Browse Copala Triqui – English



achén achen⁴v1pass, walkpasarCuana̱ cachén xnii. The boy walked by just now. (at this moment)Ahorita pasó el niño. (en este instante) (of time)pasar (de tiempo)Semaná caché manj nacaa̱ ndo'o. Last week I had a feverLa semana pasada tuve mucha calentura.3run out, be used upterminarseCaché na rque scaa. The water in the jug is used up.Se terminó el agua en el jarrafón. up4leak, come outtraspasar, filtrar, gotearAchén nihaa rque co'oo. The soup leaked out of the bowl.La sopa se filtró del plato.5strike (of an earthquake)impactir, ocurrir (de un terremoto)... ne̱ cachén yuún, ne̱ caman' ndo'o maa̱n yahi̱j na̱nj ado̱nj....and there was an earthquake and a severe hailstorm. REV 11:19bcomp.tacuachéndeliver, bringtucuachépass
achén rá v1complete (a term of office)complir (un cargo)Cachén sa̱' rá síí nicaj suun The authority completed his term well.La autoridad concluyó satisfactoriamente su cargo.2die (euphemistic)cachén sa̱' rá so' nda̱a 'ó chumii̱ He passed to another world.Él pasó en el otro mundo.3complete (an action)cumplir (un acción)Cachén sa̱' rá no' cuchruj no' ne'ej She delivered her baby safely.Ella tuvo a su bebé sano y salvo
achiin achiin³v1neednecesitar, faltarTza̱j ne̱ nu̱' rasu̱u̱n achiin man soj ro', a̱j ne'en Rej soj síí nicu̱n' xta̱' se vaa achiin nu̱' rasu̱u̱n yo' man soj ado̱nj. But all the things that you need, your father who is above knows all the things that are necessary for you.and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. MAT 6:32b.. ne̱ rqué nij se-mo̱zó Diose̱ me ma'a̱n se cachiin rihaan Jesucristó a. and angels gave Jesus what he needed.MRK 1:13ne̱ ne'e soj me suun nij rasu̱u̱n chi'ii̱, ne̱ ne'e soj me suun nij rasu̱u̱n achiin rihaan chiháán soj, and you know the needs of your towns,y saben las necesidades de sus pueblos,Nana̱ na 36.1Mariá achiin rmedió man cuana. Maria is lacking medicine right now. lacking
achíín achiin⁵vask forpedirDan³² me³ ze³² cachij³² xa³na¹ ta'nii⁵ roj¹ zo'³ ne² ca'na'³ zii⁵ cachiin⁵ ta'nii⁵ roj¹ zo'³ a³².It happened that the woman, their child, grew up, and a man came who asked for their child.Thunder 5.1Sese achíín yo'o̱ so' rasu̱u̱n mán so̱', ne̱ go̱' so̱' se achiin man so' ei. If a person asks a thing of you, give what he needs.Give to the one who asks you, and do not turn away from the one who wants to borrow from you. MAT 5:42acomp.achíín ni'ya̱jask a favor prayachíín xná'anjask
achíín ni'ya̱j achiin⁵ ni'yaj¹³v1ask a favorpedir un favor, pedir permisoNihánj me se, achíín ni'ya̱j uxrá rihaan soj, ne̱ cara̱a̱x'naa soj rihaanj, se me ma'a̱n nana̱ nii cavii sa̱' qui'yáj,Here I will ask your pardon and that you forgive me if I have misspoken, Les pido permiso para hablar y discúlpenme si no he dicho bien alguna de mis palabras, Nana̱ na 70.1This verb is followed by rihaan, and the object of rihaan controls a following verb in the potential aspect. Sometimes the controlled verb is preceded by ne̱.2prayorarcomp. ofachíínni'ya̱j
achíín xná'anj achiin⁵ xna⁵'anj³²vaskpreguntarCa'na' tanuu yuve̱ cachíín xná'anj se chuvi̱i̱ so̱'.The detective came to ask your name.El detective vino a preguntar por tu nombre. ofachíínxná'anj
achij achij³²v1growcrecerCa'na' na ya'a̱nj rihaan chumii̱ tza̱j ne̱ taj 'o̱ quij síj cachij rihaan na ya'a̱nj má'.The flood came to the world, but there wasn't any mountain that was able to grow more than the flood. Copala T 2.12riselevantarse5. (children), rear
achij quij achij³² quij³²vgrow up wild, like savagescrecer como salvajesVej ma'an se cachij quij ní' ne̱.We just grow up like savages.Nada mas crecimos como meros salvajes.Nana̱ na 30.4
achíj ráatʃih⁵ ra⁴dial. var. ofachríj rárealizecomp. ofachríj
achin' achin'³vburyenterrarQuii cachin' nii man yuvii̱ cavi' Yesterday they buried the person that diedAyer enterraron la persona que murio7.3.2.6Put in7.3.7Cover2.6.6.5Bury
achráá achraa⁵vsingcantarAchráá nij xtaj. The birds sing. Los pajaros cantan.
achran' achran'³tucuachran'comp. oftu-vbreakromper, quebrarCachran' chruun nacoo̱. The dry tree brokeSe quebró el árbol seco.7.8.1Break
achríj achrij⁵v1smearuntarNado' yo' coj a̱zvaa ton va ane̱ 'o̱ lle̱ cachríj maa ne̱. She looked for leaves that looked like blood and smeared herself completely.Ella buscó unas hojas que se veían como sangre y se untó completamente.Legend o, smear2put, plantmeter, sembrar, plantarAyaj yu'uj me raj achri̱j agüeé. I am making a hole to plant coffee. Estoy haciendo un hoyo para sembrar café.6.2.4Tend a field6.2.3Plant a fieldaxríjcomp.achríj rárealize
achríj rá achrij⁵ ra⁴v1suspectsospecharAchríj rá tanuu so̱' tume cacun' The police suspect that you are guilty.La policia sospecha que tu eres culpable.Niháᶇj me cutaj ico̠ dolares tzaj ne̠ vaa o síí cata'a 'u̠n' dolares si'yaj achríj ráj Juán cata'a man yo'. I put twenty dollars here, but someone took five from me, and I suspect that John took it.Aquí puse veinte dolares, pero alguien me tomó cinco dolares y sospecho que Juán los tomó. so3.2.5.3Doubt2realize, notice; realizedarse cuentaADan me se caxríj rá Pedró se vaa ya̱ curiha̱nj so' taga', ga̱a ne̱ cataj so': Then Peter came to himself and said... ACT 12:íj rácomp. ofachríj
achríj ya'andial. var. ofaxríj ya'anput in fire
achrón achron⁴v1writeescribirDa̱nj ca'mii nij so' che'é nana̱ nihánj nana̱ cachrón síí nata' se-na̱na̱ Diose̱ rihaan yanj a: They said this about these words, the word that the prophets wroteMAT 2:5c3.5.7.1Write2putponerCachron caya̠ so̠' lapé rihaan mesá.Put the marker upright on the table.Cachrón so̠' letrá rihaan yanj cano̠ rihaan ti'yaa cataj narán gui̠' ní' ti'yaa cuan'. Put a sign that says that we are going to close early today on the door.Pon en la puerta una señal que diga vamos a cerrar temprano hoy.3playtocarAchrón no' aga' anó.She plays the bell.Ella toca la campana.
aco' aco'³vtouch, bump into, trip overtocar, chocar con, pegar, tropezarseAco' che'ej yahij I am tripping over rocks.Me tropezco con la piedraUsed for involuntary touching. If with the hand, use aco'3 ra'' ya'anburn
acó aco⁴vcry, weepllorar, sollozarNucua̱j ndo'o acó ne'ejThe baby cries very loudly.El bebe llora a gritos.
aco' ya'an aco'³ ya'an³²vburn, to lightincendiarse, encender Aco' ya'an rá ve'. The light in the house is on. Está encendida la luz en la casa. Ase vaa síí nica̱j aga' chuguu̱n aco' ya'an ro', da̱nj ga̱a̱ soj ei.keep your lamps burning, mantenga sus lámparas encendidasLUK 12:35bcomp. ofaco'ya'an
acojacoj³cfcojvbe cold; get coldhacer frio; estar frioDió ayuu yu've' acoj ndo'o. During the snowy season it is very cold. Durante el tiempo de la nevada hace mucho frio. This word is used for the weather.
acój acoj⁵vshape, fashion (wood)tallar, tajar (madera)Acój so' chruun gun nichraa. He is shaping the wood to make a batten for the loom.El está tallando la madera para hacer un machete de telar.
acuij raa̠ vbe smart-headedser inteligente, ser de amplio visiónSíí acuij raa̠ achiin nihánj. We need clear-headed people here.Aqui necesitamos gente de lucidezAcui̠j raa̠ JuánJuan is intelligentJuán es inteligente3.1.2.1Alertcacui̠jcomp. ofraa̱Older spellingráácomp. ofraa̱Older spellingráá
acuij rihaan vbe very observantestar muy observativoJuán me 'o̱ síí acuij ndo'o rihaan ne̱ cuaj nari' so' cachra̱a̱ so' ya'anj Juan is very smart and will quickly learn to play the guitar.Juan es muy inteligente y muy pronto va a aprender a tocar la guitarra. ofrihaancomp. ofrihaan
adi̱'emphatic particleThe grammar of this particle is not well-understood.