cha'aancha'aan³cfcha'a̱annskunkzorrilloQuirii cha'aan sta'que̱e̱ yo' suun ne̱ gun' ndo'o.The skunk sprayed its urine and that is why it smells bad.El zorrillo sacó su orin por eso huele mucho.
cha'aanCopyright, SIL International 2009, CC BY-ND 3.0
cha'a̱ancha'aan¹³cfcha'aanadjskunky (smelling)a zorrillo (hedor)Gun' cha'a̠an danj chuvee.My dog smells skunky.Mi perro huele a zorrillo.
cha'ajcha'aj³n1bedbugchincheQuiri̱i̱ so' yuvéé rihaan naán ne̱ mán ndo'o cha'aj.Put the mat in the sun, because it has lots of bedbugs.Saca el petate al sol, porque tiene muchos chinches.
chaanchaan³ncrabcangrejoMán ndo'o chaan rá naa ya'anj.There are many crabs in the sea.Hay muchos cangrejos en el mar. from animals
cha'anjcha'anj³²nfestivalfiestaCa'a̱nj chee yavii julio me 'o̱ cha'anj naco̱o ndo'o yo'óó nihánj The fourth of July is a very big festival in this country. El cuatro de julio es una fiesta muy grande en este pais., show
cha'ánjcha'anj⁵vbarkladrarCunó Waán gaa̱ cha'ánj chuvee.Juan heard the dog bark.
chaca̱jdial. var. ofxcajbuy, go geta puerco, marrano (hedor o comportamiento)
chaco̱'cha³co'¹nwife of a male relativeesposa de un parienteCavi' chaco̱j nicaa tinúúj síí naco̱o.My older brother's wife passed away.Falleció la esposa de mi hermano mayor.can also refer to wives of close male friends.