Browse Copala Triqui – English



cachriin coronancrowncorona
cachriin xréé cuchri'nsteering wheelvolanteNica̱j yu'unj so̱' do̱j cachriin xréé cuchri' ne̱ tumíj 'u̱nj scanu̱j. Can you hold the steering wheel a second while I tie my shoes?Puedes maniobrar tantito el volante mientras amarro mis zapatos. comp. ofcachriinxréécuchri'
cachrínj cachrinj⁵nclam, oyster, shellfishalmeja, ostión, moluscoCa'a̱nj ndo'o rej nuu na ya'a̱nj ne̱ nara̱nj cachrínj. I am going to the sea to gather oysters. Voy al mar para recojer ostiones. animals
cachu̱n' ca³chun'¹n1puppettiterease', síí nica̱j ndo'o tucuáán sa̱' me so', ase raj ne̱, une' soj man ma'a̱n se guun se cachu̱n' uun soj ne̱, Possibly he is a person with a lot of experience, or possibly you've named a puppet A lo mejor es una persona de mucha experiencia o a lo mejor nombraron a un títereNana̱ na nii man nij síí ran' rá callé rej cache̱n Pedró, che'é se sese se ca̱chu̱n' Pedró cano̱ xráá nij síí ran' ne̱ nahu̱un so', rá nij yuvii̱ a. They lay the ones who were sick on the road where Peter passed so that if his shadow came over one who was sick, he would recover (thought the people)so that at least Peter’s shadow might fall on some of them as he passed by.ACT 5:15b8.
cacui̠jdial. var. ofacuij raa̠be smartcomp. ofraa̱comp. ofraa̱
cacun' cacun'³n1sinpecado4.7.3Break the law4.9.9Irreligion4.3.8Change behavior2harm, damagedaño3blame, guiltculpaDan me se si̱j vaa nica̱ nimán me so', ne̱ guun rá so' cata̱j xna'anj so' rihaan nij síí nica̱j suun, tzaj̱ ne̱ guun vij̱ rá so', ne̱ ne ca've̱j rá so' cuta̱' so' cacun' xráá chana̱ cu'na̱j Mariá rihaan nij síí nica̱j suun a. And the one who was to be her husband didn't want to say anythng to the authorities, but... and he did not want to put blame on the woman named Mary to the authorities.Matthew 2.3Nij soj si̱j me síí nica̱j suun ve'é cuña̱a̱n ca'ne' soj cacun' man nij yuvii̱. You the authorities, be fair when imparting justice.Ustedes las autoridades sean imparciales en impartir la justicia a las personas.Nana̱ na 44.1Tza̱j ne̱ tumé xcuu cu'na̱j xtaa do̱j tzín' cacun' a.Pero el animal que se llama águila tiene poco de culpa.The Eagl 5.1comp.a'ne' … cacun'judge commandtumé ... cacun'be guilty; be at fault uta'...cacun'blame
cafeédial. var. ofagüeécoffee
caj npolevigaJuán ga̠ rej Juán ata̠ 'o̠ caj Juan and Juan's father are carrying a beam.Juan y su padre cargan una viga7.3.1Carry
callé caye⁴nstreetcalle
camá cama⁴nmattresscamaNe̱ Jesucristó me se na̱j so' rej sihu̱u̱ rihoo, ne̱ 'nij̱ raa̱ so' camá, otoj so' a. Jesus was in the stern, and laying his head on a cushion, sleeping. MRK 4:37b
canee canee³²npit, abyssabismo, derrumbe, pozoCha̱a̱ míj se̱ guun rá nij soj tanij nij soj man nij soj rihaan canee; Never consider lowering yourself into the pitNunca considere bajarse al abismoNana̱ na, shallow1.2.1.5Underground
canique̱ canique¹³adjdirtysucio, groseroNa'yá' so̱' vaa nique̱ ra'á so̱'. Wash your hands because they are dirty.Lávate las manos, las tienes sucias.5.6.1Clean, dirty
Cani'ya̱a̱ proper.nPueblaPuebla
canj canj³cftacanjnsandalhuarache, sandaliaMe daj canuu tacanj so̱ ga̱. How much did your sandals cost?Cuánto te costó tus huaraches?5.3.2Women's clothing5.3.1Men's clothing
cánj canj⁵adjnakeddesnudoNi me ya̱ naxra' nij to'loo ca̱nj. There were a lot of roosters without feathers.Había un montón de gallos pelones.unspec.̱nj
canó cano⁴1alltodosCanó ní' nó xcúún ve'é nica̱j tuvi'…We all have the responsibility to get along with each other...Todos tenemos la responsabilidad de llevarnos bien…Nana̱ na 22.12all kinds oftodos tipos de, todos clases deCaraa nij xcuu canó nij xcuu xcuu tacanj xcuu ru'vej xcuu canó nij xcuu xtáj ro' ca'níí nij xrque nuj ne̱ vaa gue̱e̱ xtaj nicun' vaa. They filled it with insects, all kinds of insects, paper wasps, potter wasps, insects… all kinds of stinging insects. They put them into the hide and it appeared as if the deer were standing.Lo llenaron de insectos, todo tipo de insectos, avispas rojas, avispas negras, insectos… todo tipo de insectos que pican. Los metieron adentro de la piel y parecía que el venado estaba parado.Legend o 1.2
canu̱j ca³nuj¹³nshoezapatoMe canu̱j 'nij tacoó so̱' cuana̱ ga̱. What kind of shoes are you wearing now?¿Qué tipo de zapato tienes puesto ahorita?5.3.2Women's clothing5.3.1Men's clothing
caquííkaki:⁵dial. var. ofaquííearring nailcomp.ya'aj caquíícloves
caridá carida⁴ncharitycaridad6.8.3.2Generous6.8.3Share wealth4.3.4Do good to6.8.3.1Give, donate
carrerá carera⁴n1degreecarreraSoj tinavij me ma'a̱n 'o̱ carrerá …You who have completed your degreeUstedes que hayan terminado la carreraNana̱ na 38.12professionprofesíon
cartá carta⁴nlettercartaJuán ca'níí cartá rihaan chana̱ nica̱ so'. Juan sent a letter to his wife.Juan envió una carta a su esposa.
casté caste⁴oil (for the hair)gel, brillantina5.4.3.4Hairstyle
catu̱n' catun'¹adjthindelgadoCatu̱n' ndo'o caché so̱' xráá yume sanahoriá.Clean the carrot very thin.Limpia la zanahoria muy delgada.
catuu̱n catuun³¹n1waistcintura… ne̱ quirii Jesucristó cotoó nu̱u̱ so', ne̱ cata'aa so' 'o̱ yatzíj toalla, ne̱ tumíj so' catuu̱n so' a. and Jesus took off the shirt he was wearing, took a towel, and wrapped it around his waist. JHN 13:42.1.2Torso2trunk (of a tree)troncoDan me se nó tu'vii yo' catuu̱n chruun a.It happened that thunder was attached to the trunk of a tree.El trueno estaba ligado al tronco de un arbol.When The of a plant3branchrama"Dan me se 'u̱nj nihánj me ma'a̱n ra'a ma̱nj coj chruj uvá, ne̱ soj me ra'a catu̱u̱n avii xráá ra'a ma̱nj ei. “I am the grape vine; you are the branches that come out on top of me." JHN 15:5aIn this sense, typically preceded by rama'.1.5.1Tree1.5.5Parts of a plant