Chepang - Nepali - English

ʔiसर्व.योprothisइ ङाकोःमा: मुआनाःʔi ŋakoʔmaʔ muʔanaʔThis also is mine.
इःʔiʔसर्व.यहींprothis hereएत वेःसै ङोय्‌सै रीक्‌तीलेः आलःनानी कोय्‌ इःसै कोय्‌ उःसैʔetə weʔsəy ŋoysəy riktileʔ ʔalʔnani koy ʔiʔsəy koy ʔuʔsəyThey bound the left and right sides, some from this way some from this (other) way.
इक्‌नम्‌ʔik.nəmक्रि.वि.पाँच दिनअगाडिadvfive days ago
इक्‌पुःʔik.puʔक्रि.वि.तीन वर्षपछिadvthree years hence
इक्‌सैʔik.səyक्रि.वि.पाँच दिनपछिadvfive days hence
इचीʔi.ciसर्व.यत्रो (सानो)prothis (very small)इची मय्‌तो ग्‍याप्‌च्‍युक्‌ ताङ्‌हओ खे:तोʔici məyto gyapcyuk taŋhʔo kheʔtoIt was as small as this tiny needle.
इच्‍युक्‌ʔi.cyukक्रि.वि.यतीadvthis much
इतʔi.təक्रि.वि.यसरीadvthus, in this wayइत्‌ कायःती ह नोःसा खेःतोʔitə hayʔti hə noʔsa kheʔtoOne should only speak like this.
इताङ्‌ʔi.taŋक्रि.वि.यताadvhitherमान्‍ता इताङ्‌ उताङ क्रव्‌आकायmanta ʔitaŋ ʔutaŋ krəwʔakayPeople fled this way and that.
इनीःसाʔiniʔ‑व. क्रि.खुकुलो हुनुvaloose, wobbly (somewhat)इ सय्‍क्‌ इनीःनाःʔi səyk ʔiniʔnaʔThis tooth is somewhat loose.
इन्‍दरीʔindəriना.दक्षिणnsouth, southern place
इपीःसाʔipiʔ‑स. क्रि.अत्तालिनु, धकाउनुvtcatch breath, gasp, wheeze, breathe with difficultyसास्‌ इपीःनाङ्‌सsas ʔipiʔnaŋsəMy breathing is difficult.
इमीःʔim(i)ʔ‑अ. क्रि.बदली हुनु, अँध्‍यारो हुनुviarken, become overcast (sky)मुस्‌ भोय्‌ती इमीःती च्‍याक्‌नाःmus bhoyti ʔimiʔti cyaknaʔCloud comes up and it gets darker.
इर्‌छीक्‌ʔir.chikक्रि.एक्‍लै बस्‍नु (सानो मान्‍छे)vsit alone (small person)इर्‌छीक्‌ त च्‍युङःती मुनाःʔirchik tə cyuŋʔti munaʔHe sits, small and alone.
इलीःसाʔiliʔ‑व. क्रि.फुस्‍कनु, खुकुलो हुनुvawobble, come looseइ सय्‍क्‌ इलीःनाःʔi səyk ʔiliʔnaʔThis tooth is wobbly.
इस्‌ती फुःसाʔis.ti phuʔ‑स. क्रि.पोल्‍नु (भुप्रो मुनी घुसारेर पोल्‍नु)vtroast under hot coals
इस्‌लाङʔis.laŋना.एक खालको रोटी (कोदोको पीठोको)nbread, made of millet flour
इस्‌साʔis‑व. क्रि.भुङ्‌ग्रोमा राख्‍नु (पातको बीचमा), तहमा घुसाउनु, सुताउनु (नानीलाई)vabe or put between or within (esp. place food between leaves to cook it in hot coals, put child to bed)ङाः लोःकुस्‌इ इस्‌ती जेःनाःŋaʔ loʔkusʔi ʔisti jeʔnaʔFish are put between leaves to cook and eat.
इहाङःʔi.haŋʔक्रि.वि.यहाँadvhereइहाङः मुनाःʔihaŋʔ munaʔIt is here.
इह्‌ʔihसर्व.यहीं नैproDemonstrative (Proximal Emphatic); this right hereइह्‌ नीङ्‌कोः चोः इ ङाकोःले:ʔih niŋkoʔ coʔ ʔi ŋakoʔleʔThis one right here is your child, this (other) is mine.