Chepang - Nepali - English

खक्‌साkhək‑स. क्रि.निकाल्‍नु, कोर्नुvtexpel from between, force out, comb outम्‍याङ्‌लम्‌ क्रन्‍ह्‌ती खक्‌ती तीस्‌तीताङः वाङ्‌तोmyaŋləm krənhti khəkti tistitaŋʔ waŋto Combing, brushing out and plaiting their hair they came.
खगवःkhə.gəwʔना.खप्‍पर, अस्‍तुnskull topमान्‍तापाय्‌ तालाङ्‌कोः खगवः पक्‌आ त खेःया सीनाःmantapay talaŋkoʔ khə.gəw pəkʔa tə kheʔya sinaʔ If a person breaks their skull they die.
खङःसाkhəŋʔ‑स. क्रि.छोडाउनु, खुर्कनु (दाँतले)vtpeel, skin with teethकोक्‌सायः खङःती जेःनाःkoksayʔ khəŋʔti jeʔnaʔ koksayʔThe fruit is skinned with the teeth and eaten.
खङ्‌साkhəŋ‑स. क्रि.धुसमुन्‍टिनु, घोप्‍टो पार्नुvtfall on face; skin face, scrape teeth in fallचोःलम्‌ तोन्‌ती खङ्‌नाःइसीcoʔləm tonti khəŋnaʔʔisi Children skin their faces when they fall.
खन्‌साkhən‑व. क्रि.बाउँडिनु, नसो सड्‌कनु, मासु पेट दम्‍को बेथाvabe stiff, sore, cramped (muscle)दुमायःहाङः खन्‌तो जीक्‌नाः dumayʔhaŋʔ khənto jiknaʔ The muscle is stiff and cramped.
खम्‌बीkhəm.biना.बादलको मुस्‍लो, लुगाको मुजाnbillows (of cloud), folds of clothमुस्‌ खम्‌बी नाःतो लन्‍ह्‌आ mus khəmbi naʔto lənhʔa Masses of billowing cloud have arisen
खयःसाkhəyʔ‑क्रि.बेवास्‍ता गर्न खोज्‍नुvdislike someone, seek to avoid someone because of dislikeओउःकः ङा आन खयःनाङःʔowʔkəʔ ŋa ʔanə khəyʔnaŋʔ I don't like to meet him.
खय्‌khəyना.खियाnrustङाकोः रामापाय्‌ खय्‌इ जेःती वाय्‌आ ŋakoʔ ramapay khəyʔi jeʔti wayʔa Rust has damaged my sickle.
खय्‌अर्‌सीङःkhəy.ʔər.siŋʔना.खयरको रूखna tree, from which gum is extracted, Acacia Catechu
खय्‌जनःचुःkhəy.jənʔ.cuʔना.एक जातको काँडे बोटna kind of thorny plant
खय्‌बाङ्‌चुःkhəy.baŋ.cuʔना.एक जातको काँडे बोटna kind of thorny plant
खय्‍ह्‌khəyhना.खुट्‌किलो, खुट्टा टेक्‍ने ठाउँ, हातले समात्‍ने ठाउँnhand or foothold (natural)खय्‍ह्‌ मुनाः त खेःया बाङ्‌ अक्‌सा खाय्‌नाःkhəyh munaʔ tə kheʔya baŋ ʔəksa khaynaʔ If there is a handhold a stone can be raised up.
खरःसाkhərʔ‑स. क्रि.चिथोर्नु, कोर्नु (काँडा)vtscratch, pierce (thorn, twig)तोन्‌तोक्‌हाङः ङाकायः सीङःकोः केङ्‌का खरःती वयःताक्‌आताङः tontokhaŋʔ ŋakayʔ siŋʔkoʔ keŋka khərʔti wəyʔtakʔataŋʔ When I fell twigs scratched and caused bleeding.
खर्‌कान्‍दाkhər.kan.daना.खड्‌कुँलोnpot, large iron or copper cooking potयात्‌ खर्‌कान्‍दा सातीताङः धाह्‌आक्‌चुyat khərkanda satitaŋʔ dhahʔakcuThe couple heated a large pot of oil.
खर्‌दाङ्‌साkhər.daŋ‑अ. क्रि.बटारिनु, छट्‌पटिनु, (पीडाले)viwrithe in painदुप्‍लीइ नेःती झ्‍यान्‍ते ओउः गोःस्‍याः खर्‌दाङ्‌ती प्रात्‌ती मुआdupliʔʔi neʔti jhyante ʔowʔ goʔsyaʔ khərdaŋti pratti muʔo The civet was writhing in pain.
खह्र्‌साkhərh‑व. क्रि.कडा हुन, कडा हुनु, पीरो हुनु (धुँवा आदि)vaharsh, severe (person, speech), sharp, irritating (smoke, dust etc.)म्‍हे:कु: आन खह्र्‌तो कु:ना: hmeʔ kuʔ ʔanə khərhto kuʔnaʔ Smoke is very irritating.
खलक्‌khə.ləkना.खलक, जात, कूलnclan, sortओउः मान्‍ता उगर्‌ खलक्‌कोः लेःआःʔowʔ manta ʔugər khələkkoʔ leʔʔa That man is one of the Ugər clan.
खव्‌रkhəw.rəना.चिउराnpounded and roasted rice
खव्‌साkhəw‑व. क्रि.ताँबो वा पित्तले नमिठो स्‍वाद हुनुvahave coppery or brassy taste, smell (after leaving food in metal pot)इ आम्‍ह्‌ खव्‌ती सय्‍ङ्‌नाः त खेःआ हास्‌गार्‌सी:नाः ʔi ʔamh khəwti səyŋnaʔ tə kheʔʔa hasgarsiʔnaʔ This food has a brassy smell and makes one feel sick.
खव्‍ह्‌साkhəwh‑स. क्रि.फहराउनु, चिथोर्नु, फहराउनु, कोर्नुvtscratch surface, cut (sharp object) not deeply, grazeजोक्‌तो तव्‍ह्‌सा खाय्‌मालो साःकायः खव्‍ह्‌ती तव्‍ह्‌सा हjokto təwhsa khaymalo saʔkayʔ khəwhti təwhsa hə Soil that cannot be cultivated deeply is to be given a only light tilling.
खःसाkhəʔ‑व. क्रि.वक्‍क पार्‌ने हुनु, फुल्‍नु (पेट), दिक्‍क लग्‍नुvabe satiating, nauseating,cause loathing
खस्‌अन्‍तkhəs.ʔən.təक्रि.वि.नेपालीadvNepali (esp. in reference to the Nepali language)
खस्‌साkhəs‑व. क्रि.कोत्रनु, खस्रोvabe rough, scratchy texture (food), abrade, graze skinओउः बाङ्‌इ थुङ्‌ती खस्‌आथैʔowʔ baŋʔi thuŋti khəsʔathəy The stone bumped and grazed him.
खाःkhaʔ1ना.पेट र तिघ्रो बीचको कापngroin2ना.बिखnpoisonous fluid (of tuber)