yaa1vbranch, turn (right or left)
yaa2bəyaa1/2nprincess, king's daughter
yaka1v1ascend, go up, increase2high3rise4climb
yaka2vincubate, set (on eggs)
yakasi2v1raise, put up, lift2praise, adore, honour3upgrade, promote4turn up5overflow6enthrone7swell (stomach)
yali1vhusk (corn), crash (P)
yali2biyali7/8nhandle of knife, cutlass or axe
yamv1flat2broad, wide3large, big
yamsiv1flatten2widen3make an opening
yani1kiyani5/27nvalley in between two rivers
yaŋav1sweep2wipe off (excreta)3wipe your nose
yaŋsi1vexercise, make sport
yaŋsi2v1be light (not heavy)2underweight
yaŋsi3vfast, smart (player)
yatɔkɔv1release or let out2allow (P)
yayavcarry on the shoulders (children only)
yenebəyene1/2nlong cocoyam pounded to make achu
yɛbɛɛinterjexclamation of surprise at an unfortunate thing