमजोर पार्नुvtdefile, contaminate, weaken, cause sickness or wasting away (through contamination from a dead body, by having dirty, unwashed skin, etc.)काःरयःइ नरायःचाःतय्‍हीkaʔrəyʔʔi nərayʔcaʔtəyhiThe body dirt may cause us long-lasting weakness.
नर्‌nər(ə)‑स. क्रि.घाँटीमा अड्‌किनुvtcatch, cause lump in throatदुगोयःइ जेःआक्‌तीको गुक्‌ नरआताङः dugoyʔʔi jeʔʔaktiko guk nərəʔataŋʔ When eating sweet potato it causes a lump in my throat.
नर्‌पुन्‌nər.punना.ओठnlipम्‍होतोङःकोः नर्‌पुन्‌हाङः वाःचा थानाःhmotoŋʔkoʔ nərpunhaŋʔwaʔca thanaʔ Cold sores come on the lips.
नर्‌सीnər.siना.एक जातको रूखna tree, large with fine, yellow flowers, black edible fruit, fodder
नह्र्‌साnərh‑व. क्रि.खुम्‍चिनु, चाउरी पर्नु,vacrumpled, wrinkled, crinkled, foldedक्‍वाखेइ जेल्‍ह्‌ नह्र्‌ताक्‌आकान्‌ kwakheʔi jelh nərhtakʔakan His friend had crumpled his forehead (by hitting it).
नलःसाnəlʔ‑अ. क्रि.धार बाङ्‌गिनुvibend or dent edge of blade somewhat (with striking stone etc.)
नल्‌nəlना.गिजाngum (of mouth)नल्‌सै सय्‍क्‌ दुङ्‌नाः nəlsəy səyk duŋnaʔTeeth grow from the gums.
नल्‌गाल्‌सीङःnəŋʔना.एक जातको ठूलो रूखna tree, large, yellow flowers, bark used for rope
नल्‍ह्‌साnəlh‑अ. क्रि.धार बाङ्‌गिनुvibend or dent edge of blade badly (with striking stone etc.)रामा बाङ्‌ ङायःती नल्‍ह्‌नाःrama baŋ ŋayʔti nəlhʔa Having hit a stone the sickle (blade-edge) is bent.
नवःरयःnəwʔ.rəyʔना.मैलो, खस्रो छालाngrimy, rough skinनवःरयः बलजम्‌कोः जेस्‌ओइ आलःल nəwʔrəyʔ bələjəmkoʔ jesʔoʔi ʔalʔlə Grime is not removed by only a little washing.
नवःसाnəwʔ‑अ. क्रि.ठाडो हुनु (बिरुवा)vistand erect, upright again (plant, after flopping)प्‍लेत्‌ओ कदौ नवःती च्‍योक्‌नाः pletʔo kədəw nəwʔti cyoknaʔTransplanted millet stands upright.
नव्‌आङ्‌गीnəw.ʔaŋ.giना.चेपाङ जातिको चाडna Chepang festival, Chonam
नव्‍ह्‌राङ्‌nəwh.raŋना.सिकारुnnovice, inexperienced person (esp. in shaman's work)नव्‍ह्‌राङ्‌ पान्‍दे चोक्‌धाङ्‌लnəwhraŋ pande cokdhaŋlə A novice shaman is not experienced.
नाःnaʔना.दिदीnolder sisterदाह्‌आलाङी बह्‌ सुम्‌ नाःचोङ्‌लेःdahʔalaŋi bəh sum naʔcoŋleʔ We three sisters have arrived, uncle.
नाकास्राक्‌naka.srakस. क्रि.चाका (माउरीको )vtcomb (of bees) with both honey and grubs
नाक्‌nakना.नागnmythical serpent god, inhabiting water sources, streams etc. - if not placated causes landslidesतीः पोक्‌आक्‌तीको नाक्‌रु स्‍याव्‌ती एनःआकाचtiʔ pokʔaktiko nakru syawti ʔenʔʔakacəHaving entered the water the two (sisters) became Nag snakes and lay on the bottom.
नाक्‌सन्‌मा/पाnak.səना.अकास, भुमीको देउताngods of ground, sky
नाक्‌साnak‑स. क्रि.अँगालो हाल्‍नुvthold to oneself, embrace, cherish; (ch.) take up spiritलौ ङाइ नाक्‌भनाङ्‌सु दा ləw ŋaʔi nakbhənaŋʔsu I will always cherish them.